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"yah! joonie baby~ what are you doing? it's saturday!" jimin whined out, sliding his arm around the older's slim waist -the latter of which was propped up on a stool on the small bar table surrounded by sheets and sheets of lyrics.

joon liked to write lyrics to music when he was feeling bored. the older boy tried to fight the flutter of butterflies at the baby and the strong arm around his waist -the younger boy now resting his chin on joon's shoulder and looking at the papers.

flushing red, joon stammered for an answer. "i-i, w-well, uh..." "you write music?" jimin curiously asked, looking at the sheets intently with... awe and wonder. a beautiful feeling too close to love bloomed in joon's chest at that. no one ever looked at his music like that.

"yeah... sometimes. what were you talking about saturday though? i'm aware of the day jiminie!" joon whined, scrunching up his nose as he smiled and pinched jimin's cheek. the younger smiled fondly at him, nuzzling his nose into the older's soft neck and breathing in that beautiful scent of his.

"it's the weekend, so we should be out having an adventure!"

"an a-adventure?"

a nod, jimin still breathing in joon's scent.

"but why?"

jimin looked up at that, chuckling. he picked joon up effortlessly, earning a yelp from the older as jimin carried him to their bedroom. jimin smiled at the thought, their bedroom

"because it's the weekend, duh! now get ready, we're going on an adventure~"


"hey! y'all are finally here!" tae shouted out, waving his arms wide whilst he stood tall on the big rock on the cliff -where most of their group currently were; talking and laughing amongst themselves. 

joon supposed his closest 'nerd' friends had been dragged here too; hyuka by kook and soobin by yeonjun. kook was currently laughing at hyuka's horrible attempts at balancing himself on... the ground? and soobin and yeonjun were with chan and felix -the four of them listening intently to vernon's storytelling, woozi by his side.

taehyun and gyu, the cheerleader of which was practically sat on taehyun's lap as they both watched joon and jimin arrive -waving with small smiles.

and there was jin, who was seated on a rock by tae; looking up at the jock fondly. jimin shared a look with joon, the two of them speaking through their eyes as they headed over to their chaotic but loving friend group.

although no one ever said anything about the obvious couples, joon and jimin had come up with six theories. 1. vernon and woozi were definitely dating -if not fucking at the very least. 2. the jock who thought love was stupid, yeonjun is basically fallen head over heels for soobin and soobin -who also ironically thought soulmates aren't real- looks at yeonjun like he's his whole world. 

3. taehyun and beomgyu are fucking -and jimin and joon are 99% sure there are feelings involved. 4. chan is whipped for felix and felix thinks of chan as his knight in shining armor. 5. jin really likes tae and tae hates the idea of anyone getting with jin who isn't him. and last but certainly not least, 6. hyuka and jungkook are totally falling in love with each other -banter and all.

(i feel like i just dumped a whol load truck of information on you guys. soru)

sure, maybe jimin and joon were just ye old pair of hopeless romantics but what they were not is blind to their friends... love. and as the sun slowly came down, and as hours passed -joon felt a part of him open up. laughing and giggling with his friends -sharing stories and adventuring out to new areas soon had the group now situated near a sparkling late whilst the moon shone over them.

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