Chapter 11: Akatsuki's Deaths

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Bonjour readers~! Just a brief reminder that my memory is failing me on some deaths so please bear with me if I'm wrong π_π
(Hitomi's pov)

Stepping out of the portal like how we usually step down from staircases, I looked around to see where the cat led me. I heard a meow and immediately snapped my attention back to it. I continued chasing it until we heard a loud explosion from afar. My eyes widened and flashed to where the explosion occurred.


I fell to my knees as tears rolled down my eyes. You idiot how dare you suicide just to kill a fool. I suddenly remembered. Then-?! I looked to the direction of the Uchiha hideout. Suddenly I heard a meow in front of me, I turned to the cat who glanced at me then went back to another portal. I wiped my tears furiously. geez everything's too fast! I chased after the cat again this time once I've gotten out of the portal the scene was rainy. I immediately saw the lifeless body and the unconscious body next to it.


Tears still rolled down my eyes. I bet you're wondering, why my 'past-self' isn't there. It's because Mitohi erased that time. The last thing the Akatsuki remembers was me dying. I sucked in a sharp breath and ran to the next portal.

At the next portal it took a while to get there but when we did we were in a forest (there's a lot of forests) I made a clone and at the same time I went north while she went south. I had a feeling about this. Once I reached the clearing, my eyes grew as wide as dinner plates. A large rasenshuriken was in the air.


I wanted to scream. But I cupped my mouth, tears rolled down my eyes, here I am watching my family die in front if me while I do nothing but cry....

( Hitomi's clone's pov)

I headed south and hid in the bushes. I saw Shikamaru light the lighter and threw it at Hidan. Once it's exploded Hidan fell in the pit, they talked after a while Shikamaru exploded the entrance making rubble, falling on Hidan.


I know he wasn't dead. But now I know the exact location where he was buried. I just sat there and watched. I furiously wiped the tears, I promise to bring them back, just you wait...

I then dispersed into smoke.

(Hitomi's pov)

Memories came flowing in my mind. As I stood up, the others have already noticed me anyway. "Hitomi-chan are you alright?" Ino asks. I sniffed and forced a smile "Yeah, thanks. I'll be going now." I said and ran back to the forest where I sensed the next portal.

Once I walked in the portal. I then came out hearing a conversation near by. Peeking from the entrance of the tree I saw Nagato use his jutsu to revive Konoha.


I silently cried, I can't show myself to them because Konan still has to fight Obito. I wiped my tears, they're starting to get dry. I heard a meow nearby, I turned to see the cat by the portal, though it looks like it was guarding it. "Is this the last one?" I asked it. It only meowed and nodded in response. I took a deep breath,

I was standing in water and I saw her lifeless body. I frowned, I just can't leave her body here... I carried her after the red paper flew off. I smiled, I then teleported to where Yahiko's corpse was, and lay her next to him. I then noticed that Obito had already taken Nagato's body. I sighed and stared at Amegakure. Now that all their leaders are gone who will lead them now? I sighed sadly I then got a cloak, since this is their main HQ I wore a size that would fit me. I then walked into town. I then hear people saying that being part of the Akatsuki also made me their savior and stuff. I then announced "Your leader and angel, have fallen." then the news spread like wildfire.

At some time later (since I decided to stay for a bit) they now proclaim me their leader. I mean I may be the only Akatsuki member who wasn't dead but I'm just surprised that they made a complete stranger their leader. They must trust the Akatsuki that much...

Last stop. Kisame. I went in the portal and immediately hid in the trees. I saw that Kisame had already performed water prison and summoned his sharks. I forced myself to look away. I couldn't stand seeing him die like this. Before they could open the scroll, I immediately dashed to retrieve Kisame's piece of fabric. I kept it safe in my pocket. Then I immediately teleported back to Amegakure.

Since I would be gone for who knows how long I assigned someone in charge in my place (unfortunately I can't remember who). I then went back to Mitohi. "Heh, took you long enough." she said. "I have a plan." I told her seriously. "Oh, Hitomi. I know about it. But I won't allow it." I was shocked at Mitohi's response.
"And why not?" I grit my teeth in anger. She sighed "Think about it Hitomi. Aren't they happy where they are now?" she says. She's right, am I just to selfish to accept their deaths? I know they would want me to move on but still, they're my family. And they promise that they'd be there...-!! My face lit up.

"They may be happy where they are, they may be my only family but they made a promise. And I'm helping them achieve that promise!" Hitomi said in determination. Mitohi chuckled "I like your response kid. But just in case, I'll put you in a test to see if you're ready." she says. I grew curious "What kind of test?" I asked as she circled around me like a lion about to eat it's prey. "A special test." she said then suddenly I started feeling sleepy. "Goodnight, Hitomi-chan." she said in a somewhat familiar tone. My head was spinning I couldn't even stand or had time to think about what she said.

Hey guys! The next chapter would be the last T_T I know this book wasn't as good as the first but I promise that the next would be more exciting!
The last book will be titled Return From Time. I would be posting the preview sometime soon!

Adieu~ (´∀`)♡

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