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"jimin! what are you doing!" joon hissed in a loud whisper, trying to use all his might to drag the charging captain away from the bush and back towards the house. but it was no use, jimin was so much more stronger than him, his muscles flexing as his small yet veiny hand tightened against joon's and brung him towards the rustling bush with him, despite the smaller's whines and protests. 

jimin parted the bush, stepping through it and pulling up to an abrupt stop. joon's eyes still on jimin's face, which was now full of shock, got confused, turning to see what exactly had choked the older so bad. 

joon gasped, tears springing back to his eyes. they found yoongi, and they found hoseok it would seem. except, instead of just sitting normally like friends would do, hoseok was pushed against the tree and moaning loudly, asking for more and more. and there was yoongi, massaging hobi's ass as he pushed his tongue into the younger's mouth and rubbed their crotches together.

"so beautiful, so pretty" were the murmurs that could be heard from yoongi's lips. "y-yoongi-" hoseok whimpered out.  "yoongi, please-"

"we're done, hoseok."

the couple against the tree snapped their heads towards joon and jimin so fast joon would've laughed about it, saying he was surprised their heads didn't snap right off if it weren't for the context they was currently in. so, instead joon stood there, silent as tears ran down his face.

"n-no, shit, jimin-"

"fuck joon-"

"just shut up. you're a fucking asshole. both of you." jimin growled out, fighting his own tears.

joon just stared at his boyfriend. min yoongi. the boy who smiled at his jokes and took care of him when he was overworking himself on projects. min yoongi, the boy who took joon in to his own home when his parents rejected him for being gay. min yoongi... the love of his life?

"joon, please-"

"w-why?" everyone could hear the heartbreaking tremble in joon's voice, the tremble that made jimin more angry than he already was. he squeezed joon's hand in comfort and... encouragement. encouraging joon to breathe. 

it filled namjoon up with foreign hope. he swiped at his tears, not wanting yoongi to see him so broken and looked down. "i'm breaking up with you, y-yoongi." he fucking hated the stutter in his voice... he hated himself just a bit too. was he not good enough for the older?

"i-i hope you and h-hoseok the v-very best. s-sorry." joon said, trying his best not to break down as he stared solely on his untied shoelaces with so much intent, as if there was nothing in the world but those shoelaces.

but it just pissed jimin off more. what the hell was namjoon apologising for? their assholes of boyfriends cheated, not them. jimin spat at the grass in front of them. the motherfuckers weren't even saying anything.

suddenly filled with a want to hurt hoseok in the way that he hurt them, jimin pulled namjoon towards him and kissed him. he could feel the salt of their tears entwining, his soft lips meeting joon's plump, beautiful ones. 

joon wrenched back with a gasp after a few shocked seconds passed, his brain trying to catch up on what just happened. jimin turned to the cheating pair, to find their own hurt and shocked faces. 

"fuck off, and don't ever look at me or joon again."

jimin then turned around and marched to his car, bringing joon alongside with him. he opened the door for the still shocked boy, gently pushing him in and going around to the driver's side and getting in himself.

he sighed, the tension in the car palpable. "i'm sorry... for you know. kissing you. i just-" an exasperated sigh, jimin run his fingers through his hair fighting off the tears. "i wanted them to feel the pain that i... that we felt." 

jimin stared at his lap, waiting for the inevitable slap to come, or the shout or even a small reprimand. but there was none. joon grabbed jimin's hands that were in his lap, rubbing them with his thumbs. jimin... liked the now familiar feelings of namjoon's hands. he selfishly never wanted them to leave.

"it's okay, jimin. i get it." jimin looked up to find the older boy smiling at him. jimin quickly shoved down the need to kiss the boy, looking at the wheel with his own smile. he cleared his throat. "where do you live? i'll drop you off." 

silence filled the car. jimin looked at joon questionly, their hands still entwined except they were in the middle of the car row (i'm not sure what it's called, armrest?). 

"i-i'm sorry b-but... i uh... i live, or used, i-i'm not too s-sure, b-but-"

joon cleared his throat. "i used to live with y-yoongi..."

jimin's eyes widened. "... do you have family here?"

joon shook his head. 

jimin nodded, as if coming to a conclusion, starting the car and heading away from tae's house -where the part still raged on, unaffected by the scene outside. "w-where are we g-going, j-jimin-ah?" joon asked, curious.

the younger boy smiled at the nickname. "my house." he stated simply. jimin hoped he hadn't left his apartment in a mess, he strangely didn't want the older boy to think badly of him. 

"i-i don't want to be a b-bother-"

"nonsense! we... we have to stick together from now on joonie! our... ex's are assholes and that's already something in common! plus, i live by myself anyways. my parents are... comfortable if u must know."

joon smiled. "that's what every rich person says."

the two shared a laugh, the mood going up in the car.

"say, how about we have the damn time of our lives? we'll have our own party!" jimin suggested, lighting up at the thought.

"oo, that's brilliant! we can blast music, a-and jump up and down, and do karaoke, and-" joon rambled off a list of ideas, clearly excited at the idea of what the pair would do when they got to jimin's house. jimin fondly smiled at him.

maybe, just maybe, the two of them would be alright after all. 

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