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the party buzzed around namjoon, the house filled up to the brim as he tried to squeeze through the two bodies that have been squishing him for the past five minutes. namjoon would technically be a tall boy by normal standards, on the contrary of course that the school he went to nursed giants

so, in the school at least, he was still considered quite small.  but, despite his height and the few muscles that decorated his soft body, no matter how much joon pushed -he was stuck. joon sighed, trying to speak to the two boys who were... dancing?

but the loud music drowned out his voice, and soon it wasn't just being squished but being tossed around like a damn ping pong ball. "h-hey, p-please-" toss, toss, toss. joon sighed, giving up before an idea popped up in his head. 

joon dropped to the ground, placing his hands on his head to save any potential damage of someone accidently stepping on him. the bodies high above -instead of bouncing joon around- crashed into each other. joon stepped up, walking a few steps back and jumping up and down to celebrate his freedom.

however, when he looked back at the bodies that were squishing him, despite expecting just a bundle on the ground... the two boys were fighting..? joon's eyes widened, slowly backing out of the room and heading towards the kitchen to avoid any blame. 

in the chaos, it would seem as though he lost his boyfriend as well. joon knew better than to call out for him, there was no way yoongi would ever hear him over the bruisingly loud rap song that was currently playing over the speakers. 

glancing around each room and hall, joon pouted as he found nothing. he was worried about his lover, especially lately. joon didn't want him to be lost, since he may be unfamiliar with tae's house -barely coming to school and all. 

joon headed towards the kitchen, holding only a few people which was a nice change from the chaos that littered behind him. hoping to catch someone he knew, joon glanced around the spacious area -looking for familiar faces. he knew some of these people, but not enough to ask them.

he suddenly caught the eye of none other but park jimin, the captain of the football team who was currently leaning against the sink counter -a cup in hand and a curious tint in his eyes as jimin's eyes captured namjoon's movements. 

even though the two weren't strictly close, they had talked a few times at mutual friend gatherings and joon even cheered for the boy once when he scored an extremely impressive goal -who wouldn't cheer on a friend? 

so, joon headed over towards where jimin was, dodging the couple on his right who were probably seconds away from eating each other alive, making joon grimace. not on the silverware, god

"hey jimin! have you seen yoongi lately?" joon chirped out, a dimpled, cute smile on his face with a small bounce in his step. jimin started, as if he were transfixed for a moment before blinking and coming back to reality. the younger cocked his head, trying to remember if he even saw joon's mysterious lover at all. 

"oh, well i remember seeing him at the beginning of the party but not lately, sorry namjoon. may i ask why though?" jimin questioned, watching the cute smile on joon's face slowly disappear. he was suddenly filled with a need to try and get that smile back, disliking the look on a boy he barely knew's face. 

"well, i was trying to find him since i kind of lost him in well... the crowd." joon gave him a quick apologetic smile, before diverting his attention elsewhere, trying to think where his lover may be or where he could find his friends that may know the answer to that question. 

"actually..." jimin trailed off, examining namjoon before seemingly coming to a conclusion in his mind. "i'm looking for hoseok too."


"yeah, he was with me a second ago but then hobi just... disappeared." jimin's brows furrowed, looking down at his feet. the younger boy didn't like this, how his own lover was disappearing on him so often... and now namjoon's boyfriend too? he didn't have a good feeling about this.

suddenly, joon grabbed jimin's hand -making the younger boy look up in alarm. there was a small flush on joon's cheeks, making jimin oddly happy, but joon just began to lead jimin through the crowds and started to speak.

"yoongi is probably outside, now that i think of it. he'd not too fond of big crowds. and... call it an intuition but i think hoseok is with him too. they're friends, are they not? so, we can look for them together!" 

jimin frowned at the slight breaking in joon's voice, worried about the boy. regardless, he let him lead him towards the door -glaring at anyone in the way of joon who took one look at the older and scoffed, not wanting to move. jimin's glare did the trick though. 

soon, the pair found themselves outside, breathing in the beautiful fresh hair that was an amazing upgrade from the horrid air of drunk breath and vomit inside. the music was now only a distant whisper covered by the wind, tae's house was quite soundproof -allowing tae to have such insane parties and no one in the neighborhood batting an eye on it.

jimin supposed it was also because of the fact that the whole city fucking loved kim taehyung, a national treasure some would say. and he couldn't fault them for that, for tae really was not only a soccer genius but also a very charming person. of course, jimin was better than him in football -but in regard to the charm jimin would have to say he is in quite a league of is own.

joon's hand left jimin's, the older calling out yoongi's name. jimin frowned at the loss of contact, before shaking his head slightly and looking for his lover. where on earth was he? the younger glanced at joon a few times, to find the older attempting to help the few drunk, lost people outside catch a cab. jimin smiled.

he watched as joon's shoulders deflated, and the boy headed back to jimin. "i-i..." joon took a breath, as if he was trying not to cry. he didn't want jimin thinking he was a crybaby, and he honestly wasn't and didn't understand this sudden rush of emotion.

jimin took joon's hand once again, squeezing it in comfort -bringing an unexpected smile on joon's face. "i can't find him. did u find hobi?" jimin shook his head, his own mood slightly going down. "well, we can head back inside then. maybe we missed a room."

just then, a small rustle was heard behind the bushes -making the pair stop in their tracks. then, a moan and a few loud whimpers carried through the wind. joon flushed red completely, embarrassed to be interrupting a couple doing... whatever.

"we should go." joon whispered to jimin, trying to tug on his hand back towards the house. but, jimin stayed still, his face unmoving. 

"...jimin?" joon cautiously asked, his voice still small but his attention on the boy in front of him.

"i know that voice."

jimin marched towards the bushes, bringing joon alongside him. 

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