The Warning

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After Josie woke up from her nightmare and Hope popped the question the two was now engaged to be married. The two was now enjoying their time alone from other people.

Meanwhile the adults wanted to know why the three students was harassing Josie.

"So Windy do you have anything to say?" Bonnie asked her.

"No, I don't. It's not like you can do anything about it anyways" she snickers.

Bonnie looked at Josette and Freya who just nodded.

"Alyssa and Jade, anything to add?" She asked them.

"I hate her, she thinks she can do whatever she wants without any consequences and she has that fucking tribrid who will do anything for her" Alyssa said with a angry voice.

"So you guys did this out of jealousy?" Josette was getting upset.

All three started to laugh.

"They think they own this school but they don't" Jade said.

"For your information the twins and Hope does own this school, they founded this with their inheritance from there father" Bonnie said.

"and Hope donates a huge amount of money to this school once a year that it could keep this school going for thousands of years. Why do you think you students never needed to pay for anything? You live here for free. We provide you food, shelter and cloths" Freya said and looked at them.

The deminor of the girls faces change and was now quiet. They had no words to say.

"And also we can actually do anything and your punishment will be to send you to prison world. You have violated a lot of rules and most of all you used black magic against another student" she said and with that Bonnie and Josette did the spell to vanish the three of them into the locket.

A few days has passed and the squad was having a movie night with Nicole. The little girl thought she had a great time with her family. They where watching Moana and Josie was singing a long to the movie and Nicole was always happy hear her mama sing even if it was for others. She laughed everytime she saw the chicken do funny things.

"You like the chicken bubba.. yeah he is crazy.. always falling in the water and Moana have to save him" Hope said smiling at her daughter who kept laughing at the chicken and Josie by their side.

Suddenly the lights started to flash and the TV started to turn on and off by it's self. The gang wondered what the hell that was until they saw Morpheus standing in the middle of them.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Hope almost yelled.

Morpheus smiled at her.

"I'm sorry to barge in like this but I do have something to tell you" he said and this got Hope on the edge.

Josie held Nicole in her arms and refused to let go.

"What is it" Hope asked with a very low and determined voice.

"My dear cousin Thanatos is planning to test your love for each other and I just want you to be ready for whatever he is planning" he said and both Hope and Josie could hear the sincere in his voice.

"How will we know if we can trust you?" Lizzie asked him.

"Whatever he is planning we will be ready and nothing can come between me and Josie. Our love for each other is stronger then any former relationship we had" Hope said and Morpheus just nodded.

"I know.. but as I said before. You are much stronger now then your previous self. I really want you to win this time. You need to be wed in holy matrimony before the second attack if not he will unleash everything to end you" he said and the gang was on edge.

"When will the attacks be?" Josie asked him and Morpheus just shook his shoulder.

"I don't know.. it can be tomorrow.. next week.. a few months and even a year from now. I really don't know.. I just had to warn you" he said and Josie could hear the worry in his vocie.

"Don't worry.. we be ready" Hope said and then he just vanished.

The gang looked over at Josie who was just holding her daughter and the calmness she had before all this started was gone.

Josie was now a mess inside her head and just wanted everything to end. She did not like it when the gods played with her life.

After the unsuspected visit and the warning they got from Morpheus the gang told the adults about it and they where not happy about it either.

"So what.. we are just gonna accept the fact that they are playing a game with the girls life like it's nothing? There must be something we can do about this" Kol said when he found out about the entire ordeal.

"There must be someone who is still alive who might know something" Davina added not happy about what is happening with her niece.

Boonie looked at Dorian who looked exhausted. He shook his head and looked at the floor.

"I've tried every book looking for informative about Morpheus but nothing else is said about him in the books" he said.

"What about Thanatos, there must be something about him" Freya said and Dorian nodded.

"Yes, but not much. All it says is that he likes to play games with the humans and other creatures. The longest game he did or still playing is about two lovers. Emily and Diana dated B.C" he said and the adults was astonished about this information.

"WHAT" they all said.

"That's even long before Jesus was even born" Kol almost shouted.

No one was happy about this but they had to wait and see what Thanatos was planning. Did he really want to know how far their family would go for them? Everyone knew Hope and Josie are ment to be together even when the brunette was together with Penelope.

Landon had always had a thing for the tribrid ever since they danced once at a town fair and it lasted 4 minutes. Ever since that day he had been looking for her and been pinning for the red head even when she made it clear that they would never happen.

Hope's love for Josie was flawless and the way she felt for the brunette was seemingly amazing. Everyone who knew them could feel the love they had for one another.

If anyone ever tried to get between them they would signe their death sentence and all the students knew that but there was one who did not belive in that and it was Landon. The phenix that would not take no for an answer and would do anything to brake the two apart at any cost.

Needless to say.. Landon Kirby was on the verge of doing something he will regret heavily.

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