Reunions And Birthday's

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It had been a few days since they all came back from the dead. Klaus and Hayley was living in Hope's Mansion that he had built just for her. Stefan went to live with his brother and Enzo and Alaric was staying at the school with their beloved.

Klaus and Hayley was at the school everyday just to see their daughter and grandchild.

"So how is it between you and your beloved" Hayley asked her daughter who just blushed and tried to hide her face.

Her mother couldn't help but smile at her daughter who was smiling and was finally happy. She had found her soulmate just as she did.

"We are fine. We do live together and have a child. She is an amazing mother and lover, she always takes good care of me and the people she cares for. She is just perfect mom" Hope says with a big grin on her face.

"I'm so happy for you littlest wolf. You finally got you epic love" she said and Hope just nodded happily.

"Yes mom, I guess I did. Now all we need to do is to get married" she said and this catch Hayley's attention.

"Married? You proposed to her?" She asked her daughter with a smile.

"Yes.. and we are planning to do so as soon as possible" she said.

This made Hayley so happy. She had always wanted to see her daughter get married and be there for her wedding.

"So why don't you just have the ceremony here? We all are together now" she suggested and Hope didin't think about it until her mother suggested it.

Her thoughts of trains was interrupted when Josie and Nicole entered the room.

"Mommy" the little girl said running to her mother. Hope lifted her baby up and kissed her cheek.

"Hi my little princess, mommy missed you so much this passed days and so did mama" she cooed her daughter.

Without realizing how fast time went for the first time the twins forgot their own birthday and it was soon to be their daughters first birthday to come.

"How old is she?" Hayley asked them standing up staring at the little girl who was a copy of both her mothers.

"Oh my god.. Lizzie and I forgot our birthday and that was last month and I had her this month.. shit baby it's her birthday on Wednesday" Josie freak out over the fact that she forgot her own daughters birth.

Hope looked at her and just laughed shaking her head.

"It's fine my love. We will give her the best birthday ever and knowing Lizzie she will make it grand and also because we all forgot your birthday" she said kissing her lips making their daughter giggling.

"Mommy" the little voice said and pointed at Hayley who was on aw of staring at her daughter and grandchild.

Hope smiled and walked over to her mother.

"Princess I want you to meet my mother Hayley Marshall Mikaelson, mom meet my daughter and you're granddaughter Nicole Hayley Mikaelson" she said and Hayley gasp.

Tears was running down her face and couldn't belive that her daughter had named her granddaughter after her and her husband.

The little girl giggled and reach out for her grandmother. Hayley happily grabbed her from Hope's arms and was holding her. Josie put her arms around her lovers waist and whispers in her ear and Hope just nodded.

"Dad is on his was up here.. then we will go to class and let you guys bond with her" she said and Hayley just nodded her head unable to say a word of happiness.

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