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Weeelll~ I've taken a certain mademoiselle's request and placed it in this very special chapter! This will follow the storyline, it would be after the new year special.
(Hitomi's pov)

I bit on my chocolate bar my uncle had given me for valentines. Today was the 'special' day of celebrating the 'love' in the air. Me? I'm sitting here on the couch eating sweets while the rest of the Akatsuki members are out on this holiday. I was soooooo bored! "Hitomi-chaaaan~!" welp, not anymore. Here comes Tobi! "Yeeeeeess?" I reply while placing the unfinished bar in the table. "Let's go out to the park!!" he sings as he enters the room dancing in a weird way. "Sure!" I reply quickly, as I stood up and stretched. "I'll just go get my jacket." I said and grabbed my red jacket that was on the top of the chair across the sofa. "Let's go!!!" I cheered.

(3rd person pov)

Hitomi and the masked man went out on their mini adventure. Obito just wore his usual attire, the one underneath his cloak, except without the plastered armors."Let's take a break!" he pointed out to the bench as Hitomi nodded and followed him. Once they sat Tobi let out a happy sigh. "We have such a beautiful weather today, right Hitomi-chan?" he said, a way to start a conversation. "Yeah, a bit chilly though." the girl replied hugging herself a little more for warmth. Obito let out a chuckle, "It's just right so I can warm you~" he whispered with his deep voice in Hitomi's ear. She blushed several shades of red, "O-Obito..!" she whisper-yelled as she cupped her ear and faced the man with an embarrassed look. "Wh-wha..." Hitomi stuttered, a loss of words since the usual childish man suddenly acted flirty around her. Hitomi didn't want to admit it but she had a teensy crush on Obito, but she knew he loved Rin, so she didn't want to butt in.

"Happy Valentines day. Will you be my valentine?" a voice suddenly emitted from in front of them. Hitomi looked up and down at the boy who looked her age, he had a small box in his hand presenting it to her. The boy was handsome with combed brown hair and ebony eyes, he seemed rich, to the way he spoke and acted. Tobi felt a pang of jealousy when he saw him. But Hitomi stared at the boy in front of her emotionlessly unfazed by his actions. After a few moments of silence Hitomi looked down to her lap with a scowl in her face. "Who payed you.." she whispered "I'm sorry, what?" the boy replied dumbly. "Who payed you, to do this?" Hitomi looked up to him with her eyes glowing gold with a hint of red. The boy squealed in fright, dropped the box and ran back to his group which was not far from their bench. You could see the boy's group laugh, snicker and hi-five. Obito growls at the boys idiocity but turned his direction back to Hitomi who still had an uneasy aura around her. He pats her back "It's alright, don't mind them. They don't know what they're missing." he said with a smirk under his mask. This successfully made Hitomi blush again, "I-I'm not looking for a valentine!" she stuttered. "Let's go, I'm hungry~." he suddenly said as he stood up. "What? Where are we going to eat at?" Hitomi asks as she pulled her jacket closer to her due to the cold season.

Hitomi sat across Tobi at their table. They sat by the large window of the restaurant. Hitomi let out an exasperated sigh, the only colors she sees are pink, violet and red around. It was valentines day after all. Tobi had gone to the counter to order their food, so Hitomi sat in boredom on her seat. She saw a couple pass by, both with a smile on their face as the man carried their tray to a table not far from hers. She could hear the love song from the speakers, to make it worse she couldn't stop staring at the couple as they fed each other and laughed together. The short raven haired girl sighed once more before slouching on her chair. Almost at once, a tray was placed in front of them and Tobi sat in front of her. "Here we go~ Let's eat!" he sang. Hitomi sighed, unwrapped her Mcburger from its wrapper and took a bite. Obito watched, he hasn't even touched his food yet. The masked man giggled like a child, and pointed at Hitomi's face. "You've got some ketchup on your face~" he said in his normal voice. "Huh? Where?" she asks as her tongue searches around her lips. He walked to Hitomi's side, placing a hand under Hitomi's chin he tilted her head. "Right here." he whispered and moved his mask a bit, only revealing his lips. He licked the ketchup off her cheek, because it was too far for her tongue to reach. The girl's face turned beet red as her body couldn't respond. She saw a smirk form on his lips and watched as he placed his mask back. When Hitomi finally had control of her body again she cupped her cheeks "Wh-what was that for?!" Tobi sat back on his seat, his mask back in place, though Hitomi could imagine his smirk growing wider. "Be~cause~," he said in his tiny voice. "Hitomi-chan is so cute!" the mood suddenly dropped, Tobi looked back at Hitomi. She stared at her lap, her expression becoming depressed. "Hitomi-chan?" he called but the girl didn't reply, her eyes were emotionless.

Later that day Hitomi and Tobi went home with awkward silence. Though Tobi was his talkative self, Hitomi didn't reply with her usual nods or simple 'yes'. This went on until Hitomi finally went in her room and sighed. A knock resonated throughout the room as Tobi peeked his head in. "Hitomi-chan?" he calls out. Hitomi lied on her back and looked up to the ceiling, not bothering to even look at Obito. "I'm sorry." he said in his deep voice while shutting the door. There was silence as Obito made his way to Hitomi's bed. "Hitomi?" he called again. "I should be sorry." she said with another sigh. "I was selfish and remembered about my past, I should be paying more attention, Obito." she sat up as she looked at him. "So I'm sorry." she finished. "Would you like to talk about it?" Obito asks her, but she stayed silent. "Sorry, I just can't." she replied biting her bottom lip as she said the last word. Obito sighed as he pats her back gently. There was comfortable silence and Tobi went in front of Hitomi's figure. "I know it may not be the right time for this but..." he presented a heart shaped box to her, "Will you be my valentine?" he says. Hitomi stared deeply into the one eye hole featured on his mask.

(Hitomi's pov)

I stared at Obito's eye, was this a trick? I mean, he loves Rin, right? "Obito... I love you, dearly but..." I started he seemed to freeze as if he expected me to say that I loved someone else. "I thought you loved Rin, that's why I didn't bother telling you anything, I would just be in the way." I said, he seemed to sigh in relief and my eyebrow rose. "I still do but... You remind me of her. You care about everyone and never thought of doing anything selfish, your kind nature has brought the Akatsuki together with a stronger bond. Your lovable and sweet. I love you." he ended. I stared at him in shock, I never knew that my crush would actually say that to me! And on valentines day too! I blushed "Then, I'll be your valentine." I said as I hugged his neck, he removed part of his mask so that I could see his lips. I pecked my lips on his and buried myself more into the hug. "Happy valentines day." he leaned and said in my ear, his hot breath ticking my neck. "Happy valentines day too." I replied.

Obito brought me to the roof and we watched the sunset, the sky turned dark and soon, stars had shown themselves. We stayed Star gazing a bit until I fell asleep. My last memory was me sitting on Tobi's lap, his large body warming my smaller one as we watched the stars. Best Valentines day ever!
Bonjour mon ami! How do you like the book so far? Hey! Have you ever noticed how Hitomi's past was never revealed? And how quiet Zetsu and Mitohi are? What do you think they're up to~? No, not making babies if that's what you're thinking (pervs). Anyway, I appreciate the readers who voted for my stories! I might not update in a while though...
Adieu~! ❤

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