Chapter 16

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Mine and Minty's hype for this chapter was too real. I'm so glad I wrote this and some people are going to hate me even more hah. I hope you enjoy this chapter cause I had fun writing it! B)
Taylor's POV
I slowly walked down the sidewalk, my bag being slung over my shoulder. I was wearing the same thing expect with a hoodie, there was no way I was walking down the sidewalk with just a bikini top on. Did I mention I was hungover? Well, I was. My eyes felt heavy as I walked. I was currently heading home but I wouldn't be staying there long, I had called a certain someone to come pick me up. I slowly walked up to my front door and took a deep breath, slowly walking into the house. I quietly shut the door behind me and stood there for a moment. I heard quite a few people talking. Usually it was only Max and Jason up at this time but I guess more people were up now. I slowly glanced into the kitchen and saw no one in there. Shit. They were all in the living room. I glanced at a mirror on the wall as I walked towards the living room. I was no longer wearing lipstick, my sunglasses, or the necklace. I looked very tired as well. I sighed quietly and took a deep breath before walking into the living room. At first, they didn't notice me. But then they quickly did. Everyone was awake. Shit. I saw a mix of emotions on everyone's face. Suddenly, Max ran up to me and hugged me tightly. "Taylor! I'm so glad you're okay." She whispered and held me close. I'm so glad this is the first way she reacted. "Of course I'm okay." I said simply and hugged back before pulling away. I pulled my bag up a bit and bit my lip slightly. "I'm sorry." I managed to whisper. Max crossed her arms over her chest. Oh fuck. "How was his party?" She asked me, a bit sternly. I awkwardly looked down at my shoes. "Alright, I guess." I mumbled quietly. "What did you do?" She asked me. "I made a friend, danced around, got my picture taken, and.. other things." I said quietly. The 'other things' was talking about the drinking and what happens at the end of the night. "Well, we know about the pictures. Those are online." Max said sternly and I froze. No fucking way. "Other things?" Jason questioned. Fuck I was hoping no one would bring that up. Max raised an eyebrow at me and I felt as if I wanted to cry. "Don't worry about it." I whispered and kept staring at the floor. "Taylor, what other things?" Mitch asked me. I just kept staring at the floor, feeling a wave of regret hit me. "I just messed up, okay." I managed to whisper and felt tears sting the corner of my eyes. "Taylor.." Max said softly and took a step towards me. "I messed up! I did something wrong and now a certain someone is going to hate me." I mumbled and sniffed. "Who?" Max asked me softly. I kept staring down, starting to remember everything that happened last night. "Dani.." I whispered and closed my eyes tightly. Everyone was silent, the only sound being the clicking from the clock. "Taylor.." Max said quietly and took another step towards me. "I really did mess up. Jay lied to me and took something very important to me, which I can never get back now." I mumbled and that's when I actually started to cry. Max stared at me for a moment and then realized what I meant. Her face dropped and I just cried more. I guess the others either didn't hear what I said because they looked confused. I heard my phone go off and I pulled it out of my pocket for a moment, seeing a text from a certain someone, saying they were here. Perfect timing. "Taylor, please tell me you're joking." She said quietly. I looked up at her and wiped away my tears. "I honestly which I was joking but I'm not! He took that from me when I was a bit drunk, I messed up and Dani is going to hate me now!" I said before turning around and running out of the living room. "Taylor, wait!" Max called and ran after me. I ran out of the house and smiled weakly at the car sitting in front of the house. "Don't worry, Max. I'm just going to be staying with some friends for a while." I mumbled and ran over to the car, quickly getting in. The car quickly drive off and I burst into tears. "Now, will you tell me why I'm here to pick you up?" A familiar voice said. I glanced at him and smiled weakly. "I will at your house, Gavin. I want both you and Matt to hear this." Gavin smiled at me and nodded slowly. "Alright." He said and kept driving. I stared out the window and cried quietly as Gavin drove. It's been a while since I've talked to him or Matt, but I'm glad he agreed to pick me up. We soon arrived at his and Matt's house and we both exited the car. Gavin walked up to the front door and I followed him, both of us walking inside. I took off my shoes and sniffed a bit. "Taylor?" I heard another familiar voice say and I walked into the living room, Matt standing in there. Once he saw I was crying, he quickly ran over to me and hugged me tightly. "Taylor! Are you okay?" He asked me and Gavin walked into the living room. I shook my head and pulled away from the hug, sitting down on the couch. They both sat down as well. "Tell us everything that happened." Matt said softly. I nodded and began to explain everything that happened with Lachlan, and then I brought up Jay. "Jay is the reason why I'm crying right now so don't think he's nice for standing up for me." I mumbled and the two of them exchanged a look. I kept explaining until I got to the party part. I paused for a moment and sniffed before I kept talking. I explained everything that happened at the party, the new friendship, the photos, the drinking, the dancing. I got to the part with Lachlan and I sighed quietly. I explained to them that Jay brought me into the room, asked if I was okay, etc. When I got to the part where he kissed me, I looked down. I kept explaining what happened, my voice getting quieter and quieter. "I messed up." I said after I had finished telling them everything. "Taylor, I'm so sorry that happened." Matt said and hugged me softly. "He sounds like an asshole." Gavin said and shook his head. "I trusted him, I really did." I mumbled and sniffed. "I know, sweetie." Matt mumbled and held me closer. "Do you have any clothes to change into?" Gavin asked me. I nodded slowly and took my bag off my back, opening it and grabbing some pj's from it. "Go change into those. I'll have snacks out here by the time you get back." Gavin said and walked into the kitchen. I asked Matt where the bathroom was and he showed me it. I smiled and thanked him before walking inside and shutting the door. I dropped my bag on a stand and pulled off my hoodie. I stared in the mirror, frowning a bit. I had some marks on my neck. I shivered a bit as I remembered last night and took off my bikini top, pulling on a random shirt. I glanced in the mirror and smiled weakly, it was a minecraft shirt. I pulled off my jean shorts and quickly pulled on a pair of pj pants. I messed up my hair a bit while looking in the mirror before shoving those clothes into my bag. I walked back out of the bathroom and smiled a bit, walking over to the living room again. I walked into the living room and couldn't help but laugh a bit, there being a bunch of junk food on the coffee table. "I promised there would be snacks." Gavin said and kept eating chips from a bag. I laughed more and dropped my bag on the chair before sitting down on the couch. Matt handed me some ice cream and I giggled, starting to eat it. "This is making me feel better." I admitted as I kept eating.

