Chapter 29

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I think I made it clear on what I ship in this book. If it becomes canon, no regrets. This chapter might as well be called 'Abby Ships It.' Oh well.
Next chapter should be when the others get back from the meeting, which will be interesting ;)
Anyways, enjoy the chapter.
Taylor's POV
My eyes opened slowly and I immediately felt pain. My whole back and chest ached with pain. What even happened? A nurse noticed me move a bit and walked over to me. She had blonde hair, that was pushed back into a ponytail, and blue eyes. "Ms. Hughes! You're awake." She said with a smile. I smiled weakly at her and bit my lip. "Please, call me Taylor." I mumbled softly. "As you wish, Taylor." She said with a wide smile. "What happened?" I mumbled gently, us being the only two in the room. "From what others told me, you and Mr. Revlin fell off a balcony at your house? Mr. Revlin is more injured then you, I believe you landed on top of him." I nodded slowly and slowly sat up, wincing at the pain. "You aren't too hurt. You sprained your wrist but otherwise, you're fine." I glanced at my left wrist, which suddenly started to really hurt, and saw a bandage wrapped around it. "Huh, I didn't even notice." I mumbled quietly. "There are some people here for you, by the way. A lot of them, actually. About eleven people!" I stared at her, a bit confused. Eleven? "Oh. Well, send in some." I said awkwardly. "The limit is three people at a time. I'll send the first three people who showed up here." She said softly and smiled before walking out of the room. I liked this nurse, she was nice. I waited for them to come back and I stared at the door, hoping it would be who I thought it would. It was. Lindsay walked into the room and quickly darted over to me. "Oh my god, Taylor! Are you okay?" She asked me quickly. I didn't even see the other two. I quickly hugged her, ignoring the pain. "Yes, thank you for being here." I whispered to her. She hugged back before pulling away. I expected Mitch ad Max to walk in after Lindsay. To my surprise, they didn't. Lachlan and Pete did. I must of looked surprised because Lindsay grinned at me. "Pete and Lachlan brought you and Jay here, such nice guys." She whispered to me. I took a guess that Lachlan carried Jay and Pete carried me. Just a guess. "Thank you." I mumbled as I stared at them. Lachlan smiled at me. "It's alright, I would never leave you two there." I looked at Pete and smiled softly. "Are you okay?" I asked him softly. He grinned a bit and walked over to my bed. "I should be asking you that, love." He said with a small laugh. I raised my eyebrow a bit. "Love?" I repeated with a small blush. "Mhm, it's your new nickname." I saw Lindsay give me this look and I looked back at Pete. "It's cute." I said with a giggle. "Perfect." He said with a smile. The nurse looked at us and glanced around. "I know I'm only suppose to allow three people in the room at a time but.. I guess I could bend the rules a bit." She said with a wink and walked out of the room. After a moment of silence, all my other friends were now in the room. To my surprise. Alex ran up and hugged me first. "Oh my god never do that again, smurf." He muttered and pulled away. I laughed a bit and rolled my eyes. "I'll try. And I like Pete's nickname for me better." I said, mumbling the last part under my breath. I guess I didn't say that quietly enough, cause everyone looked at me. Pete grinned at me and I pulled the blanket up, wanting to disappear. "Anyways, your parents were called last night and they said they'll be here as fast as they can. They're not in L.A?" My heart sunk. Fuck. "Uh, no. They all left for a business trip and left me alone." I mumbled quietly. She nodded and smiled softly. "And they are going to kill me." I muttered and covered my face with my hands. "I had a party without them knowing, a party with stuff that a teenage girl shouldn't have, and I broke part of the house." I mumbled quietly. "I'm sure the broken balcony part won't be that bad, you did get hurt after all." Jen pointed out. "And, we cleaned up the house for you and got rid of most the stuff." Lilli said with a wide smile. I moved my hands and stared at them. "Thank you." I said with a wide smile. I noticed Lachlan kept looking down at his phone and I stared at him. "I have to go guys, but I'll talk to you later." He said and gave me a soft hug before leaving the room. "He seems kind." The nurse said with a smile. "Yeah, our relationship is a weird one." I mumbled softly and glanced around. After a short while, the nurse told the others to leave. "Not trying to be rude, I need to checkup on the patient!" She exclaimed with a small laugh. As the others left, she shut the door behind them. "I never did say my name, huh? Well, my name is Kay." She said with a smile. I nodded and smiled at her. She began checking up on me, checking my blood pressure and things like that. "So, is any of those guys your boyfriend?" She asked me with a giggle. "No, but one of the girls is an ex-girlfriend. We're still friends though." I said softly, hoping she wouldn't judge me. Thankfully, she didn't and just nodded. "What's with you and that one man. I believe his name was Pete?" She asked me softly. "He's a friend." I said quickly with a small blush. She gave me a playfully grin. "Mhm, alright." She soon finished my checkup and smiled more, walking out of the room for a moment. I glanced out the window and sighed. 