It All Ends Here Part 3

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1 Hour Before

Josie was not scared at all, she was just pissed that he had threatened to kill her daughter if she didin't do as he commanded when she was at home.

She wanted to ripp this man's heart out and feed it to the wolfs. Nicole have been crying non stop since they where forced to leave their home. The little girl wanted her mommy.

"Can't you get your little bratty kid to shut the fuck up before I kill her by accident" Landon almost shouted her.

Josie waved her hand sending the boy flying across the room.

"DON'T YOU EVER THREATEN MY DAUGHTER OR ELSE I WILL KILL YOU" she yells out and Landon was suprised that the girl still had her magic even though they had chained her hands.

Upon realizing this she broke the chain and started to siphone her way out of the cell triggering an alarm and she was now forced to fight her way out with her daughter.

During the fight she held Nicole in her arm as she got hit on the back causing her to lose her balance and hit her head on the concrete floor. She could feel someone take her girl from her arms and she realized she had to focus so that she could get her baby back.

She got up and ran after the figure and was killing anyone that was standing in her way. As she was fighting her way out she stumbled on a room that was holding a big stone with a sword. She could feel the dark magic that was in it. She was drawn to it as it was like telling her to take it and so she did. She dragged the sword out of the stone. She could feel how powerful it was and she was smirking at everyone that had just entered the room.

She noticed at how petrified they looked and some even tried to flee the room but she wouldn't allow them. Only way to get out was death for them.

Josie focused on her daughter's heart beat and she followed it and led her outsie the shitty tunnel just in time to see a dragon about to fly away with her daughter so she took a big step jumping hug so that she landed on it's tail and she started to climb to the center of its back.

From the air she could see her town a few miles away but she could clearly see her home being attacked and she saw how her friends and family was fighting the war.

She could sense her wife and Hope glanced up in the air seeing a dragon above her and she saw it carrying a basket and her wife sitting on it's back.

"Baby what's happening" she asked her wife with through their mind link.

"The dragon has Nicole so I jumped on just before it flew away" she said flying away from her home.

Hope took this opportunity to ran after them and the same thoughts went through her parents and some of her friends.

Lizzie saw Hope running after the dragon and so she ran after the girl. Penelope saw this and ran after the blond wanting to make sure that she would be okey.

Klaus and Hayley did the same and noticed that the witch was running the same direction and so he grabbed the girl in his arms and ran with her using his vampire speed.

Present Time

"GIVE ME BACK MY DAUGHTER YOU SON OF A BITCH" Hope yelles out at Lucifer who was just laughing at them.

"Oh Hope Mikaelson the tribrid is pissed" he said mocking the brunette.

Nicole was crying silently as the man was bouncing her up and down in his arms. The little girl could feel how upset her mothers was.

"What do you really want from us" Lizzie asked him.

"Oh you know.. to kill the mighty tribrid and her soulmate the heretic from ruining my game" he said.

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