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"fuck, he's cute." yeonjun groaned out, raking his hair with his hands.

munch, munch, "mm, soobin-ah?" jimin asked, half focused on the younger with this beautiful sandwich in his hands -made by none other but pretty joonie. 

"who else?"

"didn't you have a crush on that mascot guy for like a week?"

yeonjun shoved jimin, a ludicrous look on his face. "yah! no i didn't!" 

jimin snickered, poking the younger's angry face. "you sure? the whole team -including coach, mind you- thought so cuz' of the way you looked at him."

"huh?!?!!? coach too??? no way! i call b.s. plus, it wasn't lust y'all saw -and can i just say diSGUSTANG- but it was anger!! that stupid mascot guy kept on looking at my soobinnie!" yeonjun grunted out, a pout on his lips as he crossed his arms and glared at jimin -who was just cackling next to him.

"ooo~ your soobinnie, huh?" 

"hmph! whatever jimin." yeonjun huffed out, trying to fight the shit-eating grin creeping up onto his face.

"you really like him, huh?" jimin asked, serious now as he looked at yeonjun. jimin and joon were the only one's aware of yeonjun and soobin's... encounters. 

"yeah, jimin-ah. i really fucking like him. and fuck was i an asshole to him before... and, i have no idea how to tell him that i'm falling in love with him. there's just this, space in my head and whenever i try to let it out and finally tell him -that space in my head just swallows everything and i realize that i'm so, so fucking scared to lose him."

a shaky breath had jimin patting the younger's leg with comfort. and fuck if the sight of yeonjun's blurry eyes with broken hope staring up at the older didn't pang his chest. 

"it's like, i'm scared that this shit that we do -the whole stupid fuck buddies arrangement- is the only way i can ever be closer to him. and if i sabotage that, what if i never have him? but, i wish he didn't think i just wanted him for his body cuz' it's so much more than that. i want him for his pretty dimpled smile that always lifts the weights on my shoulder. i want him for his stupid nerdiness that is so damn cute it makes my heart burst. i want soobin for soobin. and i'm scared i may never have him, jimin-ah. i'm so, so scared."


the younger leaned his head onto the older's shoulder, yeonjun's own shoulders shaking with his sobs. jimin rubbed his back as he took in a breath.

"yeonjun, i get it. it's so, so, scary -the idea of losing the person who has been the one rock for you in the raging storm. love itself, is so fucking terrifying. but, it's also beautiful is it not? the balance of loss and love -give and give or take and take. and love -the confession of it- is it not a leap of faith?"

yeonjun sniffed, his sobs going down as he looked up at jimin with hope in his eyes. jimin ruffled his hair with a smile. "and do we not take leap of faiths everyday? when we take a step, how do we not know the ground won't crumble underneath us leading us to our fateful death? we don't. so, each step in their own way is a leap of faith."

"and, my friend, confessing your feelings to someone like soobin -doesn't that make some of the scariness go away? because we both know who soobin is. he's nice and understanding, and who he is as a person is the very thing that made you like him so bad. so trust in it. trust in him."

"yeah, yeonjun, you were an asshole that time you panicked and told him you only liked him for his body. but we make mistakes yeonjun. we're human, are we not? and you apologized, day after day for it -because you knew it was wrong."

"and he forgave you, even if it took time. so trust in that forgiveness. be brave and take that leap of faith to him. because, if you think about it, that leap of faith across the scary, dark and deep canyon -what's on the other side?"

yeonjun sniffed, wiping his nose harshly with a smile on his face as he leaned away from jimin and let the soft smile light up his face. "soobin is. my soobin-ah."

"thanks, jimin-ah. but -enough of me. what's up with your pretty boy?"

jimin growled. "careful, choi. appreciate -at a distance."

yeonjun cackled, falling back on his back as he howled. "really, jimin? i just went off on soobin, and you think i want your boy? plus, that change! damn, jimin-ah!"

jimin rolled his eyes. "sorry. i'm just on edge cuz' of stupid hyunjin."

"ah~ hyunjin and his very obvious moves on soobin?"

yeonjun could've sworn jimin's chest rumbled. 

"when are you gon' tell him, park?"

jimin looked to the field, where soobin, beomgyu and joon were all sitting and giggling. his throat bobbed. he really liked him, but there was such a fear in him that he would fuck everything up if he told him. plus, that wasn't what they were supposed to be.

it was supposed to be a one time thing. but, jimin just can't get him out of his mind.

and that's exactly what he tells yeonjun.

"dude, if your gon' give me advice -you know you have to listen to it yourself as well, right?"

jimin grumbled, "yeah, yeah. i just... i don't know. i'm waiting for the right time i guess."

"the right time? you've been saying that for a while, park. it's okay to be scared, jimin-ah. it's okay!"

jimin sniffed, raking his hair. "thanks dude. you're great."

yeonjun stilled, and jimin glanced at him before chuckling. "you're trying really hard not to say 'say it on camera for me' aren't you?" yeonjun burst into a sputter. "n-no! plus, you said it; not me!"

the pair laughed before yeonjun got all serious again. "anYWAY, you got to tell joon how you feel soon cuz' one, it's important for both of y'all to be on the same page and two, if you don't do it soon we both know damn well hyunjin's gon swoop in and regardless of joon's feelings -we also know joon's gon' give the boy a try cuz' he's so kind."

jimin frowned at that. "okay. what about on prom? it's coming up soon. or-" yeonjun offered, tilting his head.

"brilliant! wow, genius!"

"i didn't finish-"

"don't ruin my joy dude!"

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