Chapter 14

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Wow so I guess I can write good when I'm sick???? Okay.
For the next few chapters, all the ideas are from MintyWonderland and myself. We've had these ideas planned for a while now and I'm finally writing them. Minty's the reason Jay is even a character in this book!
Also, that picture you see above? It'll make sense why it's there when you get to the part, don't worry.
Max's POV
Something's wrong with Taylor. She's been acting very strange lately. Now, I know I should've talked to Mitch about this but for some reason, I went to Ally. She was always better with kids. "Taylor has been acting strange lately." I said to her. We were currently in the backyard, sitting by the pool. She nodded in agreement. "Yeah, she is a teenager now." Me and Mitch adopted Taylor when she was fourteen and now she is sixteen. Wow. "But she's acting strange." I said to her. Ally shrugged and took a drink from her ice tea. "Going through rebellious stage?" She questioned. "What? No." I said and shook my head. "Oh come on! A lot of teens go through that stage, I know you did." That was when I decided to get purple in my hair and start acting more mean. Oh god. "Okay, maybe you're right. She is going through a rebellious stage." I admitted. "The way she has been acting towards the others proves it." Ally added. "Plus that Jay guy may be the reason why." A sudden voice said and me and Ally turned around, seeing Jasom standing behind us. "How long were you there?" I asked him. He sat down on the chair beside Ally. "That's not important. Jay is changing how Taylor is acting and I know it." Jason said seriously. "You're right." Ally said. "You sure? Jay seems like such a nice guy." I protested. "Max, my cousins go to Taylor's school and one of them use to be friends with Jay. They told me Jay is a jerk and can't be trusted." Jason said seriously and stared at me. "They wouldn't lie to me." He added. "Wow." I mumbled and sighed softly. "Hopefully Taylor makes the right choice." Ally said to me. "Yeah, hopefully."

