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[No one's POV]

"Sorry-" Before she could finish her sentence, she was pushed to the floor.

"Stupid nerd. Watch your way- oh! Maybe your glasses is too thick and you can't see where you're going." The guy said and his friends started laughing along with him.

She slightly push her glasses up as it is sliding down her nose bridge slowly.

She bit her lips and look down while slowly picking her books.

Tears slowly welled up in her eyes, threatening to fall but she managed to blink it away.

But she couldn't control herself from sniffing and that alerted those people bullying her.

"Aww... The nerd is crying. Does anyone have a tissue? I think there will not be anyone who is willing to lend her so forget about what I asked earlier." The guy that bullied her, Jon shouted down the hallway and the students at the hallway started laughing as they have been watching the "drama" since the start.

Mina then slowly stood up while carrying books about 4-5kg and bowed to them.

She wanted to walk away but a girl purposely put her leg in front of Mina which she couldn't see because of the books.

Mina then tripped and once again she fell down on the floor.

Mina's tears rolled down quietly and slowly as the laughter around her become louder and louder.

"You bitch! You stepped on my favourite shoes!" The girl shouted and pulled Mina by her messy hair.

Mina groaned in pain as the girl use quite a lot of strength to pull her by the hair.

The girl, Christine, was about to slap Mina but suddenly a paper ball come flying towards her head.

"Bingo!" He shouted and laughed.

Christine let go of Mina and rubbed her forehead while glaring at him.

"Go away Son Chaeyoung!" Christine shouted but Chaeyoung shrugged and walked towards them.

"For fuck? So that you guys can continue to bully her?" Chaeyoung said and Jon push Chaeyoung slightly.

"It's none of your business idiot." Jon hissed but Chaeyoung smirked.

"None of my business? You guys are snatching my business." Chaeyoung said which made everyone confused.

"I mean like I'm supposed to be the one bullying her. You know, you guys are the good students in the teacher's eyes and you guys should not be doing this. Imagine if the teachers find out about this. They will no longer protect you "good" students like before." Chaeyoung said while tidying Jon's collar and tie.

Jon swatted Chaeyoung's hands away and grabbed Chaeyoung by his collar.

"Listen up you stupid idiot. Unless you are the principal or the teacher here, or else you can scram." Jon said.

"Hey! What are you guys doing?!" A teacher shouted and all of the "good" students started to dismiss.

"You bitch, you will not be so lucky next time." Christine said lowly to Mina who is still sobbing silently at the side.

The bully then left and Chaeyoung sighed.

"Son Chaeyoung! Are you the one that's bullying her?" The teacher earlier yelled and Chaeyoung shook his head.

"Bro! I just helped her!" Chaeyoung defended and the teacher walked towards them.

"You don't bro me. I'm your teacher so show me your respect." The teacher scolded and Chaeyoung kept silence.

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