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When the girls found out about the choice their mother had about being imortal or live the mortal life they where happy but sad at the same time since they knew that their mother believed in the order of the nature.

They both said their piece and left the subject.

Josette was happy that her daughters understood that it wouldn't be easy for her to just accept the offer but just knowing that she had a choice was at least something she had.

Josie was glad that her lover thought about it and that she suggested it to her aunt who later on told her mother. It amazed her that her lover knew how she felt about leaving their mother to grow old and gray and someday die while the entire family would continue to live on.

Freya met up with her friend and they told them about the rumors about the war that was about to come but the thing was they did not know when it would happen only that it would.

David one of her friends told her about the book of Prophecy. The story went that once every 1000 years there would be a two lovers who is ment to be but they would go through different stages of pain and  sorrow to find each other. Even if they would die their souls would continue to live and their story would start once again until they find a way to live get married before the big war starts.

This was more then she bargen for and even more then the girls would ever understand. Freya told them about Hope and Josie and the visit from Morpheus himself.

"I suggest that the girls need to know about this and hope that they choose to get married before the war" he said and Freya just shook her head.

"They are kids and they are not supposed to do that because they feel forced" she said and David nodding in understanding.

"Well they don't have a choice from what I hear" he said and left.

This had the eldest Mikaelson to think about the girls options.

The twins and the rest of their family was out exploring the street of London. As they predicted they went to the food market. Kol and Kai showed them different dishes from all over the world.

They where standing by the Asian corner with 5 different stalls and Davina found them a table in the middle.

When Kai and Kol came back with various food the girls mouth was watering.

"Oh my god all this looks so good" Hope said and couldn't stop looking around the table.

"It is and you will love it" Kai said and the family started to eat lunch.

Later at night when everyone was home they sat in the family room watching a movie when Freya came home from her friends place.

"Hey you're back" Kai said with a smile and they stopped the movie.

"Yeah.. I was catching up with some of my friends and also take back my books that I had to keep safe for rainy days" she said with a wide smile.

"So did you get anything else from them? About the God's" Kai asked. Everyone in the room looked at the eldest blond.

"No.. just the same information as before but one of my friends told me that there is one who is still alive and survived Thanatos games" she said and everyone looked at her.

"Her name Lucie DeMarco and from what I gathered she is a witch just like us. Only downfall of this is that she is somewhere in the world. She is well hidden and she likes to keep it that way" she said.

"It's still a good thing" Josette added looking at everyone.

"We just need to find her and spread the word amongst people we trust" Davina said.

"Now that we know where to start we can enjoy our family vacation and just hang out for the rest of the week" Lizzie said and they all agreed.

As the days passed it was almost time to go back home. The family went to see all the highlights of the city and the three girls did also enjoy the night life London had to offer. Freya and Keelin took them to a gay club named GAY with a neon light sign. It was the biggest guy club in the city and even the blond twin had a good time dancing and enjoying herself.

"Oh my god my head hurts" the blond twin said and dunk her head on the table.

Kai laughed and shook his head.

"Guessing that you girls had fun last night" he asked and the blond just nodded.

Her uncel gave her a cup of coffee and a plate if kebab.

"Oh my god what is that" she said with a low voice.

"Kebab, you gonna need a lot of fatty food if you wanna get better. Scandinavians often eat fatty food after drinking a lot of alcohol. It says that the fatty food absorbs the remaining alcohol in your body" her heretic uncel said.

Both Hope and Josie walked into the kitchen and they where so hungry that they could eat an entire cow.

"Oh Kebab get me some, I need it" Hope said happily.

The heretic turned around and made two more plates in which the girls happily ate.

Hope told Kai what happend at the club. Apparently a younger woman in her erlie 20s was hitting on her aunt Freya and her wife did not appreciate that. The young woman had the balls to hit on Lizzie without realizing that they where in the same group.

"So what happened to the girl?" Kai asked.

"Well Hope here almost killed her when she tried was hitting on Josie. The poor girl ran out of the club with her tail behind" Keelin said and everyone was laughing.

"The effect of alcohol is a wonder" Freya said nonchalant.

"Okey so two days left, what do you guys want to do?" Kol asked them.

"Nothing much.. We've seen most of it but I wouldn't mind if went went to the food market again.. we can get something for the guys" Lizzie said and everyone else agrees.

The rest of the two days left the family took the opportunity to buy some things that they wanted to bring home and then pack their bags making sure that they did not forget anything.

Lizzie got some British almond cookies that she fell in loved with after they had tried the English Afternoon Tea at the Peabody Café.

Josie was walking with Nicole in their garden one last time before they would leave the mansion. The little girl loved the open field that she could run and play with her mommy as a wolf making her laugh hysterically.

This made the brunette smile wide and happy how their life turned out to  be. Becoming pregnant at 16 and giving birth just a month after her birthday way never planned but it was something that she did not regret.
She loves being a mom to Nicole and soon to become Mrs Josie Mikaelson.

Nicole waved goodbye to the mansion as they sat in the car driving away.

"Say bye bye to your house Nicky" Kol said and the little girl just giggled.

After a 12 hour flight they finally landed in US soil and they where happy that Rebeckah had come and picked them up with the school van.

"Oh how I missed my little granddaughter" the blond woman said making the little girl squeel of happiness.

When they got to the school their friends stood by the stairs and waited for them to arrived.

The girls went up to their rooms and then told.the boys what places they went to see and gave them their bags of gifts.

"We can go there over the summer brake if you guys want to" Hope suggested.

"Even me?" Pedro asked and Hope smiled at him.

"Of course, super squad would not be compleat without you" she said making him smile.

Down in the office Josette had made a decision. She was sitting with the Mikaelson siblings as well as Kai and Bonnie.

"I've been thinking, I don't want my children to outlive me. So I decided to accept the offer" she said.

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