It was now Monday and I was not going to school. Matt and Gavin said I could stay at their house for as long as I wanted, which was good news for me. They also weren't forcing me to go to school. I was currently in the guest room, looking in the mirror. I fixed my hair a bit before walking out of the room. I also was wearing the same outfit, I wore it all weekend. I walked out of the room and down the stairs. I yawned as I walked into the kitchen. "Morning." Matt said with a smile. "Good morning." I said and sat down next to him. "Not going to school?" Gavin asked me. I shook my head and took a drink from the glass of milk Matt placed in front of me. I've only talked to one person, besides Matt and Gavin, all this weekend. That person was Lindsay. I told her what happened at the party and she supported me. She told me she had seen the pictures online, which was not good. If Lindsay saw them, then I'm pretty sure the others saw them too. She didn't judge me, she didn't hate me. She only hated Jay. She said it was his fault, not mine. This is why I like this girl, she's very understanding. I hope Dani can be that understanding.

Jay's POV
I walked into the cafeteria and grinned softly. As soon as I walked into the cafeteria, I felt eyes on me. I glanced around and saw one of Taylor's friends staring at me. Actually, she was glaring at me. I'm guessing she knew. I grinned at her before walking over to the line up for food. I stood there and waited for a moment, grinning more as I remembered Friday. I heard footsteps coming towards me and I glanced back. There was a few people behind me already but there was a certain someone I saw behind me. Dani. I told those few people they could go in front of me. I got a few weird looks but they did as I told them, now I was right in front of Dani. "Hello." I said with a grin. "What do you want?" She asked me and rolled her eyes. I don't think she knew about Taylor going to my party, which was perfect. "I just wanted to ask if you know where Taylor is. I haven't seen her since my party on Friday." I said with a grin. Her facial expression changed and I grinned more. "What party?" She asked me slowly. "Oh you know, the party of the year! She was probably the only person in your grade there." I said innocently. Dani narrowed her eyes a bit but said nothing, so I kept talking. "We had fun drinking and dancing together. But we had the most fun at the end of the night." I said quietly to her and wrapped my arm around her shoulder. "What happened at the end of the night?" She asked me softly. I grinned more and quietly told her what happened, smirking softly. I talked quietly, so only she could hear me. No one was looking over at us, not caring about us. Well, people soon looked over. As I finished telling the story, Dani stood there for a moment, not saying anything. Suddenly, she lifted her hand and slapped me across the face. "YOU'RE SUCH AN ASSHOLE!" She yelled and glared at me. Everyone turned to look at us, their eyes being wide with surprise. I laughed softly and grinned at Dani. "How could you do that to her?" She quietly hissed at me. "How could I do that to her? Dani, she wasn't stopping me. She enjoyed it." I said with a smirk. She glared at me more before turning around and storming out of the cafeteria. I smirked widely, it did hurt that she slapped me but it was worth it for her reaction. I quickly got my food and walked over to my table, sitting down. "What the hell did you say to her?" One of my friends asked me. "Oh nothing important, I just told her what happened on Friday." I said innocently and took a drink from my soda. "Wait, on Friday? That was when you had your party. What happened on Friday?" Another friend asked me. A small smirk grew on my face. "Well, let me tell you what happened on Friday.."

I'm A YouTube Child. |Third Book In The ABW Series| *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now