Souls From The Past Part 4

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It had been a week since Hope got out from the hospital and Josie getting her memories back.

Quinn and Santana had been speaking to Freya about everything they knew about Morgana. Not only that but they kept on wondering where their son was or what happend to him.

As they walk by the school Quinn noticed a little boy with curly black hair and dopey black eyes. As she watch the little boy laugh and smile she notice something about him.

The smirk that he had and that giggle was a reminder of her son. When they died they took their boy with them but when she had woken up the boy was not there. Their 6 year old was not with them.

She stopped abruptly. Heart clenched as she was sure that the boy is their son.

"Quinn baby what's the matter?" Freya took her hand in hers wondering why the blond suddenly stopped.

Quinn pointed at the boy who was now sitting on the bench reading a book.

"What's with Pedro?" She asked confused.

"My Mateo" she whispers and Freya noticed the way she spoke.

"Come we need to see the others" Freya.

They where in the Josette's side of the school. When Santana noticed her wife was crying she got very overprotective.

"Baby please tell me what is wrong" she asked.

Refusing to answer the question Santana turned to Freya who was as distracted as her.

"Freya what happened to my wife?" The blond looked at her.

"To be honest I don't know.. we were walking towards the school when she suddenly stopped and she was staring at Pedro who was sitting on a bench reading" she said.

"Oh and she mentioned about a boy Mateo" she added and everyone noticed how Santana quickly shut down and was now sitting on the couch emotionless.

Josie understood why because she had noticed the same similarities between Pedro and Santana. She didin't understand it but she knew that Pedro was connected somehow.

"He is your son isn't he?" Josie said quietly and Quinn quickly nodded.

"He will die soon and then he will come back as a baby" She said.

"This can't be the punishment Thanatos gave us.. this is so wrong.. how can he take our little boy away" Santana said angry at the fact that their son had been living his short life over and over again.

This stunned everyone. Josette took the file that she had on Pedro. It was not much but it only stated that he was found near the road abandond. No parents was listed only a blanket and and letter that was with him and a picture of a blond woman holding him.

She gave the picture to Santana and the woman gasp. Quinn looked at her and she too looked at the picture and she broke down.

"It's Quinn and Mateo.. I remember that day because I was the one that took that picture" Santana said holding her wife who was now fully crying.

Suddenly the room was shaking and Quinn pushed away her wife.

"MORPHEUS YOU SON OF A BITCH GET YOUR SORRY ASS DOWN HERE NOOOOWWW" she screams and they all was shocked at how angry she was.

"Quinn what did I do now?" The man himself appeared in front of her.

Without a word she slapped the man hard that he could feel how his face stinged.

"You let Thanatos take MY son from me and made me belive that it was not his time because he still had things to do on earth but instead I find my son with a different name living with supernaturals" she shoved him casuing him to stumble on the floor.

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