【Sequel Announcement】

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Despite how I said I wasn't going to do a sequel to this story, my muse gave me inspiration and here I am to announce that there will be a sequel!

  Fang ☾ 


The evening news was playing and police lights flashed, screaming brightly, flooding their personal movie theater in blues and reds. A redhead reporter suddenly came on the screen with a wide-eyed and wild look in her eyes.

"Yes, I am currently at the scene--," Sam came rushing into the room at that moment wearing only his jeans from earlier, coming to a stop beside Colby; his new mating mark was bloody and bruised against his pale flesh, but it was staring to heal, "--of a gruesome double-murder of Los Angeles bar owners Charles and Bridgette Turner. Police suspect the murderer to be 27 year old YouTube Fashion Guru, Amber Scholl. Right now, Miss. Scholl is running on foot and police are chasing her. The police are asking that anyone nearby should take shelter and to please contact the Los Angeles police station if you see Miss. Scholl."

Colby felt his heart drop at the mention of his friend and Sam grabbed a hold of his hand.

"What--?" he was trying to talk but Jake silenced him a few seconds later.

"Thank you, Charlotte," the screen split into two as the reporters back at the station weighed in on the situation, "And am I correct that we have footage of Miss. Scholl at the crime scene?"

The redhead nodded, "Yes and I warn viewers that the following footage is quite disturbing.

Beneath the newsreel, Colby saw the headlines change from "DOUBLE MURDER OF L.A. BAR OWNERS" to "WEREWOLF HUMANOID MURDERER ON FOOT!" A familiar snarl brought Colby's attention back up to the security footage pulled from inside a bar. The brunette female YouTuber stood in the middle, just standing there, fingers bent awkwardly into claw shapes, dripping with blood. Then, the individual looked up at the camera with golden eyes shimmering in the low-resolution footage. She turned quickly, disappearing out a side door, bending the metal in two. The footage ended and the redhead filled the screen again.

"If you see Miss. Scholl, please approach with caution."

The screen turned back to the reporters, a small square next to their heads filled with a pixelated screenshot of the Amber's figure with golden eyes. The two reporters at their filming desk looked just as shocked as the rest of the Trap House pack.

Jake stood up as the news segment ended, revealing the YouTube logo. Clearly, it apparently was only a recording and was posted recently. Jake looked at the Alpha.

"See? We got a problem, Colby."

The Alpha exhaled, running a hand through his hair, "Shit..."


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