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(a/n: before this chapter starts, i would like to say i do not condemn cheating in any way, shape or form. this is a fictional story as i have stated in the beginning -however i am writing this chapter as a form of giving a different perspective into these lovers story. you can skip this, and you can feel free to still not forgive them -this is a fictional story where you can perceive the characters and storyline in your own unique way. cheating is a horrible thing, and what the two did wasn't right, yes. but -despite it all- here is their story. thank you for understanding.)

hoseok and yoongi -the 'cheating' lovers. this is their story. 

"woo! go get 'em!" a cheery, bubbly voice broke yoongi's fixation on his own thoughts. an odd eruption of butterflies erupted in his stomach -a foreign need to go towards the voice. yoongi clutched his stomach frowning, before turning towards the... beautiful voice.

it belonged to none other than jung hoseok, one of the cheerleaders. he wore a small plaid skirt that fit him perfectly, his fluffy hair bouncing up and down as he jumped -cheering for the football team with his cute little pom poms. yoongi's mouth parted, going so dry he had to lick them thrice to get rid of the sudden dryness. 

he shouldn't be feeling this. he's in a relationship, with joon -someone he... was close to falling in love with. but, there was this bloom in him -a need to go and get his other half. god, he really was fucked. 

hoseok smiled as he watched his boyfriend go head to head with one of the ace's from the rival team they were going against. hoseok cheered even harder, earning a smile from jimin. jimin dribbled, faking a left before quickly moving once again and scoring a goal. 

the audience erupted in cheers. hoseok smiled, turning to get a water bottle for his suddenly parched lips. the boy's brown eyes met stark blue one's. hoseok flushed. min yoongi was staring at him, and now that their eyes had met... there was a crackling intensity in the air around them.

the older boy wore casual sweatpants and a fitting white t-shirt, almost transparent enough for hoseok to see his strong muscles underneath. the younger licked his lips, a need for yoongi filling him up. this, this was so wrong. the feelings he felt when he saw yoongi...

this was wrong wrong wrong. but he couldn't help it. hoseok blinked, but yoongi was still there -the two simply staring into each others eyes, telling each other stories of love and loss. what the hell was happening?


"y-yoongi... ah~ we s-shouldn't- fuck, please!"

"please what?"

hoseok's eyes turned glassy as he rubbed against the older greedily -needing the older inside of him. yoongi had caged him, kissing him hard and thoroughly. the air around them was hot and electrofied, hoseok's hole slick and needy.

they had done this a few times, and each time they promised each other they would stop. but they can't. their drawn to each other like moths to a flame. yoongi craves hoseok and hoseok craves yoongi -their hunger always flaming spicy. 

"please, yoongi~ i need you~"

"fuck, hoseok."

yoongi let stray tears fall from his eyes, as he punched the wall behind hoseok -making the boy underneath him moan even louder. yoongi's painfully hard dick begged to be inside the smaller boy. the pair made eye contact, the air becoming unbelievably even more electrofied. 

"we shouldn't. but i can't stop myself from this, from you."

and then they kissed, slowly becoming one as yoongi shoved his dick into hoseok and fucked him hard and rough -the movements perfect and precise. it was wrong, but they couldn't stop. they were both crying, only being able to be vulnerable with one another. 

and maybe, just maybe, they can allow themselves to dream of a place where nothing in the world could ever stop them from being together. 

"yoongi, i love you. i know this is wrong and i'm probably going to be hated by my friends but i love you. i love the person you are, so fucking much. i'm so irrevocably in love with you that at first when i realized i was falling i was fucking terrified by the force of my love for you because when i love someone, trust me when i say i fucking love them and i fucking love you, min yoongi. so fucking much. you will always hold my heart, always and forever.

"i love you. i can't stop myself -couldn't when i knew i was falling. and i'm still falling, so, so fucking hard for you. i... i tried so fucking hard to stop myself but i can't because this is what i'm made for bub, you are my fate. and in any other life i know that i, min yoongi will never be able to stray from you and end up falling in love with you because you, jung hoseok, are my other half."

a sniffle. "we're really fucked up."

a coarse laugh. "yeah. yeah we are."

they leaned in to connect their foreheads. "but we have each other, always and forever."

and they sealed their not so empty promises with a searing, beautiful kiss.

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