Chapter 6: SasoDei gone wrong

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(Hitomi's pov)

I woke up on a VERY lazy Saturday. Not remembering or caring much how I got to bed last night. I groaned wanting to get back to sleep, and shooed the hands off, the person attempting to wake me up is failing miserably. Isnuggled deeper into my blankets, seconds before it was ripped off of my body. With still closed eyes I sat up angrily "Melissa I don't have time to deal with your bizz!" I said in a half sleepy tone. Then I opened my eyes and saw a surprised blue haired woman instead of a bubbly short blonde girl. Then it hit me, my parents died, the Akatsuki living with me, the chaos. I smiled sheepishly "Ah, gomen, Konan-san." I stood and stretched my aching muscles. "What time is it?" I asked as I yawned.

"It's 12:30pm." she replied "You slept like a log, I don't like you waking up this late, it's unhealthy." she rambled but I kind of tuned her out after 12:30... "What! 12:30?! That's way too early for me!" I said, I would have seen her sweat drop if we were animated. "Well whatever, what's for breakfast?" "Lunch." she corrected as we went downstairs. "Nah, Lunch, brunch. It's all the same..." I said as I dismissed it. Still in my pyjamas I went to the kitchen and only found Tobi looking through the cabinets, others were absent, maybe because of work while the rest are in the living room. "Oh! Good Morning Hitomi-chan!" he waved "Good Morning Tobi..." I said "Like I'm saying, it's afternoon already..." I heard Konan mumble as she went to the stove. I sat lazily on the chair placing my chin ontop of the table with my eyes closed "So what's cookin'?" I ask lazily. "Grilled cheese. We're eating out later." she said as I heard the pan sizzling. This immediately perked my interest, we're eating out? Who convinced Kakuzu to spend money? It's a miracle!

"So who convinced Kakuzu-san?" I asked, clearly interested. I heard Konan sigh "Unfortunately, you'll have to be left behind." she says as she placed the grilled cheese in front of me. "Whaaaaat? No fair! Why can't I go?" I ask "Because," she says leading me hanging as I not onto my sandwich "mekaushe fuat? (because what?)" "Pein-sama says so." she said and left the kitchen. Tobi left a while ago, making me all alone in the kitchen. I ate my grilled cheese peacefully until Sasori entered the room. My eyes widened and I almost choked on my food as I was repeatedly punching my ribcage in haste. "Sa-Sasori-da-danna! Please put on a shirt on!" I said as I averted my gaze away. Though I heard no reply and I saw that Sasori looked a little too...

Emotionless. I also noticed that his 'core' was missing but his puppet parts were still present. "Uhm, Sasori-danna?" I call out as I finished my grilled cheese and walked up in front of him.

I waved my hands in front of his lifeless eyes. "Interesting..." I heard his voice, but it wasn't coming from the puppet. I lead my eyes to the door and saw the real Sasori controlling his puppet. "It seems that I have turned human, but I can use my puppet body individually." he says. I looked back and forth and back again, "THERE ARE TWO SASORIS IN THE HOUSE!!!! THE WORLD IS ENDING!!!!" I screamed as I ran around the house like an idiot cause there's noting better for me to do. I kept on screaming until I bumped into someone. I saw that it was Pein, he glared down at me with his rinnegan. Which made me shut up but I didn't get scared, it's his way of saying 'I-am-really-tired-of-your-screaming-so-shut-up-a-bit-so-I-can-think-of-ways-to-take-over-the-world-like-a-boss' look. He stopped glaring and sighed "I don't get you at times." he said (refferring to the screaming and running) "You will be staying here with Zetsu. A meeting will be held outside, but we won't take long." he said as he studied my hair. "Aaaawww...." I said and pouted, there was silence and I hope he's thinking it over in that silence. "Think of it as a mission to protect the information within the base, and make sure no word comes out of this house." he said sternly, I then realized that this was an order/mission. I stood up straight and saluted. "Hai! Pein-sama!" I said as he nodded and walked away, to the living room maybe.

It wasn't long before they left, Zetsu stayed in the living room because he was ordered to 'keep-watch-and-take-care-of-Hitomi.' the plant man just stayed in the living room. And because of my boredom I stayed in my room, drew random pictures of infamous yaoi Akatsuki pairings......... (UHM .________.)  Made a mess in my room, not wanting to change from my pyjamas (but had no choice). Turned my laptop on and sung random songs at the top of my lungs (Oops, almost forgot that Zetsu was still in the house hehe....) then ate tons of candy thus making me go hyper and mess the room even more. I left my computer on my Akatsuki folder, because I attempted to draw Itachi, but gave up after only drawing half of his face. I lay on the bed, tired and sleepy, so to dream land I went.

(Deidara's pov)

I sighed as we got back in Hitomi's house. That meeting was exhausting, there's too much tension in the air, you can barely breathe. I headed to Hitomi's room to see what she's up to. I went in and saw something like the 4th great shinobi war had ended! What in Jashin's name happened?! I see Hitomi on her bed sleeping peacefully. I saw her gizmo at the side table and decided to see what she was previously doing. I mearly guessed on how to use the cursor of the thing. I clicked into the file that said 'Akatsuki' in it. Who knew she had a load of pictures of us? I then saw something that made be want to laugh. I saw Itachi and his brother ehem. Kissing.

I burst out in laughter, and I heard someone coming through the door "What's with all the noise?" I heard Sasori-danna ask. "You wouldn't believe this! Hitomi has a lot of pictures of us yeah!" I then showed him some. "Let me see that." He shoved me off my place and looked through it, "Hey! I want to see too!" I complained and caught faught the redhead off the gadget. I guess all that noise woke Hitomi up.

(Hitomi's pov)

I awoke to all the noise in my room. Don't they know that someone's sleeping?! I opened my eyes anyway, the others must be back. "See? You woke her up!" "Shut it brat, you're the one who's loud." I heard two voices and then crashing. I snapped my attention to the floor where I found the artistic duo in an awkward position. I took my cellphone out and snapped a picture and bolted out of the room.

(3rd person's pov)

Sasori and Deidara had cleaned Hitomi's room, because they were the ones who would sleep with her first. They headed downstairs to eat dinner and they heard roaring laughter in the living room. "What's so funny un?" Deidara asks as Hidan laughed harder. "Y-Your face!" the jashinist said as he gasped for air. "What about my face?" the blonde asks as he and Sasori went over to see what Hidan was pointing at.

There was a picture of Deidara on top of Sasori, both with wide eyes. The picture was taken recently "HITOMI!!!!"

Haha sorry for not updating sooner! I'm kinda having trouble with the second book but please beat with me!
I already have ideas for the third book though.... Anyway,
Adieu~! ❤

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