Liquid Courage

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Alec and Magnus have been dating for two months now.


Magnus was laid across the deep ocean velvet loveseat with a glass of red, fully engrossed in his current reading material. It was just past 2 am when Magnus felt his wards give Alec access. Magnus furrowed his brows in confusion but still stood to greet the shadowhunter at the door.

He swung the door open to find Alec leaning heavily against the door frame, his head hung low. The sight of Alec like this sent an alarm in Magnus's head and his heart constricted with worry for the young shadowhunter.

"Alexander!" Magnus exclaimed, making his way to support Alec's weight. "Are you injured? Show me where it hurts" Magnus demanded frantically searching for a wound just as the stench of alcohol filled his nostrils and he froze.

"Alec... are you drunk?"

Alec finally lifted his head, flashing Magnus a toothy smile with half-lidded eyes. "Just a little bit" He scrunched up his nose in a way Magnus found utterly adorable so with a sigh he dragged the shadowhunter into the loft towards the couch snapping his fingers to shut the door behind them.

Once on the couch, Magnus snapped his fingers again and on the coffee table appeared a jug of water, a hot mug of bitter coffee, a bottle of pills and some savoury pastries.

"Eat and drink, you'll sober up quicker and maybe avoid a huge hangover tomorrow"

Alec just nodded his head and took everything in the order that Magnus gave him, before sitting back and leaning on the couch.

"Now do you wanna tell me what happened and how you got here?" Magnus inquired leaning on the back off the couch facing Alec, his silk robe splitting down the middle to show his bare legs crossed one over the other.

"They dragged me to a bar" Alec grumbled

"Jace and Isabelle?"

"...and the redhead"

"Weren't you supposed to work tonight? That's why we had to cancel our date?" Magnus piped in feeling a little deflated all of a sudden.

"Yes, but our mission was cancelled, and we weren't needed at the institute so we went to get some food instead. Ended up at a bar to get food, everyone was drinking. I didn't want to but after Isabelle disappeared to meet with that vampire I was stuck with Jace and Clary, very buzzed, trying to lick each other's stomach contents." Alec shuddered at the thought and screwed up his face in disgust. Magnus couldn't help but chuckle at this.

"Okay .. that still doesn't explain how you got drunk darling" Magnus reached out to wipe a strand of raven hair that was falling into Alec's eyes and smiled when the shadowhunter leaned into the gesture.

"Well then I went to sit at the bar, and then at the bar, I met this guy, he bought me a drink... or a few, he had the same situation with his friends... Anyways we ended up doing tequila shots and talking about crappy friends" Alec chuckled, his eyes closed and head thrown back over the back of the couch.

And while Alec was laughing Magnus' smile faltered and his breath hitched. He felt a sudden pang and his stomach knotted up.

"Oh by the way" Alec exclaimed excitedly "I found a liking to gin" Alec rolled his head to glance at Magnus with a toothy grin.

"Let's get you to bed" Said Magnus after a moment of silence trying to avoid the knots that have taken residence in his stomach and around his heart.

Magnus walked Alec into the bedroom and helped the shadowhunter undress his jeans and sweater until he was just in a pair of black boxers before letting him slide in the bed. Magnus snapped his fingers making a glass of water and pills appear on Alec's side of the bed for the morning before walking to his side.

Magnus let his silk robe fall to the floor before climbing into bed himself facing away from Alec, and closing his eyes to sleep.


After moments of silence, Alec stirred in bed.



"Can I tell you a secret?" Alec whispered into the darkness.

Magnus stirred to face the shadowhunter only able to make out a silhouette of Alec, on his back, from the faint light coming in from the busy Brooklyn streets. "Of course Alexander"

Alec took a deep breath before whispering "Hmm... I feel so much for you but I'm terrified to tell you"


"No, I know I'm drunk and I don't wanna say it and the first time you hear it is me super drunk just blurting stuff out but even so it's true."

"I've never come even close to feeling what I feel for you, you drive me crazy Magnus, but in the best possible way" Alec chuckled

"I can't get enough of you and I always wanna be with you, I'm totally wasted but I still mean it, every word, I mean how can I not just look at you .. you're so wise, generous despite getting so much crap for centuries, you have a beautiful heart full of love, your honest and loyal and always true to yourself, which just makes you stronger and braver and there are no words to describe how incredibly beautiful you are"

"You deserve to be loved and I hate knowing that in centuries you haven't found anyone worthy of your love but at the same time I like the idea that maybe I could be the one to lo-" Alec cut himself off pausing for a moment before moving to the side to face Magnus despite not being able to see him in the dark.

"To do it the right way, the way you deserve and so much more, I may not be able to give you an eternity, hell I can't even promise you a mortal lifetime with my line of profession but I can promise you every day for as long as I breathe, and if there's a life after that then my heart will never stop being yours." Alec breathed out the last line not daring to even look at the lump of silk sheets that was Magnus just inches away from him.

Magnus had tears threatening to spill over as each of Alec's words sunk in and made his heart swell twice its normal size for the young shadowhunter in his bed.

"I don't expect you to say anything, I didn't even mean to blurt this all out right now, or maybe I did, I don't know... I guess it's true when they say alcohol is liquid courage... I guess the guy in the bar helped it a little too .." Alec trailed off, mumbling the last few words under his breath.

And just like that Magnus's felt knots build up in his stomach again, but not the good kind, the kind that makes you want to curl up into yourself and hug your knees. 'The damn guy at the bar again' Magnus thought but all he really said was ask Alec what he meant.

"Oh, i - " Alec stuttered " he just- i- but.."

"Alexander?" Magnus was getting worried now, he sat up leaning on one elbow and glaring at where he thought Alec's eyes would be.

"The guy tried to kiss me"

"Oh" now Magnus sat up fully facing away from Alec and Alec instantly followed his position and frantically started explaining.

"But we didn't, Mags we didn't even... I didn't ... I pushed him away before it got to anything and left the bar, I came straight here."

Alec waited in silence watching Magnus's form, the only visible movement was the soft raise of his chest as he took in breaths. Alec didn't know what to expect, what Magnus would say, how he'd react, he didn't know what to do himself so he just waited, not daring to move a muscle and disturb the uncomfortable silence that fell between the men.

"Did you mean what you said before?" Magnus whispered into the darkness.

"Every word" Alec breathed out a reply instantly.

"..and you didn't kiss him.."

"NO! Of course not" Alec explained a little too loudly for the silence that was upon them.

"Then I don't care what happened at the bar..." Magnus replied before laying back down facing Alec's side. When he saw that Alec made no move to join him, he reached out a hand to pull Alec down next to him, nuzzling closer to his chest as he laid. Alec wrapped an arm around Magnus's torso and pulled him even closer placing a chaste kiss on the crown of his head. "I care that you came home to me..." 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2021 ⏰

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