6 Months

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It had been 6 months since Josie found out she was expecting and now she was 7 months and the entire school is happy for the power couple, well everyone except for Penelope Park and Landon Kirby.

Bonnie's contact about the upcoming war is indeed true. From what she gathered from from her friends in Europe they had been hearing about a monster called Malivore and it's  planning to take over the world but it was searching for it's vessel. Malivore wanted the two most powerful being in the world and it ment Hope and the twins.

"So you are saying that we are in danger. It's coming for us three" Hope said and held on to her high risk pregnant girlfriend.

"Yes, we don't really know what it wants with you girls but we will protect you and the baby" Freya said.

"I know but it's just irritating to know that my family is being a targeted" Hope sigh.

"No matter how much we want to be normal we are not. We can't avoid being targets by other covens or supernaturals. It's better if we face them head on and try to find a better solution to stop this monster" Josie said while touching her baby bump. Lizzie and Hope just stared at her.

"Well being pregnant and trying not to stress out is something I am trying to keep calm so I won't accidentally make myself brake my water and give a early birth" she says.

"I'm not worried about what will happen because I know that you will keep us safe. We have you and our family. Three powerful witches, vampiers and both the Salvatore pack and the Crescent. I am just scared that  something will happend to our baby during birth" she continued and Hope is amazed in how her girl was calm about this.

"She is right, we are powerful beings the three of us. Even more so when the little one comes. We don't really know what powers she or he will have. It might be even more powerful the the three of us can combine" Lizzie said and this made sens to the adults.

"Your sister is right. We don't know what power little one have yet. Right now our main focus is to protect the school and come up with a plan to find the missing vessel" Bonnie said.

"My brother Kol and his wife Davina is looking for it as well, Dorian can continue to look in the books while you kids focus on studies and Josie" Freya said and they all agreed.

As they where talking one of the students knocked on the door and informed that someone was at the gate.

Freya looked outside the window and was suprised to see her sister.

"Open the gate, it's Rebeckah and Marcel" she said and Hope was suprised to hear their name.

When the Rebeckah and Marcel entered the office Hope slamed herself on her aunt.

"Aunt Beckah, I'm so happy to see you" she said tearing up.

"Oh littles wolf I've missed you so much and I am so sorry that I haven't been keeping in touch with you" she said hugging her niece.

"What about me? You didin't miss me?" Marcel asked and smiled at him.

"Of course I missed you as well.. but I missed my aunt more" she grinned.

The man put his hand on his chest and faked a hurting sound.

"Ouch that hurt" he said laughing the two adult pulled her into a second hug.

"Aunt Rebeckah this is Josie my baby mama" she said grinning at the brunette who rolled her eyes.

"Oh.. little Josie, you look a lot like your mother so much and to hear that you are Hope's soulmate gives such a joy in our family and now you are carrying our first grandchild" Rebeckah said and put her hand on Josie's belly.

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