Chapter 8

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August 14, 2017

Saturday was when the dreams were getting even weirder. On Saturday, they dreamt of the old man with the eye patch walking across the rainbow bridge, he had the two infants wrapped in the pink or blue blanket. The man arrived at a golden orb at the end of the bridge and forced the man that stood at the orb, to turn a sword like a key and a portal opened and the children were taken to Earth.

Sunday was odd...

A man with almost shoulder length raven colored hair and pale skin and emerald green eyes walked into the familiar room that had been seen many times before. He wore gray pants and an emerald green tunic and a gray and green trench coat of sorts with gold highlights. He had a small smile on his face as he walked over to the center of the room.

The infant twins lay asleep in their golden cribs, as the man peered at their soft features. They were only hours old and so innocent, their auras surged with power. Their fates, destined to be full of fear and death.

"I must keep you safe," he decided, "I will protect you till my days are over. I will always be there to protect you."

He seemed to hear something or someone coming and he vanished into the air, a few green wisps slowly dissipated away as his voice resonated.


Every dream left Harper and Peter more confused and concerned. They didn't know what was happening and why every dream seemed to be connected by the infants and the golden palace.

At school on Monday, during lunch, Harper decided to bring up her concerns to her group of friends.

They were eating the mini corn dogs that the school cafeteria had served and she just picked at the breading when she decided to talk.

"I've been having the weirdest dreams lately," she finally said.

Peter's head shot up and his eyes met hers.

"What do you mean weird dreams?" Skylar asked.

"A palace made of gold, this weird bridge," Harper trailed off as she watched Peter's expression.

Peter looked even more confused and he dipped a fry in his ketchup, but didn't eat it, he just stared it in the red vinegary paste.

"Was there anything else?" Hunter asked.

"A woman getting killed in battle and the same woman was singing to these two babies," Harper continued to explain.

"Can I talk to you privately, Harper?" Peter asked, not looking up from his fry.

"Uh, sure," she responded, getting up from her seat at the lunch table and he did the same.

She did take the current corn dog bite with her though, as the two exited the cafeteria by the back doors that led to the soccer field behind the school.

"What's up, Peter?" Harper asked, stuffing the food in her mouth as quickly as possible.

"What was it last night?" Peter asked, sounding slightly panicked, "the dream last night, what was it about?"

"There was this guy with black hair and he wore green, black, gray and gold and he was watching the babies that I mentioned earlier and he-" Harper was cut off by Peter.

"Promising to protect them till the end of his days."

Harper stared at Peter, "how did you?"

"I have had the exact same dreams," Peter's voice filled with fear, "Harper, what is going on?"

"I don't know."

"If it happens again tonight, tomorrow we are going to the tower to talk to Mr. Stark," Peter decided.

Harper nodded in agreement.

"We have to get to class," Harper said when she heard the bell ring.

Peter nodded and gave her a quick hug before he turned and ran to his class and she did the same.

The rest of the day was boring but neither could stop thinking about the fact that they were having the same dreams.

Peter thought about telling Happy when he was picked up from Marching band but decided against it, then he was going to tell Mr. Stark when they worked on their duet, but decided against it. He was scared of what Mr. Stark would think or say.

Stark was confused when Peter wasn't his usual chatty self and why he kept zoning out of the conversation or why he would just stop playing in the middle of a phrase.

Harper just kept quiet as Braxton helped her move Apollo into her room, excluding when he asked what the tortoise's name was and she told him. He kept trying to get her to talk or to laugh but she wouldn't. She didn't even have a smile on her face like she did that morning, but it wasn't a frown either, she was showing no emotion and it worried him. In reality, she was just deep in thought, thinking about what she would end up dreaming about but also what it would be like to go to Stark Tower.

Apollo's enclosure went on her bookshelf that was next to her desk on the far side of her room. The bookshelf was only four feet tall and the perfect length to fit Apollo.

That night, of course they had another dream. It's not like talking about it would make them go away. They didn't even expect the dreams to go away.

The raven haired man knelt next to a huge blond man. The blond had long shoulder length hair and he had silver armor with a long red cape. Both had bags under their red puffy eyes, tears streamed down their faces. They were staring at something.

Three headstones, each had a name, their birthday to death day, a small line saying something regarding them as a person and a small bouquet of flowers.

Solvi Bodottir was the first one, it had her birthday and it said 'a warrior, wonderful wife, sister, daughter and mother.'

The other two were smaller than the first and the two names were; Harper Thordottir and Peter Thorson. They both said the same birthdays and death days; August 10, 2001-June 18, 2002. 'So young and destined to do so much, their lives cut so early.'

"I made one promise and I failed," the raven haired man whispered, his voice cracked, "I'm so sorry, Thor."

"You are not to blame, brother," the blond-Thor-replied, his voice was rough from lack of use, "Loki, you are not to blame."

"Brother, you asked me to watch over your children and they were gone, no trace left behind," the raven haired man's-Loki- voice rose slightly then cracked.

"Can we not do this right now?" Thor asked.

Loki nodded solemnly and snapped his fingers and the wilted flowers were replaced with new ones, and Thor put his arm around Loki's shoulders. Both of them shook with sobs.

Harper woke up with a gasp and ran over to her desk and unplugged her phone, she couldn't think straight but she knew she needed to call Peter. She unlocked her phone and scrolled through her contacts to find his name and just as she was about to click the name, her phone rang and his name was on the screen. She clicked the accept button as fast as she could and put it to her ear.


"Harper, I'm on my way to your apartment, open your window," Peter told her, "You do have the fire escape right?"

Harper nodded, until she realized that he couldn't see her, "yeah, yeah I do."

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