Chapter 17

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While I was stuck on ideas for this chapter, me and Minty thought it'd be a good idea to make Taylor a wizard. #Don'tDoDrugsKids
But really, a wizard? What even.
This is a kinda short chapter, sorry!
Taylor's POV
It was now Wednesday and well, I was going to school. I didn't want to at first but Lindsay forced me. Lindsay told me she talked to the other girls about what had happened. But not Dani, she said she hasn't seen Dani since Monday. Lindsay told me what happened on Monday and I felt terrible. I honestly did. Gavin was currently driving me to school. I was wearing what I wore on Thursday but I didn't care. I stared out the window as he drove me, listening to the radio as we drove. We soon arrived at my school and I was more nervous then the first day of school. "Bye Taylor, I'll pick you up here after school." He said with a smile. I weakly smiled back before taking a deep breath and exiting the car. I walked away from the car and walked towards the front door. I felt a few pair of eyes on me but ignored it, those people not bugging me. I sighed quietly before walking into the school. Holy shit. So many pair of eyes turned to me and people started to whisper. I walked down the hallway, looking down slightly. Damn you, blue hair! Making me stick out in a crowd! As I walked I heard some of the things people were saying. 'What a slut!' 'I heard she slept with both Jay and Lachlan!' 'She is such a whore.' I bit my lip hard and tried to ignore them. I kept walking until I arrived to my first class. I walked inside and quickly to the front, sitting down next to Lindsay. She smiled warmly at me. "I'm glad you're here." She whispered to me. I smiled back and felt eyes on me, even in here. Did everyone know? Lindsay placed a hand on my shoulder and smiled gently. "Ignore them." She whispered to me and class soon started. I paid attention to the class, for once, and wrote down notes. Class soon came to an end and we gathered up our things. "Meet you at your locker." I whispered to Lindsay and left the classroom. We would be having lunch together. Eyes turned to me, of course, when I walked down the hallway. I kept walking, holding my text book tightly in my arms. I just kept trying to ignore them, listening to Lindsay's advice, but it was hard when everyone was staring at you.

I had just got out of my last class and I quickly went to my locker. The class I had with the guys was a bit awkward and the class I had with Katie was alright. Now it was time for the worst. I shoved my books in my locker and kept my bag on my back, waiting for Lindsay. She soon showed up, her bag on her own back. "Ready?" She asked me quietly. We had made up this 'plan' during homeroom, while passing notes. We would quickly go to the cafeteria and get food before leaving and eating outside by this tree or something. I will admit, I've never been more scared in my life. We walked down the hallway, causally talking to each other as we did. We soon were standing outside of the cafeteria and my heart was pounding. "Just walk inside and keep your eyes on me, think of me and not the jerks staring at you." She said and made eye contact with me. I nodded slowly and took a deep breath before walking into the cafeteria. I swear it became quieter as we walked in. I kept my eyes on Lindsay as I walked, talking to her and acting like she was the only one in the whole room. It was working, it really was. Until I bumped into someone. Okay, maybe keeping my eyes on only her wasn't the best idea. "Sorry, my bad." I mumbled and glanced at who I bumped into. I froze in place when I made eye contact with the person. Him. A small grin spread across his face and I actually moved back a bit. "Taylor! Glad to see you, babe." Jay said and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. I was frozen in shock, I couldn't move. My heart was pounding fast and the memories just all came back. "Leave her alone, asshole." Lindsay said and grabbed my arm, pulling me away from him and towards the line up for food. I stared at Lindsay in shock. Jay just grinned more and followed us. "Oh come on, I'm not going to hurt her. What even is your name, darling?" He asked Lindsay with a grin. "Lindsay, not darling." She hissed and pushed me in front of her, so I wasn't as close to Jay. I felt hopeless, honestly. "I'm just joking around!" He said and looked at me, grinning softly. "Well, you shouldn't be joking around." Lindsay said and crossed her arms over her chest. "Well, that's what I do. Joke around." He said and winked at me. I suddenly didn't feel embarrassed, only mad. "You're such an asshole." I mumbled and ordered my food, Lindsay doing that as well. Jay just laughed a bit and followed us, not even ordering his own food. "You know, that isn't the first time I've been called that." He said innocently and grinned more. "Oh really? Why am I not surprised?" Lindsay muttered and we walked towards the exit, Jay still following us. "Well, have you been called a douchebag? A jerk? A scumbag?" He just nodded at all of them and grinned more. "Well, what about a slut?" I spat at him and his grin faded, the room becoming quiet. "A whore? Hm? Ever been called those names? No? Wow! What a fucking shocker." I said and glared at him. He stood there, frozen in shock. "Cause that's what you are, Jay! A slut. Even though that's what I'm being called. It really should be the other way around, honestly." I said and glared at him more. "But because you're a guy, you don't get called those names! But I do, because I made one mistake and you took advantage of me. Oh and because I'm a girl." I hissed and grabbed the chocolate milk off of Lindsay's tray, opening it and pouring it on Jay's head. "You've slept with more people then I even l know and that's just said." I said and glared at him. "At least you know how to use a damn condom." I muttered before storming out of the cafeteria. Lindsay quickly followed me and burst out laughing. "That was fantastic!" She exclaimed and gave me a high five. I giggled and smiled more. "Thanks. Sorry about your chocolate milk." She just shook her head and grinned a bit. "It's fine, don't worry." We walked out of the school and into the football field. We sat down on the bleachers and smiled widely, starting to eat our food.

