☽ 34 ☾

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*listened to Cry Little Sister from The Lost Boys while writing this lol even though it isn't part of the soundtrack for this fanfic, I'm gonna link it lol*

*moodboard edit at the end of the chapter, as I don't want to spoil the chapter*

Sam crashed into Colby's arms, holding the other male against him in a tight hug, as soon as Colby released him from his rope prison. The Alpha buried his face into Sam's neck, as he always does when they hug, ignoring the pain in his shoulder from the wounds Lucian gave him. He is so warm and comforting that Colby just feels himself relax completely. It doesn't help either that Sam begins to stroke the back of Colby's head, fingers pulling on the small hairs on the back of his neck. Sam wants to kiss his mate in that moment, but all he can do is just hold him. Neither knew when they would have had a chance to do that again. So, just holding the other was enough to know they were alive and would be okay.

"While you two are having a Solby moment, could one of you tear yourself away to untie one of us," Brennen Taylor's voice interrupted them, "Then you can go back to hugging each other and all."

Colby rolled his eyes at his other friend and pulled away from Sam, about to walk toward Brennen when the human practically screamed in terror, making the Alpha freeze.

"Fuck no! Not you, Colby!" Brennen turned to look up at the sky, "I don't want to see your junk so close to my face."

The Alpha hadn't realized he was butt-naked and quickly covered himself up, cupping his family jewels as best he could, with his hands, a light blush dancing on his cheeks, "Sorry, dude."

Sam laughed, leaning to press a kiss to Colby's bare and uninjured shoulder, his fingers dancing across Colby's lower back, before stepping forward to untie Brennen. The human quickly jumped up when the Omega did, stretching his legs, when the rope fell from his body. Sam made quick work of Luna's tied hands, as well, and the female werewolf stood up too, massaging her bruised wrists. Brennen turned to look at Colby with a raised eyebrow, stepping toward the brunette.

"So, an Alpha?" 

Colby nodded with a wide smile, "Never thought in a million years, huh?"

Brennen put his hands on his hips and shook his head with a light laugh on his lips, thinking about all their memories together of the young brunette giving off such "bottom" vibes, "Never."

"I wouldn't get much closer to a naked Colby, Brennen," Elton pipped up as Sam untied him and Corey from their shared stake. 

"And why's that?" Brennen took another dramatic stepped forward toward the Alpha, turning to look at the Beta. 

"This Alpha's got a possessive mate," Colby smirked as he watched Sam stand up and flash his golden eyes teasingly at Brennen.

"In other words...I'll bite your dick off, Brennen, if you take another step toward Colby," Sam smirked, his K-9's peeking from his lips.

The smile faded from Brennen's face and he took a step backwards from Colby, "Right... right... sorry, bro....," and he swallowed loudly, watching as Sam walked back over to Colby, letting Elton and Corey untie Aaron and Jake. Obviously, Sam didn't quite trust the human to keep his fingers off his mate. Brennen continued to observe as Sam came up beside Colby, carefully looking over the Alpha's injuries with careful touches. Sam attempted to wrap his arms around Colby's waist, "Wait.. You're serious?"

Colby nodded, moving his body to stand behind the Omega and wrapped his arms around the blonde's waist; Sam gave an annoyed sigh when the brunette moved behind him, using Sam as a human shield to cover his 'man parts', "Yes. Sam's my mate... my romantic partner, my partner-in-crime, my everything, my-."

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