Chapter 7

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August 6, 2017

The weather was really cloudy, gray and raining starting on Sunday but it just seemed to get worse as the week progressed.

Marching band had started normal school scheduled rehearsals from 3:00-6:00 on Mondays and Thursdays then 5:00-9:00 on Wednesdays and Wednesdays were in the football stadium.

The new school year also started on Monday and Harper met Peter's friends MJ and Ned. Harper, Hunter, Skylar, Peter, Ned and MJ all had Physics together.

Every day of the week also brought a different weird dream to Harper and Peter at night.

Sunday: a rainbow bridge leading from the golden palace.

Monday: high pitched cries of infants echoed through the palace of gold.

Tuesday: the calming gardens next to the palace.

Wednesday: a sweet familiar lullaby being sung.

Friday: an old man with an eyepatch and an old woman watching over something.

Thursday was different. Nothing special happened until the fourth period; Physics.

Everyone was settled into their seats and the announcements started on the small TV in the corner of the classroom.

"Good morning Midtown School of Science and Technology!" Betty Brant and Jason Ionello greeted in unison.

"Today is August 10, 2017," Jason started.

"The first week of the school year is coming to a close already. Only one day left of the week," Betty said.

"Birthdays for today include Jake Aaron, Harper Anderson and Peter Parker," Jason read from the paper in his hands, "you three, please come to the main office for a birthday treat."

"If you see any of them in your classes or in the halls, wish them a happy birthday," Betty smiled.

"Happy birthday!" the two on the screen said with feigned enthusiasm.

The entire Physics class looked to the two friends and the two looked to each other, not knowing that they shared a birthday.

"Go," Mr. Lee told them, "but hurry back."

The two nodded hesitantly as the both pushed their chair out and stood, making their way to the door.

"We have the same birthday?" Peter asked as they walked down the halls to the main office.

"Apparently so," Harper responded, twiddling her thumbs as she could only think about her dream the night before. The tune felt so familiar and it was stuck in her head but she didn't care.

Little did she know, Peter had the same thing on his mind.

They made it to the office without speaking another word then went back to class where Mr. Lee was reading a comic book to the class, his excuse was that he was waiting for the two to get back. He always had an excuse to pull out his comic books.

The rest of the day was pretty boring, except Flash tried to make comments about Harper at lunch but Peter threatened to punch him which scared him off. No one had seen Peter react like that before to Flash, but it was just Peter's natural instinct to protect Harper from anything and everything, including an idiot at school.

After school, they stayed for marching band and had 45 minutes before rehearsal started so they had time to change into more athletic and comfortable clothes and do some homework in the band room then talk for a while.

"Happy Birthday, Harper and Peter," Sarah told the two when she finished her homework and joined the conversation.

The two kept zoning out of the conversation and didn't hear her, causing the others to look at them with questioning faces, and the two eventually realized.

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