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joon's already set alarm woke the pair up, jimin groaning and tightening his hold on joon. "go away." he muttered, as if the alarm would listen, which it didn't. joon opened his eyes reluctantly, giggling at the annoyed face jimin had on. he tried wiggling out of the death grip to no victory.

"jimin~ we need to go to school-" joon stopped short abruptly, as if only realizing then what had happened the night before. jimin, curious as to what caused the sudden stop, opened his own eyes and widened his eyes when he found a crying namjoon in his arms. 

"no, no, no, why are you crying? please don't cry, joon." jimin started to wipe joon's tears, holding him back in his chest while he reached for the older boy's phone, swiftly turning the piercing alarm off and giving his full attention back to the boy in his arms.

"yoongi~" joon wailed, grabbing jimin's shirt and crying his heart out. joon knew he probably looked like a dumb crybaby in front of the jock, but he couldn't currently care. he was upset and with jimin... he felt like he could show his emotions -even if it was just for a bit.

jimin frowned at the name, rubbing circles onto joon's back. "he's an ass, don't think about that cheating fucker." joon sniffed in his chest, "i-i'm sorry too, about h-hoseok." jimin's mood deflated. a part of him, the part that he showed everyone at school, wanted to just give the boy a deflecting smile and pretend it was okay. 

but with joon it was different. so jimin just hugged joon tight, letting his actions convey his emotions. and joon understood perfectly. he suddenly sat up, crossing his arms with a determined expression on his face. 

"today, when we go to school, we're g-going to confront them! we deserve an apology at the very least!" joon said confidently, pouting slightly. jimin just shook his head with a laugh, stretching his arms and legs across the big, fluffy bed.

jimin suddenly stopped, looking at namjoon. the latter was confused at the abruptness, cocking his head in confusion before jimin snorted, and joon caught his eyes looking at... his neck? he looked down confused, before letting out a loud squeak, falling off the bed only to get right back up and search for something to cover his naked body. 

the older could hear jimin's deep laughs from his bed, and pouted -letting out his own equally loud 'hmph!'. jimin got up to find namjoon in the living room, sliding the shirt over his head. 

"last night was dumb, we probably shouldn't have done that." joon said, turning to see jimin. a pang hit jimin, but he pushed the feeling away. "the alcohol really got to us, huh?" jimin snorted, giving joon a slight shove. the pair laughed, their mood's already uplifted. 

"want breakfast?"

"sure, i don't have any allergies or anything so you can make whatever."

"알았어~" ('okay~')

"hey jimin?" joon asks, hopping up on the counter and fightin a blush when he remembers what happened last night on the same. "yeah?" the older fiddled with his fingers. "we... we can still be f-friends right?" he asked wearily, scared he was going to lose the younger.

joon felt... nice when he was with jimin. he didn't want to stop talking to him after today of anything. the older suddenly felt hands gripping his face, forcing him to look up into the piercing gaze of jimin. 

"joon-ah, just cuz' we haven't talked much before this, doesn't mean we're going to go back to that now! we have to stick together, so now we're going to be like..." jimin's mouth twisted, as if he was trying to find something to compare the pair to.

"two peas in a pod?" joon asked, smiling at the youngers antics. "yes! that's the one!" the pair giggled, jimin returning to his chef place and joon going to get ready. maybe today wouldn't be so bad after all. 

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