Chapter 4: Retrieve, Nagato's body!

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(Hitomi's pov)

"Do you think she's awake?" "Ssshhhh! You're waking her up!" I heard more whispers as I fluttered my eyes open. I groaned as I sat up and clutched my head in pain. "What time is it..?" I asked as I glanced at the bloodied tissues at my bedside. "It's 7:30." I heard Kakuzu reply. "Crab! I'm late!" I shot up from bed and ran to the bathroom, taking a 5 minute shower. Dashing around my room in my daily clothes I packed my necessary books and notebooks for school.

Running down the front door I slipped into my rubber shoes "Itekimasu!*" I quickly shouted "Wait! Hitomi-chan, you haven't eaten breakfast yet!" Konan shouted as I heard her footsteps run to the front door. "No time! Thanks anyway Konan-san!" I shouted back as I dashed to school.

(*Itekimasu= I'm going! )
(time skip)

I ate my lunch alone at the farthest table. It's like everyone at school didn't talk to me, even my 'friends' I sigh and sipped my orange juice. I shake the bad memories, it must've been the main reason why I've been ignored, shunned by the whole school...

I felt like someone was watching me ever since lunch time. I shrugged the feeling off but it's closer, stronger, even. It was math class so I was seated by the window. I was jotting down notes as usual, no matter how hard I try at school, I could barely get into the top 10 of my class. Just then I heard something tapping on the window, presuming that it was just a bird, I ignored it. But the tapping continued, I finally looked to check out the window and nearly fell out of my seat when I saw Tobi sitting on the branch waving like an idiot.

I suddenly felt the teacher's eyes on me, followed by the students, but I couldn't take my wide eyes off the masked man. "Mr.Kin are you with us today?" I heard my math teacher say. I turned back to her, sweating bullets and nodded my head vigorously. "Yes ma'am!" I said like a soldier, I'm only lacking the salute part. "What was it that you were staring at?" she asked as she went to my desk. I had little time to think, so I quickly got the curtains and pulled them to block by teacher's view.

She looked at me suspiciously, I laughed nervously "No, no. Nothing to see here Ms.Roxy!" I said quickly. "Fine then, but if you fail at my quiz tomorrow, it's not my problem." she said as she went back to the front. I sighed in relief and reopened the curtains, only to find an empty tree branch. I rubbed my eyes, was it only my imagination?

(3rd person pov)

As the masked man saw an older woman approaching his comrade, he jumped, attempting to break through the window. But during his time in the air, Hitomi had closed the curtains, thus making him have to land on the wall on all fours with chakra. Each second, he was falling, fast. Until he landed softly on the ground on his two feet, his job was not yet done, but he had to get back to their new 'base' so that no one would see him. He is still, after all in his Akatsuki cloak. Using his only sharingan, he transported back to the forest where he and Konan were searching for Nagato's original body.

(Hitomi's pov)

I got home from school, when Deidara picked me up. He wore fitting jeans and shirt, his hair was the same as always, and he wore rubber shoes. I swear most of the female students gawked at his 'perfect' body, and the male students seemed jealous. We walked home, apparently, I was happy to hear that Hidan was kept put at the house. I also noticed that my blonde artist kept his hands in his pockets. I wanted to laugh at the thought of others being freaked out of seeing, mouths on his hands. But it would seem that he's troubled enough so I didn't say anything about it.

"Tadaima!*" I shouted as I took my shoes off and went to the room where Pein and I had last met. Once I got inside I saw him lay on the bed with Konan now beside him. "Woah...Is the body, not here yet?" I asked. Konan shook her head "As for now, Madara is still looking for it." she replies in a sad tone. I really wanted to tell her that Tobi wasn't Madara, but I kept my mouth shut. Who knows what Obito would do to me if he were to find out that I told them, I shuddered at the thought.

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