The Mug, The Raw Fish & A Lightwood (Part 1)

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{{Contains Flashbacks! Flashback Scenes will be written in Italic}}

It was an early summer morning. The sun has just started to rise up over the Brooklyn skyline. It flooded the loft's bedroom where Alec and Magnus were stretched across vivid gold silk sheets. Alec, the sheets hanging low on his waist and his back turned to the windows, felt the prickling sensation of the summer's sunshine stretching across his runed covered back. As he began to wake, a slight smile appeared at the corner of his mouth feeling the weight of Magnus's jewelled fingers laced with his. He opened his eyes to find a beautifully dark-haired warlock just inches away from him, his skin soaking in the golden light. Alec's heart swelled with a sudden affection for him as he squeezed his palm and softly pulled it closer. His lips brushed the back of Magnus's hand as he planted small shy kisses, burying his face in it.

Magnus was sound asleep after a late evening with a client. When he came home the previous evening, exhaustion was visible on every part of his body. He managed to undress, kiss his boyfriend before collapsing on the bed beside him and falling asleep immediately. Alec knew that look, it meant Magnus overworked himself, booked too many appointments and drained himself of magic leaving him weak. At times like this, it wasn't unusual for Magnus to sleep for 12 hours straight.

Alec spent another couple of moments gawking at his sleeping boyfriend, running his eyes up and down his face, examining each one of his features carefully. He stared at the tips of his hair which was dark with vivid blue streaks here and there. Also not unusual. Magnus liked to keep things interesting, always coming up with new extravagant ideas, whether it was changes around the apartment, changes to his wardrobe or to his hair and makeup, Alec never quite knew what he was going to walk into each day.

He willed himself to get up, slowly as to not wake Magnus and put on his workout clothes. Alec loved this time of year, it was perfect for a good training session outside. He got his running shoes and earphones and backed out of the room with light pads of his bare feet over the sun-warmed wooden floors. With one last look at his sleeping boyfriend, he closed the door and got ready to leave.


An hour later he returned to the loft, sweat had plastered his raven black hair around his temple's and he was in aching need of some cold water. He headed straight for the kitchen and started rummaging around for a glass. In the process, he thought he heard a rustle from the bedroom, with that in mind, started on Magnus's morning coffee to bring it to bed for him.

Just as he was almost done he heard the door of the bedroom slide open and Magnus yawned in the background. Alec smiled to himself imagining a sleepy Magnus in disarray from sleep, padding barefoot across the living room rubbing at his eyes. 

Alec got lost in his thoughts and images his mind conjured up of Magnus. The golden skin tone and ruffled hair. All the colours of his eyes, the deep browns and honey golds, with the emerald specks that were only reserved for Alec to see...

Alec didn't even realise how far he daydreamed until Magnus calling his name snapped him back to the real world, to which he turned around abruptly just enough to hit the cup of coffee that toppled over the edge of the counter and shattered to pieces. 

Magnus stared at it, hot liquid over the floor, and a pained expression on his face just long enough for Alec to notice. He felt a gush of guilt wave over him. Alec knew that was his favourite mug and has been since before Alec was even around.

"Magnus... I'm sorry.. I'll clean it up" Alec slightly stuttered

Magnus noticed the nervousness in his boyfriend and locked eyes with him.

"It's fine it's just a mug"

"Besides I can have this all cleaned up just by snapping my fingers" he gave him a weak smile in an attempt to reassure his boyfriend but was met with a stern look instead.

"No. No don't, you exerted your powers yesterday you need to rest, not waste your energy" Alec began gathering the pieces together in his palm.

"I know it was your favourite, it must've had a special connection to something ... or someone" Alec finished with a small voice, almost a whisper. He always wondered why it was so special to Magnus but didn't really want to ask, not quite wanting to hear a reply. Alec has made peace that a lot of things in their apartment were gifts and reminders of past people Magnus cared for over the centuries. Some from lovers, some from friends he never really wanted to know what was from who. He knew it was petty but each time he knew that Magnus kept something from a past lover, he felt jealous. He couldn't help it.

"I never saw you drink from anything else besides that mug" Alec added quickly not wanting Magnus to sense the weight of his previous remark.

After a moment of silence, Alec looked up to meet Magnus's amused gaze looking back at him. How could he think that Magnus didn't notice even half-asleep Magnus always knew what Alec was thinking about, what he wanted to say, what he meant even when he wasn't being his usual blunt self, yet Alec was puzzled as to why Magnus found that amusing. At that moment Magnus reached out a hand towards where Alec was crouching on the floor...

"Come with me .. " said Magnus with a warm smile.

Alec reached out, stepped over the glass and let Magnus guide him into the living room to the familiar black leather sofa. In the constant changing apartment decor that sofa has been the only furniture that stayed the same in the apartment since Alec could remember. The sofa and the low white coffee table ahead.

"Remember when we first started seeing each other, we were a couple of dates in and you were not out yet. It was hard to find a good date place where we would be comfortable but also safe from any rumours forming of the inquisitor's son being seen with an eccentric Magnus Bane after-hours ..." Magnus winked at Alec and a devilishly charming grin spread on his face. " Both of us had a reputation to uphold and neither of us knew where this .." he gestured to the two of them.. " was going at that time"

Alec only nodded not quite knowing where Magnus was going with this.

"The downworlder restaurants made you tense, and I don't blame you with the looks we'd get, and the mundane ones just didn't seem right"

"The only time you'd ever really let your guard down with me was when we were back here.. so that particular one night when you came to pick me up for our date, i planned one right here in this living room, there was food and music and drinks'' Magnus smiled clearly at the memory. Alec's mind has also started to conjure up an image of that night and he returned Magnus's illuminating smile.

"You're only mistake that night was choosing raw fish as our dinner" Alec teased.

"Well it's not my fault that you can't appreciate quality cooking," Magnus said, acting offended.

Alec couldn't hold down a chuckle at this point. "Cooking? Do you see ANY faults with that? Raw fish and quality cooking" Alec cocked an eyebrow as Magnus came to realise his mistake.

"You have the raw fish to thank for bringing us closer that night"

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