A Moment To Myself

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Just moments after the ceremony...

Music and cheers echoed throughout the empty halls of the New York Institute. You'd never see the institute empty besides when there's an emergency. Only today everyone gathered in the main hall to celebrate the Head of the New York Institute and the High Warlock of Brooklyn tying the knot. Looking around you'd never think this was all planned in a span of a day... but then again one of the grooms is a Warlock with impeccable taste.

Everywhere you looked were lights and burgundy and cream flowers hanging from the ceiling, candles floating between them. It looked truly magical. After their first dance, Alec and Magnus got split up by crowds of people coming up and congratulating them. It was a whirlwind of people everywhere you looked so bad they couldn't even stick together. Every time they tried to make their way to each other someone else would come and snatch one of them away.

After a long while of polite talks with guests and congratulations...

Alec was just in a polite conversation with the Penhallows when he noticed through all the conversations he made it very close to the exit. His eyes flickered between the Penhallows and the exit until he decided that everyone was far enough away that they wouldn't stop him. He politely excused himself from the Penhallows and took several swift steps to get out of view quickly. As soon as he turned the corner he let out the breath he didn't even realise was holding back and slowed his steps down. He didn't really know where he was headed, he just needed a few minutes to himself. He found himself walking outside in front of the institute. Down the steps and rested on the ledge. The chilly winter airbrushed his cheeks but he didn't mind, it felt refreshing.

What he didn't know was that even though he and Magnus got split up by the crowds, Magnus always made sure to have his Alexander insight so when he saw Alec darting out of the celebration, worry washed over him and he followed him just shortly after.

It took Magnus a while to figure out when Alec went but when he opened the door of the institute he saw his muscular silhouette leaning just further down by the steps. Magnus made his way over and sat down with his left leg brushing against Alec's right side.

"Having second thoughts?" Magnus asked jokingly.

With an exhale, Alec reached out and grabbed Magnus's thigh and held his hand there. He turned his head to lock eyes with Magnus and his heart melted at the sight of his husband. He slowly shook his head...

"Never with you"

A smile spread across both of their faces and for a moment they got lost in each other eyes.

Magnus broke the silence "So what are you doing out here"

"I- I just needed a moment to myself... you know with all those people crowding around... not that I don't love our family and friends but it was a little too much for me" Alec was back at looking around the park, noticing the movement of the trees, the lights of the buildings of New York, the unusual starry night sky...

"I understand.. I'll give you a moment to yourself" Magnus leaned over and kissed Alec on the cheek. He was about to get up when Alec began to speak...

" You don't usually see the New York sky filled with stars .. " says Alec holding his gaze up at the sky. "Remember our first time in Paris? .. You guided me through the streets until we stopped somewhere further away from people, you started pointing out the stars .." at this Magnus interrupted him

".. and you asked me why it was romantic to point out star constellations.." they both chuckled, still looking up at the stars.

At this alec moved to Magnus, his fingers grazed his thigh and he turned so he was standing right in front of the warlock, with Magnus perched up on the ledge, they were almost the same height with Magnus having an extra centimetre or two, but that might of just been his spiked up hair.

Magnus's legs were dangling on either side of Alec and his fingers traced Alec's arms up to his neck. At that Alec closed his eyes, keeping both his hands on Magnus's thighs.

"My Alexander" Magnus whispered soaking in the young dark-haired boy in front of him. "My Husband Alexander" 

A/N- Just a short cute one. I might make a part two but I haven't quite figured out how I want this story to progress so if anyone has any ideas feel free to comment :)

Thank You For Reading <3

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