Souls From The Past Part 1

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It had been a week since Josie got attacked by Landon. Her memories was still at bay. She still didin't remember her wife or her daughter.

It was heart braking for everyone to see Hope brake down. The way Nicole was crying for her mama was braking everyone at school. Even Penelope who was still in love with the brunette never wanted this for Hope or their daughter.

Josie was still trying to understand why she couldn't remember Hope or their daughter. She had requested to move out from the school and to be staying at her uncel Matt's place since she did not want to feel like a burden to her daughter or wife.

"Josie how are you feeling?" Her uncel asked her.

"I don't know.. it's like my soul is gone and I can't feel anything" she said with a monotonous voice.

Matt nodded and tapped her shoulder.

"You know.. I watch you girls grow up together. She have always been very protective about you and Lizzie. No one ever dared to say or look at you in a bad way since they knew Hope would make them pay" he said with a chuckle.

Josie looked at him with no emotions. The way Matt saw it was like the little girl he knew did not have any emotions anymore or worse yet she did not have a soul.

"All I'm saying is.. try to re connect with Hope. Meet up and talk about memories with her. Maybe then you will remember things" he said and Josie understood what he ment.

The brunette stared outside the kitchen window.

"Maybe I should try to reach out" she mumbled to herself.

Up in Olympus Thanatos was laughing. He watched as the couple had separated and was executing his plan by this nightfall. Now that the mighty tribrid and the siphoner was no more he chose to take this opportunity to destroy them.

Thanatos was pissed that they had out smarted him so he had imposed himself as his cousin Morpheus and kissed Josie to give her memory loss spell.

"Well.. now you ignorant supernaturals can't fool me at my own game" he said to himself and laugh as he watched the school being attacked by different monsters.

The school was under attack and Hope was feeling overwhelmed. She had to give her daughter to her aunt and hopefully to not say their last goodbye.

"My little princess I love you so much. You and your mama means the world to me and I will always be here for you" she said and gave Nicole a kiss.

She watch as Mg taking her to safety. Her heart was broken. It was calling out for her wife whom had forgotten her and their daughter who she has no clue if she will see her again.

To state that she was pissed was an understatement. She was furious, she felt cheated on from the very beginning and she hated the God's who was interfering in her life.

She and her family was defending their school together with the 2 older classes. She did not want to have the 10th and below to be in the war and she did not want to force the older kids to be in it as well. So in the end she told them that it was only the willing students who wanted to be in this war to protect their home. To her suprise they all stood up with pride.

"We will protect our home and we will follow you our Alpha" one of the wolfs said and they all got to their knees to show their loyalty. To her suprise so did the vampires and witches.

"This is our home Hope, we may fight and argue at times but we will always protect our family" Daria one of the witches said.

"I'm with them Mikaelson, this school is more then just a school for us.. it's our home and safe place and they picked the wrong school to declare war on us" Penelope Park said.

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