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[No one's POV]

After they finished eating, Chaeyoung's dad went to a flower shop and bought a bouquet of white roses for Chaeyoung's mum.

Chaeyoung then drive them back to his house together with Mina since Mina said that she wanted to visit his mum.

Chaeyoung parked his car and they got off his car.

Chaeyoung and Mina hold hands and enter the house first before Chaeyoung's dad.

"Mina!" Chaeyoung's mum exclaimed and hugged her.

"Hi mum." Mina said and smiled.

"Mum, there's someone who wants to see you." Chaeyoung said and gestured for his dad to come in.

His dad entered and his mum's face totally changed.

"Why is he here?" She asked and glared at him.

"Seoyoon-ah, please believe me. I've told you that I was left no choice but to leave you guys." Chaeyoung's dad said and was about to go forward to hold her hand but she stepped back.

"Yeah mum. He told me that the woman he married forced him to get married with her or else she will harm the both of us. Dad did this to protect us." Chaeyoung said and his mum look at him in disbelief.

"Dad? So you forgive him Chaeyoung-ah? Did you forgot that he didn't even bother looking for us these past years?" His mum said and Chaeyoung shook his head.

"You misunderstood him mum. He said that the woman locked him up in the house not even allowing him to escape. That's why he can't find us." Chaeyoung helped to explain.

His mum then looked at his dad and of course, she remained single for so many years, hoping that he will be back again.

Now he's back and she misses him a lot.

She wanted to hug him but somehow, her body just won't allow her to do so.

"Come on mum... It's already been so many years and now dad is back at our side. We should cherish the moment together with dad and make new memories with him. I know you missed him a lot as well. So forgive him, and let the past pass." Chaeyoung said to his mum and finally, she can't hold it anymore.

She sped towards his dad and hugged him tightly.

Chaeyoung smiled and he joined the hug.

Mina who was watching at the side smiled as well.

They broke the hug and Chaeyoung felt Mina patting his back.

Chaeyoung turned to Mina and broke down into tears of happiness.

Mina knew how much he misses his dad and having him back now will feel like a dream for Chaeyoung.

Mina hugged Chaeyoung and caressed his hair softly.

Meanwhile, his dad and mum are watching the young couple's sweet moment.

"At least I managed to make it for our son's important moment in his life." His dad said.

Very soon, weeks passed and finally, it is Chaeyoung and Mina's wedding!

Chaeyoung and Mina decided to held a simple wedding ceremony with only their family members and some of their close friends.

Chaeyoung was so nervous that he keeps drinking water and going to the toilet.

His dad saw how nervous is Chaeyoung and laughed at him before patting his shoulder.

"Calm down my son..." He said and Chaeyoung blowed out air from his mouth.

"I can't dad. I'm just scared that what if she's not here?" Chaeyoung said and fiddled with his fingers.

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