Taylor's POV
Me and Jay were currently sitting on the swing set at the park not to far from both of our houses. "Okay, I have a question for you." He suddenly said with a grin. "What is it?" I asked him and stared at him. "There is going to be a party at my house on Friday, aka tomorrow, and I was wondering if you would want to go?" I can't believe he was asking me this. "You want me to go to a party? But I'm a loser grade nine student." I mumbled and swung lightly on my swing. "Oh come on! You may be a bit of a loser, but you're very funny and amazing!" I felt myself blush a bit and I laughed. "Well, thanks." He laughed and grinned at me. "Come on, blue! Please?" He begged me. I hesitated for a moment. "I would go, but I don't think my parents would let me." I mumbled softly and stared at him. He just grinned more. "You can easily lie and say you're sleeping over at a friends house." I moved a bit on the swing. "I don't know.." I said slowly. "Pleeease?" He begged and pouted a bit. "Fiine." I said and rolled my eyes. His face lit up and he grinned widely. "Yay! If anything goes wrong, you can always come to my house early. Like, if you accidentally tell your parents about the party, you can come early." He explained and I nodded. "Also, wear something hot." I couldn't help but snort a bit at his comment. "'Why?" I asked with a giggle. He laughed a bit and grinned. "So you can hook up with a grade twelve student." I rolled my eyes and shoved him over playfully. "I'm taken, asshole." I said with a giggle. He grinned more and laughed, running a hand through his hair. "Still, wear something different. Not that I don't like what you usually wear, I do, it's just you need to wear something more party like." I nodded slowly and rolled my eyes. "Fine, fine. Any plans for the party?" I asked him and kept swinging on my swing. "My mission is to make sure you have fun at the party, maybe make a new friend?" Jay said with a smile. I smiled widely and giggled. "Well, hopefully I will make at least one friend." Jay nodded and mumbled something else under his breath. "What did you say?" I asked him. Jay grinned and shook his head a bit. "Oh don't worry, it was nothing." We kept talking until Jay had to leave for his job, then I walked back home.
I walked inside and smiled widely. "I'm back!" I yelled and took off my shoes. "Taylor? Come into the kitchen." I heard Max say. I walked into the kitchen and saw her and Ally sitting at the table, Jason searching through the fridge. "Hello." I said cheerfully and walked over to the counter. "Hello." Max said in a small voice. I glanced at her. "So, what did you and Jay do?" Jason asked me slowly. "Hung out by the swings and talked about our plans for tomorrow." I said and quickly knew I had fucked up. "Plans for tomorrow? What plans?" Max questioned me. "Uh, nothing." I said and quickly turned towards the exit but Ally stood up and quickly blocked it. Shit. "What plans?" Max asked me again, this time more seriously. Might as well tell the truth. "Jay is throwing a party tomorrow and invited me, no big deal." I said simply. "A party? At Jay's house?" Jason repeated slowly and looked at Max. "You are not going." Max said seriously and stood up. Ally was now moved away from the door and was standing next to Jason. "What?! Why not?" I asked her, quite loudly. "I don't trust him!" Max said quite loudly as well. "Well I do!" I said and turned around, walking out of the kitchen. Max followed me, however. "No! You are not going to that party! You're only sixteen." Max said calmly. "That isn't fair!" I yelled and walked up the stairs, now in the living room. The rest were on the living room, watching something on TV. They turned to look at me until Max walked into the living room. "It is so fair. I don't trust him so you are not going to his party." She said calmly. "Whose party?" Ashley questioned. "Jay's and why don't you trust him? He's such a sweet guy and he wants me to go to his party and have fun, meet friends, and just party." I yelled and crossed my arms over my chest. Ally and Jason were standing by the doorframe, watching this unfold. "He would do more then just that." She sad sternly. "Now you're sounding like Mitch!" I exclaimed and threw my arms up in the air. "I don't think you should go either." Mitch piped up from the couch. "Of course you don't." I muttered bitterly. "Taylor, I'm doing this for your own safety. You can't trust him." Max said softly. "I do trust him! He protected me! Just let me go to the party!" I yelled and turned towards the stairs. "Taylor Hughes, you are not going to that party." Max said very sternly and crossed her arms over her chest. I groaned and turned around to face them all. "Ugh! Why don't you want me to be fucking happy? I hate you!" I yelled at her before turning around and running upstairs. I ran into my room and slammed the door hard behind me. I groaned out in frustration and punched a pillow on my bed. I grabbed my backpack and began stuffing random stuff in it. Some clothes, makeup, a hair brush, and some accessories. I quickly grabbed my phone and texted Jay, telling him what happened. He texted back and I smiled softly. 'Oh no. So u arent coming to my party?' I quickly texted him back. 'I'm coming to your party. Actually, I'm coming over right now.' I grinned when he texted back, knowing exactly what I meant by that text. 'Alright, I got a spare room for you to sleep in.' I glanced around my room and bit my lip. The tree that was right by my window was cut down so I couldn't sneak out of the window. I guess I would have to leave in style. I quickly texted Jay again, telling him my plan. I grinned a bit when he replied, saying he was down with my plan. I fixed my hair in the mirror and grabbed my sunglasses off my dresser, putting them on. I stared out my window for a while until I saw a familiar car outside. I quickly grabbed a pair of shoes from my closest and put them on. Thank god I keep spare shoes up here. I took a deep breath and walked out of my room. I heard talking coming from the living room and I grinned widely, walking down the stairs with my bag slung over my shoulder. They almost didn't notice me, being too busy in their own conversations and the TV. But, thankfully, someone did notice me. "What are you doing?" Jerome asked me, causing everyone else to look over at me. I saw Mitch and Max exchange a look, which just made me grin. "Out." I said simply and walked to the exit of the living room. "No, you are not." Max said and stood up, taking a step towards me. "You're grounded, young lady." I rolled my eyes when she called me 'young lady' and moved my sunglasses down a bit, looking over at them. "It's a little too late, my ride is already here." I said and with that, I sprinted out of the living room and towards the front door. "Taylor Hughes!" I heard Mitch call and I also heard footsteps after me. I laughed and opened the door, quickly running outside. I grinned widely when I saw Jay sitting in front of the house, in his dad's red mustang convertible. Since his parents were out of town, he could use it. He also had told me his dad liked the older styled cars, that's why his dad has this car. I love that car so much. I glanced back and saw basically everyone around the doorframe, but Mitch and Max were on the front porch. I threw my bag in the back and quickly got in his car. I looked back at the others and flipped them off before Jay quickly drove away. "That was awesome!" He said once we were away from my house. I nodded and gave him a high five before looking forward. My phone began to go off like crazy and I rolled my eyes, turning it off. "Good thing your parents don't know where I live." He said with a grin and I nodded. I lifted my arms up into the sky and grinned. "I feel free." I mumbled with a smile. "Weren't you at work?" I added quietly. He nodded but grinned. "I told them something important came up."
I laughed softly. "I don't think me running away is that important." He laughed a bit and kept driving until he pulled into a Starbucks. "What do you want?" He asked me and I quickly told him. He nodded and for out, glancing at me for a moment. "Those sunglasses suit you." He said with a smile before walking into the Starbucks. I smiled more and waited for him. He came back moments later and handed me my drink, a double chocolaty chip crème frappuccino, and I took a drink of if. "Oh my god it's amazing." I mumbled and took another drink. He laughed and took a drink from his own drink, which was a clover brewed coffee. "Good, I made it myself." I stared at him with a look of shock. "What?" I asked and took another drink. "I work here!" He said with a small laugh. "Oh my god. You work at Starbucks?" I asked and began to laugh. Hard. "Yes! Shut up!" He said and shoved me over. I grinned at him and moved my feet up so they were resting up on the dashboard. He grinned and put his coffee in a cup holder before starting to drive again. I raised my hands up again, holding my drink in one hand. I remembered I wasn't wearing my seatbelt but didn't care, Jay wasn't either. He kept driving until we arrived at his house. His house was pretty big, not as big as mine though. He parked the car and got out, grabbing my bag from the back seat. I got out as well and fixed my hair. We walked inside and I gasped. It was beautiful. My house may be bigger but his is more nicer. "Like it?" He asked with a smile. "I love it!" I squealed and ran into the living room. The living room was huge. It had leather couches and chairs, plus some fancy carpets and oh man it was so nice. "The gaming room is over there. We have a pool table and an air hockey table." Jay said and pointed to another room. "But, you probably want to see where you'll be staying, hm?" He added. I nodded, taking a drink from my drink, and we walked upstairs. He walked down the hallway and opened a door at the end of the hallway. "This is the guest room." He sad and put my bag on the bed. "It's so pretty!" I exclaimed with a smile. "My room looks better." He said with a grin and walked out of the room. I glanced at him and saw him walk into another room. I followed him and laughed a bit, it was his room. His room was covered in posters and was messy. "Oh yeah, so much nicer." I said with a wink and laughed before walking out of his room. "It is!" He protested and followed me. "Anyways, come downstairs. I'll order pizza." He said and began walking downstairs. I followed him and smiled more, now being way more excited for tomorrow.

I'm A YouTube Child. |Third Book In The ABW Series| *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now