☽ 13 ☾

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Bacon, sizzling in his mind and his mouth watering in response, and melted chocolate were the smells that woke Colby Brock up. The first thing he notices when he opens his tired eyes is the bright pink wall and knows he isn't in his room. The second thing he notices, mostly in response to the fact that there was a pink wall in this room, was that there was no body next to his. The third thing he notices is the smiling face of the said body, which Colby was hoping he would wake up next to, grinning down at him so brightly.

"Wakey wakey! Eggs and bakey!" Sam laughed, eyes twinkling.

Colby rolled his eyes and laughed. Slowly, he sat up in the bed. It didn't slide past him either that his shirt was removed, along with his rings, but also his belt, for his jeans hung low on his hips, sliding past the hem of his boxers. Ocean eyes watched as Sam raised a tray up and over Colby's legs, placing it on his lap.

"What's this, Sam?"

Colby peered down at the contents of the tray: orange juice and water, chocolate chip pancakes, and bacon. One of his favorite breakfast meals. Of which, Colby had not had it since the two of them left Kansas so long ago.

Colby looked up at his best friend, a small smile on his face.

"I know you aren't feeling yourself lately and I know you don't want to talk right now, but I wanted to make you breakfast to help cheer you up. We've got a long day a head of all us with Luna," Sam replied.

Colby looked down at his plate at Sam's words, staring at the pancakes and bacon there. That's right, Colby thought, Luna and her interviews and questions and answers. He had thought a lot about those answers and questions last night when he was crying his sorrows out on Sam's shoulder. For the past three months, he had so desperately craved those answers that Luna could provide to him. Now, Colby isn't sure he wants those answers. What would Luna even think of him? A worthless and depressed man, constantly lacking control over the raging animal inside of him.

He wants to disappear. Becoming static white noise on a radio which no one bothers to listen and just skips right over. He wants to vanish into thin air.

"Hey," Sam's voice is soft in his ears as he sits down at Colby's knees, one hand on his lower thigh, "Colby, it's going to be alright."

If only you knew, Colby thinks, picking a piece of bacon up with his fingers and placing it in his mouth.


The fire crackled and popped beside Colby, but it didn't startle him. His mind felt like a wasteland of which he trudged through in search of water endlessly and hopelessly. He simply stared at the wooden floor, waiting for each of his pack members to come back from their individual interviews with Luna. Never knowing what the said interviews consisted of, he only knew of their facial expressions they gave him. Blank poker faces disguising feelings he would never know.

He was confused. Of that, Colby was sure.

Confused about being an Alpha. Confused about being a werewolf. Confused about Sam.

He knew he had to ask Luna about all these things and how to fix himself, but he also didn't know if he wanted to be fixed.

By being broken, he felt the most whole. The closest to being human he has felt a while. It reminded him of his past. That connection with the pain he felt in high school when he met Sam for the first time during band camp was what made him felt human.

If he healed himself, Colby felt like he would become more of a monster.

Pain made him feel human.

Take that away and Colby feared he would lose control of the raging wolf inside of him.

Shut up, Colby yelled at himself mentally, hoping to silence the wolf inside of him.

He pulled his phone from his back pocket and began to text the only person he felt comfortable with at the moment. The only person who wasn't giving him problems or reminded him of his little problem.

Hey Brennan! He texted to his friend.

Colby didn't have to wait too long before the other man responded.

Yo bro! Waz up?

Colby rolled his eyes at Brennan mentally.

Nothing much. Was wondering if u r up for another vid?

Brennan texted back quickly, Ya man! What were u thinkin of?

Colby thought for a moment, glad of Brennan distracting him from his current state of mind, Was thinking of a scary vid. Like calling phone numbers that are haunted and shit. What do u think?

Brennan was delayed a bit in his response and it slightly worried Colby. It also made the Alpha relapse back into his thoughts. He looked at the entrance of the hallway in Luna's cottage.

Just then, Sam entered into the room and Colby connected their eyes. The blonde paused, staring at the Alpha. Sam's blue eyes were red rimmed and glassy and it made Colby's heart beat faster. A feeling deep inside of him wanted to get up and rush toward the Omega. Scoop the blonde up in his arms and hold him close. But Colby didn't move. Instead, Sam made a beeline for the front door. It slammed shut behind him just as Colby's phone buzzed.

Colby unlocked his phone and he had to reread Brennan's message several times before he could comprehend what his friend had sent him. He was so focused on what had happened with Sam and trying to stop himself from running after him.

Sure man! Sounds freaky! Text me time and place and Ill meet ya there!

Colby left Brennan on read and smiled. Glad that he could trust his friend to get his back.

Just then, Axelle came through the doorway Sam had exited through and stared at Colby, "My sister is ready for you, Alpha."

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