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[No one's POV]

When they reached Mina's house, the both of them looked at each other shyly while still holding hands.

"I will get going now." Mina said with her red face as Chaeyoung looked at her lovingly.

Mina was about to pull away her hand from Chaeyoung's grasp but Chaeyoung pulled her back and hugged her in his embrace.

"Can't you stay longer?" Chaeyoung asked and Mina swear that her face was red like satan and hot like sun.

Just then, the door opened as Mina's mum was going to throw some trash.

She saw the two of them hugging together and she squealed.

"Oh my god! My babygirl finally found a boyfriend!" Her mum squealed, dropping the bag of trash on the floor to clap her hands for them.

The two of them pulled away from the hug and looked down at the floor shyly.

"Come on... Nothing to be shy about. Instead, you guys should celebrate. Why not, Chaeyoung, you stay back for dinner? Just happens that I've cooked extra." Mina's mum said and Chaeyoung was about to reject her offer but her mum dragged Chaeyoung in.

Mina then sighed while shaking her head.

She helped to throw the bag of trash and closed the door.

While Chaeyoung helped Mina's mum to take the dishes to the dining table and the utensils, Mina went to her room to change into a more comfortable clothes.

"When did you guys get together?" Mina's mum asked.

"Just earlier..." Chaeyoung replied.

"Please treat her well my son... My daughter have enough sufferings and I wish that you can give her happiness and also stay with her throughout." Mina's mum said and Chaeyoung smiled.

"Don't worry, auntie. You don't have to tell me this. I will definitely do the same as well." Chaeyoung said and Mina's mum smiled.

"I'm glad Mina is with you. At least I know that you will not mistreat her." Mina's mum said.

"I will definitely not." Chaeyoung said.

Not long later, Mina came down and they started to eat the dinner.

Chaeyoung will occasionally take some food for Mina and some for her mum.

Mina's mum smiled upon seeing the both of them so loving together.

After they finished the dinner, Chaeyoung helped to take the plates to the back while Mina and her mum are in charge of washing them.

When they are done, Chaeyoung continue to stay at Mina's house for a while more before he go back home.

"Visit again next time." Mina's mum said and Chaeyoung nodded.

"I will auntie." Chaeyoung said and they bid goodbye.

Chaeyoung then went back home and rest.

The next day

Finally! It is already weekend.

Chaeyoung and Mina planned to go out together on a date.

But Mina doesn't know where will Chaeyoung be bringing her to.

It's actually just a simple and normal date but because it's Mina's first date, she was so nervous.

Her mum saw her waiting for Chaeyoung nervously at the living room and laughed at her.

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