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"hey guys? i'm going to go head over to the bathroom so don't wait up for me!" hoseok giggles out, his eyes on his phone before pressing a fleeting kiss to jimin's cheek before running away with a smile and a wave. jimin smiles fondly at him, to which tae notices. tae elbows jimin's side, earning him a hiss from the older boy.

"you're so damn whipped, park." the rest of the group roar in laughter at the truth, heading over to their spot in the canteen. "whatever." jimin mutters, shoving his hands through his hair as he fought off a smile. the jocks then went on to talk about their practise after school -consulting with jimin once or twice since he was the captain of the football team. 

the boy knew that his and hoseok's relationship probably wouldn't last -that much the older had already told him. it's not like they were just getting into a relationship for the hell of it, they really did care about each other. they just knew it wasn't realistic to expect much from it. 

but that never stopped jimin from loving and showering hobi in kisses and appreciation. jimin tried to hold back at first, but he can't deny it anymore. park jimin is slowly falling in love with jung hoseok. jimin smiled at the thought.

however, it's been different lately. hobi has always been running off somewhere, leaving no time for jimin or anyone else really. jimin shook his head -as if to shake the upsetting and queasy thought away. the group finally sits down at their table, getting their lunches out and laughing at jungkook's little 'experiment'.

the younger was attempting to juggle an apple and a banana, however failing miserably resulting in the teasing and giggles of the jocks. a sigh can be heard from behind them. kook turns with frown -ready to argue his usefulness when he comes face to face with no one other than huening kai, one of the quote on quote nerds.

"see, you have to balance both of the weights in your hands and you have to pay careful attention to them -not giggle and move around like a dumbass, which i suppose in some ways you are." tae and yeonjun snort, whilst kook just sits there sputtering -any retort dying on his lips.

jimin turns around as well, finding the 'nerds' behind them, along with some of his own close friends. "damn, hyuka!" a voice says suddenly, beomgyu it appears. the small boy high fives huening kai before sitting next to tae who's still laughing. felix trails behind him, a small smile on his face as he settles in next to jimin and steals his fries -earning a pinch and a quick apology.

kook suddenly smirks, getting up from his seat and heading over to hyuka -who looks at the approaching predator with a raised brow. jungkook then picks up hyuka easily -the younger now a blushing mess- and heads back over to his own table, pulling hyuka onto his lap.

"well then. i guess you'll just have to teach me." hyuka sputters and jimin smiles, oh how the tables have turned indeed. "t-t-that's not what i-" kook shoves a few of jimin's fries into the smaller mouth. "shut up and teach me."

hyuka refuses, crossing his arms over his chest with a hmph as he munches on the beautifully delicious fries. "yah! why is everyone stealing my fries! get your own food!" jimin yells out, his mouth gaped open at yet another steal. "but they're always so yummy~" hobi whines out with a giggle, suddenly appearing and plopping down onto the left of jimin. 

namjoon watches the whole ordeal with a smile, the jocks always did put on a funny show for the rest of them -and poor hyuka! yoongi suddenly appears once hoseok starts stealing more fries, the older plopping down next to him. 

"oh! hey, yoongi! i didn't know you were coming today!" yoongi gives joon a quick smile, his eyes focused on his phone. joon's lover usually decided to skip school, finding the concept quite overrated. "yeah, it was a change of plans." joon's eyebrow raised, curious of what had happened but decided not to indulge. 

the younger had barely seen his lover as of late, and just wanted to spend as much time as he could with yoongi before he was up and off again. joon leaned into yoongi, his head on the older's broad shoulders as he snuggles in with a contented sigh. yoongi smiles, his hand wrapping around the boy's petite waist and bringing him closer. joon knew their relationship wasn't perfect, but that was okay. as long as he had yoongi, and yoongi had him, they would be a-okay.

meanwhile, the two groups slowly started to merge into a chaotic conversation, some trying to help hyuka whilst some were attempting to try some of these 'magical' fries. they were all friends, or at the very least friendly with each other. 

a big group they all made indeed, the jocks, the cheerleaders, the nerds and woozi, chan, hyunjin, yoongi and vernon -the norms. they all made quite the chaotic group as well, but it was fine since they all blended in quite perfectly with one another -as they always had. 

"hey everyone, y'all free on saturday? i was thinking of hosting a party since exams are almost over and we're getting into our relaxed spirits!" taehyung suddenly exclaims, throwing his fist up high as he stands up abruptly, a grin spread over his face.

"hell yeah!"

"i'm coming taehyungie~"

"me too!"

exclaims from all over the canteen -even from a few teachers, which wasn't surprising since tae's parties were always the best- sounded. however, joon and jimin couldn't help but feel a small twist in their guts.

something, was definitely going to happen.

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