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[No one's POV]

Early morning, Mina woke up and get ready for school quickly.

When she exited her house, she was disappointed to not see Chaeyoung there waiting for her like yesterday.

She then walked to school herself, upset that Chaeyoung wasn't here with her.

She then texted Chaeyoung to remind him about the tutor lesson at the afternoon and Chaeyoung just replied ok.

She didn't know why Chaeyoung suddenly become so cold to her.

Mina thought was because of what her mum asked last night which caused him to "run" away.

She feel like crying when Chaeyoung was so cold to her.

She anticipated for the afternoon tutor lesson so she can see Chaeyoung.

She went to school but she kept yawning because she couldn't sleep well last night while thinking about her feelings to Chaeyoung.

And finally, it's afternoon.

She quickly speed to the library, hoping to see Chaeyoung there.

But when she reached there, Chaeyoung wasn't there yet so she find a table close to the window with sunlight shining in.

She sat down and took out her books.

She started her revision and very soon, she feel someone in front of her.

She looked up and saw a slightly sweating Chaeyoung.

"Hi... Sorry that I'm late." Chaeyoung said breathlessly.

Mina smiled upon seeing him and told him it's okay.

Chaeyoung then sit down in front of Mina and took out his things as well.

They then started the revision and Chaeyoung was solving the questions by himself.

And Mina on the other side, the sleepiness kicked in again and she rested her cheek on her left palm.

But slowly, her eyelids collided and she fell asleep.

"Hey, how do you-" Chaeyoung was about to ask Mina question but he saw her sleeping.

Mina then changed her position and fold her arms while resting her head on top of her folded arms on the table.

But Mina was facing at the window so her eyebrows couldn't help but met together due the sunlight.

Chaeyoung smiled and stood up.

He went to the window and used his right hand to cover the sunlight while looking at Mina.

He saw the silhouette of his hand on Mina's face.

He then put his hand down and moved his head forward.

He looked at the shadow and saw his shadow kissing Mina's cheek.

Chaeyoung smiled and used his phone to take a picture of it.

After that, he stood beside Mina to block the sunlight for her.

Even though it was hot after having the sunlight shining on him for a good 20 minutes, he was glad that he got to observed Mina closely.

Not long later, Mina woke up and saw Chaeyoung standing beside her.

"What are you doing?" Mina asked with her husky voice.

"Nothing." Chaeyoung said and went back to his seat.

"Sorry that I fell asleep. I didn't sleep well last night." Mina said and Chaeyoung looked at her.

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