'Man, these hospital gowns are uncomfortable.' I thought as I moved a bit. After a while, the nurse walked back into the room. "Taylor, your mother is here. Max?" She said softly. I gulped and nodded slowly. "I'll let her in." She said gently and walked back out. Only Max was here? Not even a minute later, the door opened and Max rushed towards me, hugging me quickly. She had a bag on her shoulder, which I didn't question. "Taylor, oh my god are you okay?" She asked me quickly and held me close. "Yes, I'm fine." I said softly and hugged back. I heard Max sniff and I knew she was crying or trying not to. "The others stayed at the business meeting, only I came." She whispered softly. I pulled away from the hug and stared at her, watching as she sat down on a chair. "The others told me what happened. They told me everything." She whispered and took a deep breath. "I'm not mad." I let out a sigh of relief and she smiled gently at me. "I don't know if the others will but I'm not. I don't care about the party, all I care about is your safety." She said softly. "Thank you." I mumbled quietly. "I think you did the right thing. He was sexually assaulting you? Push him off the balcony." I laughed quietly and smiled sheepishly. "Thanks." We sat there in silence. "The balcony can easily be fixed. Also, I heard that Lachlan boy brought you here? I thought he hated you?" She questioned me softly. "Oh, yeah. He apologized a while ago. We're alright now." I said with a nod. "And who is this Pete guy? The others talked about him but I didn't see him in the waiting room. Lindsay said he went somewhere for a moment." I felt myself blush and I shook my head. "He's a friend." Max gave me this look, a knowing look. "How much of a friend?" She asked with a grin. I rolled my eyes a bit and sighed in relief when the nurse walked in. "Taylor? There's a surprise for you." She said with a wide smile, a slight grin on her lips. What? I stared at the door and saw Pete walk in, his arms behind his back. Fuck, he had to walk in. "Hi." I said softly, not looking at Max. "Hello. I got you these. Feel better soon." He said shyly and moved his arms around, holding a bouquet of flowers. Oh my god. "Thank you, they're beautiful." I said softly as he handed them to me and I grabbed them with my right hand, Max grinning more. "You're welcome, love." PETE DO NOT CALL ME 'LOVE' IN FRONT OF MAX. Okay, it's better then Mitch, I will admit. I smiled shyly and held the flowers in my hand. "I'm Max, Taylor's mom." She suddenly said with a smile. "I'm Pete, a friend of Taylor's." He said with a smile. "Ah, Pete. I heard so much about you." THAT SOUNDS LIKE I TALKED ABOUT HIM. He looked at me and raised an eyebrow. OH NO. "Well, I better go." He said with a small nod and smiled at us before leaving the room. I just noticed the nurse, Kay, was still standing by the door. "She was also grinning. Fuck. "A friend, hm?" Max asked me with a grin. "Shush." I mumbled and placed the flowers down on the bedside cabinet. "Now that a parent is here, Taylor, you can leave." Kay said and my eyes lit up. She walked over to me and took out my IV and everything. Gross. I slowly stood up and Max grabbed some clean clothes from that bag, handing me then. So that's what the bag is for. I slowly walked into the bathroom and closed the door. I quickly took off the hospital nightgown and put on my own clothes carefully. I basically could only use my right hand but I somehow managed to do it. Baggy grey pants and a baggy black shirt. I also pulled on a hoodie and smiled weakly, walking out of the bathroom and handing the nightgown to the nurse. She smiled at me and I grabbed my flowers off the cabinet before walking out of the room. Max quickly went to the front desk and signed me out, while I waited for her. Everyone was gone, I guess the nurse told them they could leave. Me and Max soon left and got in Mitch's car, I guess she took it, and we were quiet for a moment. "Well, let's head home." She said and started the car, starting to drive off. I stared at he hospital and frowned. I also realized I haven't heard a word about Jay that whole time, I didn't know if he was okay. I shrugged and closed my eyes, the hospital was a bit far from the house. I smiled gently as I slowly drifted to sleep, holding the flowers loosely in my hand.

I'm A YouTube Child. |Third Book In The ABW Series| *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now