Souls From The Past Part 3

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Hope had been in the medical bay for 24 hours. Josie had not left her side and she did not want anyone but Quinn and Santana to be with her.
She didin't want anyone in her room except Keelin.

Santana and Quinn switch from time to time of who was gonna get coffee or food. Alaric and Klaus wanted to speak to Josie but she refused to talk to anyone.

Both Quinn and Santana knew how hard this is for the brunette. They have been in the same boat as them and still it is hard for them to speak about it.

Quinn was walking around the halls of the school. She was curious about this world and she saw how time had change. Everything was so modern for her. She loved the library that the school have and even the food was new to her. Even if she recognized some food items she could see how renewed the dishes was.

She was in the common room when Bonnie and Freya saw her. They both entered the room and gently catch her attention.

"Hi.. we didin't want to scare you" Bonnie said with a smile.

"It's fine, I was just reading" she said with a soft voice and a smile.

"I'm Bonnie Bennett, the school headmaster and also Josie's aunt/godmother" she said.

"I'm Freya Mikaelson, I'm one of the witches here and also Hope's aunt and Josie's in law" the eldest Mikaelson said.

Quinn nodded and closed the book. She knew that someone would want to speak to her and Santana at any moment.

"I'm Lucy Quinn Fabray Lopez, Santana Marie Lopez is my wife and she is the one with Josie at the moment" she said.

They all shook hands.

"I'm guessing you guys have a lot of questions" she added and they both nodded their heads.

"Can we talk when Josie is better? We have a lot to talk about when Hope wakes up" the blond woman said.

Bonnie and Freya accepted her answer.

"Would you be interested in seeing the town?" Freya asked and Quinn nodded happily.

"I would love that. Thank you" she said.

"Meet me outside in a hour and we will go. Maybe your wife would like to come as well" Freya insisted and Quinn let her know that she would talk to Santana about it.

In the room Josie was sitting patiently at by Hope's bed. She couldn't understand why she forgot about her wife and her own family.

"Oh God.. what kind of a mother am I to forget my own daughter" she mutters to herself.

Santana stood up and walked over to her and put her arms around the brunettes neck.

"A mother who's memories was whiped off by an asshole of a God. You Josie Mikaelson is not a bad mother or a bad person. You are a kind and loving person who would do anything to keep her family and friends safe" Santana said and smiled at her.

"I think it be good if Nicole gets to see you while I can have some time with my wife soon" she added and Josie laugh a bit.

Quinn entered the room with a smile and two books in her hand.

"I met your aunt's Freya and Bonnie, they offered to show us the town I an hour if we wanted" she said with a smile.

"You two should go with them. I need to see my daughter and make sure that she is fine" the brunette said and smiled at them.

"Okey.. we gonna go get your parents and your baby girl" Santana said and walked out of the room.

Quinn walked over to her.

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