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[No one's POV]

Chaeyoung and Mina was walking out of school when Chaeyoung's phone suddenly rang.

Chaeyoung picked up the call and it was from the hospital.

"Hello, Mr. Son?"

"Yes, speaking."

"I'm here to inform you that Mrs. Son may be discharged. Please head to the hospital to complete the discharge procedure for her."

"Really? Okay, I'm on my way now."

Chaeyoung then hung up the call and turned to Mina.

"My mum can be discharged. I'm going to the hospital to complete the discharge procedure." Chaeyoung said and Mina smiled.

"Good for you. Can I come along?" Mina asked and Chaeyoung nodded while smiling back.

They then took a taxi to the hospital and Chaeyoung went to the counter to finish the procedure while Mina head to her ward to help her pack her clothes.

"Oh, Mina." Chaeyoung's mum called and smiled to her.

"Good afternoon, auntie. I'm here to help you pack your things." Mina said and went to her.

Mina help to fold her clothes and pack it in her duffel bag while Chaeyoung's mum check around to see if she left out anything.

"Anything else?" Mina asked and Chaeyoung's mum shook her head.

"Then let's go to the counter to find Chaeyoung." Mina said and hold his mum's bicep to help her walk.

Chaeyoung then paid for the hospital bills and turned around to see his mum and Mina.

"Let's go home mum." Chaeyoung said and his mum nodded.

They then went down to the hospital's taxi stand to wait for a taxi.

Not long later, they boarded a taxi and went back home.

Chaeyoung opened the door and Mina help his mum to the couch for her to sit.

"Finally, after so long, I'm back home. Feels so nice to be home." His mum said and Chaeyoung smiled.

"And it's also nice to see you in the house again." Chaeyoung said and hugged his mum.

The both of them hugged for a good 1 minute fore Chaeyoung's mum said she wanted to go back to her room.

Mina and Chaeyoung helped her back to her room and closed the door for her.

"Baby, follow me. I want to show you something." Chaeyoung said and hold Mina's hand.

They then went to Chaeyoung's room and Mina saw how clean his room is.

"Wow... Cleaner than I thought." Mina said while observing around.

"Why? Do I look messy?" Chaeyoung asked and Mina smiled.

"I mean judging by your appearance, yes." Mina joked and Chaeyoung pouted.

"How can you say that? It hurt my hearteuu..." Chaeyoung said while faking his cry.

Mina laughed upon seeing Chaeyoung's reaction and went to his desk.

"Oh, you sketch?" Mina asked and Chaeyoung nodded.

"Open it." Chaeyoung said and Mina did as told.

She flipped to the first page and saw the sketch of his mum.

At first, it was his mum but slowly, Mina saw the sketch of her when she was young.

"Me?" Mina asked Chaeyoung while pointing at the sketch.

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