Chapter 20

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Holy shit I'm actually doing this. Sorry for the short chapter/it is unedited. ^^; I wasn't in the mood to edit today, sorry!

Also, see that picture above/on the side/wherever it is? (On Wattpad mobile, it's on above but whatever) It'll make sense in a moment ;)
Taylor's POV
I took a deep breath as I stared into the mirror. "I need a change." I declared to no one in particular and sighed quietly, I was going insane. "What was something Dani loved about me that I won't miss?" I muttered and walked around my room a bit. My eyes stopped on something, which was on my dresser. Scissors. I grabbed them and studied them for a moment. Dani loved my hair. She loved it so much. My hair grows back quick anyways, a little haircut wouldn't be so bad! My hair was at my waist anyways, that is pretty long. But I should do this in the bathroom. I walked into the bathroom and shut the door behind me, locking it. The last thing I need is someone walking in on me. I put my scissors down on a shelf and shook my head. They were scissors that you would cut paper with. I dug through some draws until I picked up some proper, hair cutting scissors. Thank god Ashley likes doing stuff with hair! Or else we wouldn't have these. I grinned and took a huge piece of my hair in my hand. I stared in the mirror and took a deep breath before cutting it off. It fell down and landed in the sink. Holy shit. No going back now. I took a deep breath and kept cutting my hair, it soon being pretty short. Almost as short as Mitch's hair, but probably a bit long. My hair was also badly cut, however. There was a knock on the door and I bit my lip. "Taylor?" Ashley called from the other side of the door. "What're you doing in there?" I glanced at the sink, which was full of blue hair. "If I let you in/tell you, don't freak out." I said and placed the scissors down. She didn't answer for a moment and I bit my lip harder. "Okay." She finally said and I opened the door, grabbing her arm and quickly pulling her into the bathroom. I shut the door behind her and stared at her. She stared at me with wide eyes and her mouth was hanging open a bit. "Please help me, my hair is very badly cut." I said and handed her the scissors. "Oh my god, Taylor!" She said and shook her head before ordering me to face her. She began to cut my hair a bit and I sighed in relief. "Why did you do this?" She asked me quietly. "I wanted a change." I said simply and smiled innocently. She sighed quietly and kept cutting my hair before stopping and pulling away. "Okay, look in the mirror." She said softly. I turned to look in the mirror and grinned widely. My hair was like a mix of Mitch's and Jason's, it stood up in a quiff and looked amazing. I ran a hand through my hair and laughed a bit. "I love it! Oh my god." I said with a giggle and grabbed a brush, quickly brushing my hair and making it look even more better. "It suits you but oh my god the others are going to freak." She mumbled and out the scissors away. "Who cares? Let's go show them!" I said and grabbed her arm, exiting the bathroom. "Fine, let me go first and explain it though." She said and walked down the stairs. I followed but waited on the stairs, grinning more and running my hands through my hair. "I walked into the bathroom to see Taylor giving herself a haircut. I had to fix it cause it was very messy." Ashley said to the others and I heard Matt laugh. "Shut up! It was fabulous!" I said with a laugh. I could just tell Ashley rolled her eyes. "Anyways, here is the new and improved Taylor!" Ashley sad and I walked down the stairs, grinning widely. I saw everyone's expression change and Max and Mitch exchanged a look. No one said anything. I started jumping up and down, giggling softly. Ashley rolled her eyes at me. "I love my hair like this! It's so short and cute and oh my god I looove it!" I squealed and laughed. "It does suit you." Ally said with a smile. "I love it." Matt said to me. "Thank you!" I said with a grin. "Now, I must go back upstairs. Thanks Ashley for helping me!" I said and quickly hugged her before darting upstairs. I ran into my room and squealed a bit. I sat on my bed and grabbed my phone, going on my music and pressing shuffle. After listening to a few songs, jamming out, and skipping some songs, a certain song came on. "Last Friday Night by Katy Perry? When did I get that song in my phone?" I asked myself and laughed. "It describes what happens last Friday night for me, basically." I mumbled and then grinned. "Pictures of last night ended up on line, I'm screwed.. Oh well." I sung softly and laughed a bit, rolling my eyes. I kept singing the lyrics until the song ended. I laughed and rolled my eyes, listening to the next song.

It was now Thursday morning, man last night went by fast. I got up and grinned at myself in the mirror. I then realized I woke up late. Shit. I quickly pulled on some jeans and a black shirt, pulling on a black cardigan as well. I grab end a brush off my dresser and began to brush my hair while looking in the mirror. I styled it a bit before putting the brush down and grinning. I grabbed my bag and put it on before exiting my room. I walked downstairs and into the kitchen. I grabbed a pear from the fruit bowl off the table and began to eat it. "Morning." Jason said, not looking up from the newspaper he was reading from. "Morning, jackass." I said and kept eating the pear. "Rude." He said and glanced at me. I grinned at him before throwing the best core away. "I got to go, I'll see you after school." I said and quickly left the kitchen, putting on my shoes. "Bye! Have a fun day." He called from the kitchen and I smiled softly before walking out the door. I quickly walked down our short pathway before starting to sprint down the sidewalk. I kept running and grinned a bit. My grin faded when I remembered what happened last night. I got dumped. And I cut my hair. One of those things is good. I shook my head and kept running until I made it to school. I wasn't late! Hell yeah. I walked inside and felt eyes on me. People looked surprised as I walked past and I just kept grinning. I quickly went to my class and sat down next to Lindsay. "Hello." I said innocently. She gasped when she saw me. "Taylor! Your hair!" She said with wide eyes. "Yeah, I cut it last night after I got dumped by Dani. But I really like it." I said and looked forward. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! You and Dani broke up? I'm so sorry." She said quietly. I shook my head and looked at her, grinning. "Whatever, I'm better without her. Besides, my hair is new and cute." Lindsay laughed a bit and nodded. "Okay, that's true. Ready for another day of this school?" She asked me with a smile. I grinned more and turned towards the front. "For once, I am."

I'm A YouTube Child. |Third Book In The ABW Series| *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now