Chapter 2: Legal Guardian/s?

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(Hitomi's pov)

"Wait... My parents are coming home next week!" I remembered as I panicked "What do I do?! I can't just say that 11 anime characters appeared out of nowhere! Not to mention that Konan and I are the only girls!" I mumbled to myself only to be heard by the whole group. Because of my panic attack I failed to notice some members roam around the house. "I don't think so Hitomi..." I heard Deidara's voice from downstairs. I poked my head out of the door, I saw the blonde bomber pointing at something in the living room. "What do you mean...?-" I stopped in my tracks as I saw Deidara's finger at the tv, which was on the news. I saw a wrecked plane "That's the plane my parents were on.... " I mumbled and decided to listen to the news.

"Here, live at the airport, where a crash had happened not moments ago the airplane, Markh06, was landing peacefully but seemed to have malfunctioned along as the plane pummeled down the track." the camera zoomed in and showed that rescue teams were in a rush. "So far there are no survivors, all have been reported dead." the newsteporter said. A list of people who were aboard the plane flashes, it was there since I got here. The only two names I saw were my parent's.

I dropped to my knees and my hand was cupped on my mouth. "H-Hitomi.." Deidara comforted which alarmed the others as I heard more footsteps run to the living room. "They can't be..." I said as tears dropped from my eyes. "Hitomi..." Konan hugged me and I could feel their sympathetic stares behind. A knock emitted from the silent house as I shakily stood up to answer it, though it seemed as if Itachi got there first. The guy wore a blue cap and had an officer's uniform "Uhm," he said awkwardly to Itachi as he glanced at the rest. He just be wondering why there are guys in uniform cloaks and red clouds, though he ignored it when he felt Itachi's stare. "I wish to speak with, uh," he glanced at his clipboard "Hitomi Kin." when he saw me by Itachi's side he gave me a serious look. "I am here to take you to the police station, your aunt would sign the title of being your legal guardian." the officer grabbed my arm and dragged me a bit until we were stopped by Itachi "We are her guardians." the Uchiha said suddenly.

"Excuse me?" the officer said as if he was offended and checked his clipboard as he stopped and lets go of my wrist and shortly looked back at the prodigy. Pein's figure emerged from the door, "We are her babysitters, you see, she's quite a handful so her parents decided to get 11 people." he said in a matter-of-factly tone, which was weird coming from him, though he did save me and their butts. I swear I saw the officer look at me weirdly as if he heard Pein say my gender right. You could hear Hidan snickering, it was about to turn into a full blown laugh when Kakuzu placed his hand on Hidan's mouth.

"If you say so, you may come too, good thing my friends are with me." he said as we went to the police cab. Currently in my car there was me, Tobi, Deidara, Pein and Konan. Now you're wondering how we fit, I sat by the driver's seat, Tobi clung onto me saying "Tobi doesn't want to be separated from Hitomi-chan again!" officers even attempted to try and pry him off but gave up. Now I'm sitting on Tobi's lap as he cuddled me like I was some dog. The three were at the back, in the second cab, was Itachi, Konan, Kisame, and Sasori, so the cab was fairly quiet.

The third cab was only Hidan, Kakuzu and Zetsu, to which I hope that Zetsu would not eat the driver and Hidan not to sacrifice the driver either. The drive was fairly silent except for my sniffling from time to time. As we arrived at the Police station I saw Konan and Nagato pay Kakuzu, I bet for shutting Hidan up and convincing Zetsu not to eat the driver. I wanted to laugh at the thought but my parent's death was so overwhelming. As the officer opened the doors I felt the cool air of the building hit my skin.

I followed Mr. officer who-didn't-even-bother-giving-me-his-name to an office, I feel the weird stares coming from the people scurrying around the building since we got here. I think it's due to the Akatsuki's cloaks, yep, they really stand out. As the officer guy opened the door to the office I saw my aunt who seemed to be crying, once she turned to me though she ran to me and hugged me. "Oh Hitomi I'm so sorry for you! It must be devastating to find both your parents die from a crash so suddenly!" she wailed as she cried onto my shoulders.

