The Tribrid and The Heretics

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They all stood there. They couldn't belive what Josie just said.

"What?" Lizzie said staring at her sister in disbelief.

"I said kill me and make me a heretic, that's the only way for me to survive the game. Quinn and Santana committed suicide so that their game would end so now.. it's our turn. Hope died and now I'm gonna die with her" She said and looked at her wife who was a shocked as everyone.

"Lizzie.. my wife just died and became a tribrid she is forever 20 and we just turned 18 not long ago. I'm not gonna wait for an attack to kill me. I'm gonna become a heretic whether or not people like it. She is my destiny as much as this war is ours. Quinn and Santana is right. This game has to stop or else we will start over from the beginning" she said.

"Josie.. baby I know that you are right but I don't want to do anything you will regret later" she said staring at her.

Josie smiled at her. They held each other's hand. She connected their forheads together.

"I love you with every being of my body. My heart beats for you and my love for you will never falter. You Hope Andrea Mikaelson are the only reason why I want to do this. To be with you and our precious baby girl. You are my wife and the mother to our Princess. I want forever with you" she said and kissed her lips.

Hope smiled and pulled her wife in her arms once again.

"If this what you want I won't prevent you this. Just know that I love you" she said with a smile.

Lizzie thought about it while Josie and Hope were talking. She didin't want her sister to do it alone and being a heretic at the age of 18 was not as bad as she thought. The God's played with her family and the thought of being left alone without her twin would kill her. She wants to do this with her because her mother and uncel are already imortals.

"Let's do it" she said and everyone stared at her.

"I told you Josie, your not leaving me behind and doing it alone. You're my twin and we do things together.. specially things that is this big" she added and Josie smiled.

"You are right, we do things together and we always have and we will" she said taking her sisters hand.

"So it's settled? You two are going to do it?" Kai asked and looked at his little ones.

Josette and Alaric was quiet. They couldn't do anything except accepting the fact that their two girls are willing to do this.

"Jo, Alaric?" He turned to look at them.

"They are right. The God's have been playing with their lives for a long time. The only difference now is that they are supernaturals. Quinn and Santana got out of that circle with a forceing hand of suicide. They died and didin't survive but my girls will" he said.

"We won't be here for long, we don't really know when Thanatos will strike again and I want to see how my girls will handle them selfs as heretics" he said.

"It will give the girls time to practice and see how strong their powers are" Josette said with a smile.

"Then it's settled. It's time for the twins to get upgraded. How do you two wanna do it?" Kai asked his nieces.

"Just snap our necks" Lizzie said.

"Baby would you do it to me" Josie asked her even though she knew that it be hard for her.

"I don't wanna hurt you" Hope said with a small voice.

"I know.. but you won't hurt me. I be back and we be spending our lives forever" she said with a smile.

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