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jimin was having a bad fucking day. this morning, where he would usually look forward to joon's sleepy face in his bed was spent waking up to a note from joon saying that he was out with hyunjin.

which sucked, horribly. jimin had to make breakfast alone -and every two seconds he would reach for a boy who wasn't there. but... jimin supposed the morning was forgiven for when he trudged into school, all grumpy, and joon was there -apologizing profusely and hugging him tight, sticking by his side for their first classes which (yay!) they had together.

however, when they got separated for fourth period was when it started going downhill. jimin had PE for fourth -as did most of his friends and... hyunjin. and all hyunjin did was talk very, very loudly to vernon about how amazing his joon was. 

all 'the way he giggles' and 'oh, this morning! he was practically on my stupid lap!'. and yeah, maybe jimin added in the stupid part. maybe. 

so to say jimin was in a foul mood was an understatement. he was practically brimming in anger. and he couldn't even see joon for lunch since the older was staying in class to help some dumb student. why does that boy have to be so fucking nice? who cares if the kid failed?

right now jimin's form had a 'study class' so him and his team went outside to the field to practice since they didn't really have anything to study for; summer coming in and all that.

andddd, jimin was fueling all his rage into kicking the stupid balls -which of course resulted in three broken goals and two lost balls. and, just when jimin thought the day couldn't get any worse -joon came out with his class for their own art class; needing to draw nature or something.

and if joon came out alone -jimin would be so much better. but stupid hyunjin just had to come with him, all whispering into his joon's ear and clutching his joon's thighs as he pretended to be scared of that stupid fly. 

but, jimin saw an opportunity when joon got up and headed back into the school -alone.


joon pouts as he tries to look for where the bathrooms were. to be honest, he didn't really need to go to the bathroom -but for jimin looked so good on that field, joon needed an excuse to panic in private. 

the boy hated having to leave jimin this morning, missing his touches and hugs in the morning. but, he had declined hyunjin so many times he started to feel bad for the boy, so he agreed for a morning library friendly date!

joon pouted harder, somehow now in the boy's locker room -wondering if the bathroom just disappeared when someone grabbed him and roughly pushed him into the showers and against the wall.

"j-jimin-" a broken moan left joon's lips as he clutched the younger's strong arms. jimin was holding the boy up with his own body whilst his ring-clad fingers shoved themselves through joon's pretty shorts and into his tight hole.


"what are you doing, huh namjoon?" jimin's long fingers were going up and down so fast that all joon felt was this overwhelming pleasure coursing through every inch of him.

jimin growled, stopping his fingers entirely -much to joon's dismay, the older now trying to bounce up and down on the fingers but stopping due to jimin's bruising grip on his hip.


"i asked you a question. tell me, joon dear. who does this tight hole belong to?"


jimin growled. 

joon's eyes widened as his brain felt less cloudy with the loss of jimin's fingers fucking him throughly. joon blinked rapidly -connecting the dots in his smart pretty brain.

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