The rest of the day went by smoothly, Jay didn't bug me all day. People still stared but this time, I didn't care. I waited by the sidewalk for Gavin, smiling widely. His car showed up and I smiled widely, seeing Matt in the front seat. I gave them a confused look and got in the back, putting my seat belt on. "How was school?" Gavin asked me as he started to drive. "Alright." I said with a smile. "Taylor, you may of noticed what's next to you." Matt said quietly. I glanced next to me and saw a plastic bag with my clothes in it. "We're taking you home, Taylor."
Matt said with a smile. I sighed quietly and nodded. I knew this would happen sooner or later. "Fine. But can you guys come inside as well? I think Max would love to see you guys." I said quietly. "Alright." Gavin said and kept driving. I sighed and stayed quiet as Gavin drove. We were soon outside of my glues. Shit. Gavin parked and took off his seatbelt, getting out of the car. Matt and I did the same and I walked up to the front door, Matt and Gavin behind me. I had put the plastic bag with my clothes in my backpack with I was in the car. For some reason, I felt as if I needed to knock. I glanced back at them before knocking on the door. I heard footsteps and a bit of talking before the door opened. Ashley stood in front of the door, her mouth opened in shock. She quickly grabbed my arm and pulled me into a hug. "Oh my god." She said and held me close. I hugged back and bit the inside of my cheek. "Ashley? Who's there?" I heard Jerome ask. "You'll see in a moment." She said and pulled away from the hug, hugging Matt and Gavin at the same time. "At least you were in safe hands." Ashley said to me with a smile. "Come in." She said to them and held the door open more. The three of us walked inside and took off our shoes. "Everyone is in the living room." She whispered with a smile. I nodded and let my bag drop onto the ground. We followed her towards the living room and walked inside. Max was the first to notice us and stood up, running over and engulfing me in a hug. "Oh my god! You're safe and alright and never do that again." She mumbled and held me close. "Of course I was safe, I was with these losers." I said and pointed to Matt and Gavin. "Hey!" Matt said with a pout. "Yeah, only Matt is the loser." Gavin said with a grin and laughed as Matt playfully punched him in the arm. "I know I'm in trouble. But at least I went to them instead of anyone else." I said with a slight giggle. Max pulled away from the hug and hugged Matt tightly. "Matty! Oh my god I missed you." She mumbled and moved close to him. "I missed you too, Maxy." He said and hugged back. "I'm here too, you know." Gavin said with a small laugh. Max laughed and hugged Gavin as well. I smiled widely and saw Mitch standing there. I walked over to him and hugged him. He seemed surprised but hugged back. "I'm sorry, I honestly am. I messed up." I whispered quietly. "It's alright, Taylor. I forgive you." He said softer. "But you're still grounded." I laughed a bit and pulled away from the hug. "I expected that." I mumbled with a smile. "Now, I'm going to change. I'll be back in a moment to explain a few thing." I said before running upstairs. I ran into my room and dropped my bag. I sighed softly and stared into the mirror, smiling gently at myself. Yes, I made mistakes. But it does not make me a bad person. I pulled off my clothes and changed into my comfy clothes. I smiled at myself in the mirror before walking out of the room. I walked downstairs and smiled as I saw everyone sitting around and acting how they use to. I sat down on the couch next to Max and took a deep breath. "Okay, I'm back. I'm ready to explain everything now."

I'm A YouTube Child. |Third Book In The ABW Series| *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now