☽ 33 ☾

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The sun rose above the dying bonfire; the blaring sunlight, coming through tree limbs, shined bright in Colby's face like a flashlight, practically yelling at the Alpha that is was a new day. Lazily, he blinked awake, becoming more aware of his surroundings. For a second he was hoping to wake up in the cabin with Sam beside him. Yet, Colby wasn't lucky enough for that. 

Behind him, Sam had his head against the Alpha's shoulder and their fingers were locked together still. Colby's head was hanging low and, as Colby exhaled, he felt blood flake and crackle around his nose and mouth. He groans as his body soars with pain. The wound in his shoulder is healing, thankfully due to his werewolf abilities, but its numb as it heals. His shirt sticks to dry blood in his wound, tearing away from his skin when Colby moans. The stain in his shirt, Colby knows, wont come out later-- a constant reminder of the torture session Lucian put him through. 

Alpha..., a voice enters Colby's thoughts. 

He looks up to his left and sees Jake staring at him with sad eyes, Beta...

You okay, dude?

Colby exhales and lowers his head, running his fingers over Sam's, Hurt a lot.

I bet. You took a nasty hit, brother, Jake replied. 

How are you? Colby looked back up at Jake. 

The Beta shrugged, Hurting too, but in my own way.

I'm sorry, Jake, Colby sniffled.

For what?

For not fighting back like I wanted to. For not getting you back to Tara.

Yeah, well, you are my Alpha, Colby, Jake smiles softly, I would do anything with you and for you. You are my brother till the end.

Colby sniffled again, Thank you Jake. 

You know, Jake had a tone of nostalgia to his voice, when I first met you, Colby, I thought you were the most annoying douchebag I had ever met.

Colby sputtered with laughter, Yeah.

Jake laughed a little too, Learned rather quickly not to judge a book by his cover. Now, you're the most annoying douchebag of a best friend I could have ever asked for.

Colby snorted and winked at him.

The two were left in silence. Only the gentle occasional crackle of the dying bonfire was in the air. Softly, songbirds began their tune .

Colby leaned back into Sam, feeling him start to stir at the movement. Jake's words echoed in Colby's mind, but there was that constant nagging that he should just submit to Lucian, no matter how much he hated that other Alpha. Lucian would keep torturing him and Colby would keep healing. Lucian doesn't want Colby dead, so Colby knows he will do anything to break the other Alpha. At that thought, Colby realizes that could mean hurting his pack and hurting his mate. Perhaps he should just give up. Dying wasn't the answer-- that was a cop out-- he knows that now. And, Colby couldn't just leave his best friends and family, nor his mate.

Suddenly, Sam inhaled sharply as he woke up like he was startled awake. Colby sent a wave of affection to his mate and ran his fingers over Sam's again. He tried his best to calm him down.

"Shit," Sam sighed and he looked around him, talking to himself, "Fuck, we're still here."

"Yeah," Colby replied. 

"Colby," Sam jumped a bit at his mate's voice, "Oh thank God you're awake," Colby smiled and sent another wave of affection to Sam, "How are you feeling?" Sam was worried of course. Who wouldn't be after seeing their best friend, partner, and mate get tossed around on the ground like a ragdoll?

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