I didn't feel sad though, I grew scared, my aunt is only acting. She only wanted the family's money, she would always act so nice around me when my parents are around, but alone, she bosses me around like one of their maids, she whips me too if I didn't follow. I turned my head slightly to the group behind me. I mouthed a 'help me' and made sure that they saw my terrified expression. "Excuse me ma'am." Pein's voice echoed through the room. "And who are you people?" she asks a bit rudely as she eyes the group suspiciously, their cloaks and colorful hair do stick out.

"We are her guardians, but normally our group is called the Akatsuki, we... Babysit house to house..." I wanted to laugh but they need to save themselves. Deidara stiffled his laughter, Hidan was about to roar out laughing if Kakuzu hadn't smacked him upside the head. "I see, now let's get down to bussiness." the guy behind the desk said with a serious face and laced fingers ontop of the table. My aunt went back to her seat and I sat across from her, the rest stood up. "I wanted to make sure that Hitomi is willing for her to be under your house Mrs. Landerson. It is not our kind to force something upon a child." he said seriously. "Hitomi is willing! Very willing! Isn't that right?" she said a little bit too enthusiastically, I could see the glint in her eyes had a look that said 'If-you-don't-agree-I'll-chop-you-apart-and-throw-every-peice-one-by-one-in-the-ocean' kind.

Pein was the leader so in these things I guess why the rest are quiet, "Actually," Pein's authoritive voice gained everyone's attention. "Her parents have already agreed that we would take care of her when they thought that this kind of situation would come." He defended, my aunt grew in rage. "That's preposterous! My brother would never do that to mere babysitters! I'm her closest relative so I get to keep her!" she screamed back at them, her rant was about to continue, fortunately the chief cleared his throat and silenced the woman letting Pein explain more. "All I can say is that we have proof." the ginger haired leader turned to Itachi. "Itachi." he called to which the Uchiha nodded as if a plan was formed telepathically.

As Itachi went to the front my aunt and the chief all analyzed where his hands lead, then climbed up to his eyes which he closed, Itachi then snapped open his eyes. I immediately looked away, I know the sharingan, but my aunt and the chief were unfortunate. They stared deeply into the Uchiha's blazing red eyes. After a few seconds of silence the chief and my aunt snapped back into reality and Itachi's eyes turned back to its original charcoal color. "I see that's how it is then." The chief said so suddenly with a saddened tone. "What do you mean?! You can't just hand over my poor neice to these... These freaks!" she screamed as she gestured to the Akatsuki.

I most probably think that Zetsu went into hiding, I couldn't see his infamous Venus flytrap anywhere. Well he would scare some people, another reason why their driver came out of the cab with a very frightened expression. "Mrs. Landerson you are taken in for charge in custody for child abuse and for purchasing illegal drug merchandise." he said calmly yet with a low voice. "What?! You can't do that to me! I'm the wife of a very trusted company of the president!" she argued.

"That makes no excuse for your crimes. This will be taken into court." the two other officers standing beside the chief arrested my aunt who still screamed in rage as they took her out of the office and somewhere else. "Thank you, she's quite known in the underground as 'La smoker'. I didn't quite catch your name.." he said as he turned to the Uzamaki. "I go by the name of Pein." he replied smoothly. "I'm assuming that you are the leader of this group. Please sign here to be Hitomi's official guardians." he gestures to the papers in front of him as he took a pen out.

After several papers to sign, the chief offered us for a ride home but Nagato had to decline. "Thank you for your assistance. We'll be taking our leave." Pein said as he and the others made a single hand sign. Konan grabbed my hand and all together we disappeared from the office.


Haha! How is it so far? I think I'm getting more inspiration now since I'm watching Shippuden all over again ≥3≤

I'm making chappy 3! Thank you for the support mon ami!
Adieu~! (•ω•)/

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