A New Beginning

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It had been a year since the battle of the evil God's and the Supernaturals. When the group got back to the school they where met with a very ruined school but lucky for them the witches helped rebuild the school and even added a new soccer field and even 2 new small houses and a hospital for the Supernaturals.

Quinn was offered a spot as a history professor of Olympic God's and the Gate Keeper's protector. The Parker twins agreed that their people needed to learn about the universes creator and how to fight them. She even wrote a book about their situation and how they manage to fight them.

Santana was working with Bonnie looking for new recruiters and helping other people to the other side. It did require to travel from time to time but luckily not that often.

The two was happy to live their life to the fullest together with their son Pedro who was so happy to have both of his mothers back in his life. The little family decide to live in one of the small houses that was in the schools property.

"Okey girls so two things we would like to talk to you about" Josette said and looked between her brother and Bonnie.

"Okey what is that?" Santana asked them.

"Well first of all we would like to offer Quinn a teaching position here at school. We would need your expertise when it comes to the Olympic and the God's. We want you to teach our people everything about them" Kai said and the look in Quinn's face was priceless.

She was smiling wide and looked over to Santana who was happy for her wife.

Santana we would like to offer you a spot as a recuter. It means that from time to time you would be traveling to pick up new students or new born supernaturals and you would be working with Bonnie. She still has her potion as headmistress but Kai here would fill that space once your off on a mission and vise versa" Josette said.

"Also the reason we asked the witches to built 2 extra houses is because one of them is for you to live in. You be living there rent free and it's close to Pedro" Bonnie chimed in.

This was something they never expected. Quinn had been worried over how they would start over and where to get jobs since everything around them has change and it would be a little difficult for them to start looking for work.

Quinn looked at her wife who just smiled at her. She knew exactly what their answer would be because they would be stupid if they turned down the offer.

"Yes.. oh my god yes.. we both accept and it would be idiot to turn this down" Quinn said happily.

"It be amazing because not only are we working closer to our son's school but we would be close to our new friends that has become our family as well" Santana added and this made the three adults happy to hear.

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