Chapter 22

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A short, useless chapter. Sorry!
I listened to Boyinaband and Marina and the Diamonds while writing this. 10/10 would recommend.

#MoreUnEditChapters! Sorry/
Taylor's POV
Me and Lindsay walked into the cafeteria on Friday and I smiled widely. We basically are going to do the same thing everyday now. We waited in the line for food and kept talking, laughing and smiling as we did so. We were so being Mario and Luigi for Halloween. We got our food and walked towards the exit together. Suddenly, as we walked past a certain table, a hand reached out and slapped my ass hard. I squeaked and stumbled forward a bit, hearing the group of guys start to laugh. There were teachers in the cafeteria but they didn't seem to care that I was just hurt. I turned towards them and saw Jay, grinning widely at me. "You're a dick." I muttered and gritted my teeth a bit. He smirked softly at him. "Oh, I am? Is that why you love me so much?" He said with a smirk, his friends laughing more. Lindsay placed her tray on the boys table for a moment before turning to Jay. I was honestly shocked about what happened next. She punched him square in the face. Jay moved back and almost fell off the bench. "Ah, fuck!" He swore loudly and turned to look at her. She gave him a sweet smile and the teachers still didn't do anything. What the hell. "Don't mess with Taylor when she has a friend that knows how to fight." She said sweetly. He glared at her and bit his lip. "You're lucky that you're a girl, red. I don't hit girls." He said sternly. "Oh? And why not? Scared that a girl will kick your ass?" Lindsay asked him sweetly. "And my name is Lindsay. How about you call people their actual names instead of colours?" She asked him. Jay stood up and stared at her, his hands clenched into a fist. "You're really starting to get on my nerves, Lindsay." He said through his gritted teeth. Jay was taller then Lindsay but she didn't seem to mind. She smiled innocently at him. "Really? But I'm being so sweet!" She said with a wider smile. Jay narrowed his eyes at her and shoved her over hard. I gasped and watched as Lindsay stumbled back, her back hitting the table across from Jay's. Everyone was dead silent, Jay looking shocked. Lindsay stared at the floor and suddenly, starting to sob. "Lindsay!" I said worriedly and rushed towards her. "Oh fuck." I heard Jay say and I glared at him. Now, a teacher didn't say anything when I got my ass slapped, they didn't say anything when Lindsay punched Jay, but what do they do now? "Mr. Revlin!" I heard a teacher say quite loudly and heard footsteps walk towards us. "To the principals office, now!" She said sternly and grabbed Jay's arm, pulling him out of the cafeteria. "Honey, are you okay?" Another teacher asked Lindsay, who was sitting at the table now. She nodded and sniffed. The teacher nodded and left the cafeteria for a moment. "Lindsay?" I asked quietly and heard her sob again. This sob was different though, it almost sounded like a laugh. All eyes were on me and Lindsay as her sons turned into laughter and she looked at me, grinning widely as she laughed. I was confused for a moment until I realized. "You faked that! Oh my god." I exclaimed and Lindsay laughed more. "Maybe." She said between giggles. "You're an evil girl." I heard one of Jay's friends say. "He deserved it!" She exclaimed and giggled. "Might as well eat in here." She said to me with a shrug. I nodded and sat across from her. "Such an evil girl." I said with a giggle. "But honestly, thank you Lindsay." I added quietly. "You're welcome." She whispered with a smile. I smiled more and kept talking to her for a while. "I'm going to go get all my books and shit, I have a test soon and would like to study a bit." I said with a smile and stood up. She nodded and smiled at me. I quickly left the cafeteria and walked out of the room. I walked towards my locker and started to unlock it. "Hey." I heard a voice say and someone leaned against the locker next to mine. I looked over at who it was and rolled my eyes, it was Lachlan. "What do you want?" I asked him and kept digging around in my locker. "I want to say sorry." I stopped digging and stared at him. "Are you serious?" I asked and leaned against another locker. "Yes. I am sorry for everything I did to you." He said seriously. "Why are you apologizing? Shouldn't you still be an asshole towards me?" I questioned him. "No, the only asshole towards you is Jay. Speaking of him.." He said slowly and I sighed quietly. "I heard what happened and that's just fucked up." I stared at him in shock. "What he did, that's messed up. He used you and then took advantage of you.. That's just wrong." He said and shook his head. I felt tears in my eyes and I hook my head. "Everyone else is taking his side, why aren't you?" I asked quietly. "I would be an idiot to do that! I know not to take advantage of a girl when she's drunk, that's just messed up. And this is coming from a guy who hurt you normally." He said quietly. "Which I'm still sorry about." I stood there in shock, he was more understanding then my parents. "You're just a young girl, that's so fucked up. You shouldn't have to deal with any of his. You're only in grade nine, for gods sake!" He exclaimed and threw his arms up in the air. "Jay should've went after a girl in his grade, not you. You don't deserve that shit." He said seriously. I felt more tears in my eyes and sniffed. "No matter what people say to you, Taylor, you're not a slut." He said softly and stared at me. I suddenly hugged him tightly. "Thank you." I whispered quietly. He seemed shocked but hugged back. "You're welcome." He whispered back before pulling away. "Now, I need to go. But hey, remember what I told you." He said with a smile and turned around, walking down the hallway. I smiled widely and grabbed my stuff from my locker, hearing the bell ring. Damn if, no time to study. Oh well. I walked towards my next class and smiled softly, thinking about what Lachlan had said.

It was now the end of the day and I was walking home by myself. I sighed quietly as I walked home. I walked past a mother walking with her daughter and I heard the little girl say something. "Mom! Can I have my hair like hers when I'm older?" The little girl asked her mom. The mom looked at me and smiled softly. "Of course, dear." I smiled widely and kept walking home, that making me feel a bit more happy. I walked into the house and heard yelling. Oh no. "Uh, hello?" I called pity and took off my shoes, dropping my bag on the ground. "Taylor! Up here!" I heard Ally call and I walked up into the living room. I still could hear the yelling, which was coming from upstairs. "Hello! How was school?" She asked me with a smile. "Alright. What's with the yelling?" I asked quietly. "oh, that's just Jerome and Mitch. Ignore then." She said with a shrug. "They sound angry." I said softly. "They're playing hunger games, they're always mad when playing that." Ashley pointed out with a giggle. "Alright." I said with a shrug and sat down on the couch. "Where's Max?" I asked them. "Upstairs, doing something." Ashley said with a shrug. I nodded slowly and sighed softly. After a while, Quentin and Jason walked into the living room. Quentin was visiting his girlfriend for a while so he wasn't here. "Fish!" I exclaimed loudly and giggled. He rolled his eyes and threw a pillow at me. I laughed and grinned widely. They sat down and we talked for a while. "I told him everything that happened with you while he was gone." Jason whispered to me. "Oh, thanks." I whispered back and rolled my eyes. He laughed and grinned at me. "Someone put on music!" Ally exclaimed after a pause of silence. "No." Ashley said with a giggle. "You're a mean wife." Ally muttered and glared playfully at her. "Wait, I'm the only single one here. Shit." I said and glanced around. "Oh yeah, you are." Jason said with a small laugh. I rolled my eyes and kept talking to them. "Any plans this weekend?" Quentin asked me. "Sleeping over at my friend's house, Lindsay." I said with a smile. "Hey, remember when you didn't know if Lindsay was your friend?" Jason asked with a grin. I laughed and nodded. "Yeah, but now she is the best friend I could ever have."

I'm A YouTube Child. |Third Book In The ABW Series| *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now