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Kai Parker was in New York living his life away from his family. The first years he left them he never stayed in one place longer then 3 days. Then he went to see Klaus and his family. Klaus helped him become the heretic he is now.

Now 13 years later he has his own security firm and was working for the rich and famous celebrities.

He was in his office when suddenly he noticed a note on his desk. He picked it up and read it. He couldn't belive it was from his sister. She never wrote to him unless it was something really bad and he needed to go back home.

He looked out over his city and knew that this time he needs to go back home and face whatever was to come for his family.

"Hold on little ones, uncel Kai is coming home" he said to himself.

He was back in Mystic Falls where his sister and her family used to live but the place seemed to be occupied by others. He walked up and talked to the people who was there.

"Oh you mean Miss Parker, yeah she started the Salvatore Bording School for the young and gifted, this is still her place though but she uses it as a safe haven for the new ones that is learning how to be a new born vampires or wolfs" the woman said.

He smiled at this. He was proud of his sister who manage to start this school with their friends.

"Thank you" he said and drove to the school.

Once he got there he manage to set the alarm and vampiers and wolfs was already outside and Bonnie and the other teachers was behind.

The twins was right behind her and he smiled when he saw them.

"Who are you" Hope said but Josie recognize her uncel.

"STOP, STAND DOWN" she shouted and Hope turned her head to her lover.

"UNCEL KAI" she shouted and ran towards him and he opend his arms to hold her.

"My little one.. I knew you would remember me" he said and kiss her head.

Lizzie walked slowly towards them. She was skeptical as always and he knew that.

"My little spoild one, skeptical as always" he said and that's when she knew it was him.

"Uncel Kai" she said and ran into his arms" as the three of them stood there and hugged each other Josette came out from the back and noticed her brother.

"KAI" she screams and he looked up and saw his sister standing beside the school.

"JO" he screams and the two ran towards each other and he lifted her in his arms crying and kissing her cheek.

"My Josette, oh how I missed you so much" he said and cried.

Everyone stood there and saw the happy reunion of the Parker siblings.

The twins walked over to their mom and uncel and they finally where together once again.

When they where in Josettes home Bonnie and the twins told him about Morpheus and the war that was about to come.

Kai knew the story of Malivore but he never expected that his nieces was gonna be in the middle of it and so was his granddaughter apparently.

"So care to tell me about my granddaughter?" He asked the brunette who just blushed.

"She is with her mommy at the moment but you will meet them" she said shyly.

"So is this girl someone I should talk to or?" He started but Josette quickly shut him down.

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