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it had been a week since the night of the party, the two groups slowly collectively coming closer than ever -one of the reasons due to joon and jimin's sparkling arising friendship. they had all even talked with hoseok and yoongi, and bit by bit the pair themselves were hanging out with them sometimes too. 


"yes, hyunjin?"

"well, i was thinking, right?"

"really? a surprise that is then."

joon giggled as hyunjin's face scrunched, the younger leaning over towards him and nudging him playfully. they sat like that, hyunjin now pressed up against joon's side, his arm around the older's petite waist and one of joon's long legs slung over hyunjin's thighs. 

anyone who glanced at the pair would likely assume they were dating. hyunjin cleared his throat dramatically, leaning in towards joon as he twirled joon's soft fluffy hair in one hand. "as i was saying, before i was so rudely interrupted,"

the older giggled again, unknowingly leaning into hyunjin's chest as his dimples popped out -the sight of which made hyunjin's heart burst. (okay i know this is a minjoon book but like the image of this whilst i'm writing it omg their kinda cute idk if their friends irl but the image of hyunjin n joon in this position makes my heart burst okay bye now)

"what if i took you out to-"

"joon!" a voice interrupted him. hyunjin sighed, closing his eyes as his tongue poked the inside of his cheek -his anger rising as joon leaned away from his chest to focus his sight on the rude intruder. 

the younger nevertheless turned to see as well, finding himself face to face with a frowning jimin who had his arms crossed over. great, he's here. hyunjin thought, finding himself quite annoyed at the amount of times he tried to ask joon out, for only jimin to somehow get in the way. it was more than just annoying, now just plain out ridiculous. it's not like jimin and joon are dating, so why is jimin so damn protective?

"yes, jimin-ah?" 

joon's soft voice calmed hyunjin's nerves, however he didn't like that the beautiful boy's voice was directed to him. hyunjin leaned even closer towards joon, nuzzling his nose into the boy's exposed neck and breathing in his scent. yet, joon still sat completely oblivious as he stared at a glaring jimin curiously. 

"is everything okay, jimin?" 

"yes," you could hear the clench of jimin's jaw. it was an understatement to say jimin was angry, no he was absolutely fucking livid. why couldn't hyunjin just back off what was his? as soon as the thought entered his mind, he shook his head slightly to get it out. joon wasn't his, what was he thinking? jimin supposed it had been a weird week with weird feelings towards the older.

"i just wanted to ask you if you could help me with my math homework. i don't really get the whole solving inequalities thing, or at least regarding the homework he gave us. can we go home and do it together?" 

jimin emphasised the word 'home', looking straight into hyunjin's glare. for the past week, joon has been staying with jimin -a fact all of the friend group knows. but it was simply because joon really had nowhere else to stay. 

"sure! i just need to make a stop at the grocery store since we're running out of oreo ice cream -which is an abomination, mind you!" joon said frustratedly, the idea of being out of oreo ice cream making his simultaneously mad and sad. jimin just smiled fondly at him.

meanwhile, hyunjin fucking hated it. he hated how joon just accepted jimin's house as his home, how the older was saying that they were running out of whatever. hyunjin selfishly wished it was him instead of jimin that the older was staying with -the image of it bringing a smile onto the youngers face.

"sorry, hyunjinnie~ we'll meet up after the weekend, yes?" and then the smile disappeared. the younger didn't want him to leave, ever. but, hyunjin knew he couldn't say anything -especially in front of jimin.  "of course~ see you joonie!"

joon waved as jimin led him out of the library. hyunjin frowned once he left his sight. he need to make joon his, now.

the older boy was passed out, his head leaning on jimin's shoulder as joon snored softly -making the younger smile fondly at him. as carefully as possible, jimin maneuvered joon into his arms, where he carried him to their bedroom, placing him softly on the mattress. 

joon made grabby hands, his eyes closed shut as he looked around for something to cuddle with -his soft hands grabbing onto a pillow, to which he pulled towards him and snuggled in with. jimin smiled, realizing he seemed to be doing that a lot lately.

the younger headed back over to where the pair were previously, cleaning up the scattered pens and sheets into a nice pile -proud of himself for understanding, of course with joon's help that is. the older's brain fascinated jimin in many ways, to the point where whenever joon came up to him talking about whatever -he found himself so immersed in him. 

jimin sighed, coming to the realization that he was avoiding the past week.

i, park jimin, like kim namjoon -and not in the friends way.

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