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it's finally the day of jimin's big match. coach had pulled him aside separately; advising the boy to do his very best today since there were some very, very important scouts at this game. jimin's team had an amazing coach, who was attentive and helped their needs.

the only reason coach pulled jimin aside alone, was because he not only needed to advise jimin, but needed to make sure jimin was focused. coach wasn't dumb; he considered these boys his sons. so, every time after practice when that fluffy, tall, dimpled boy ran up to his star pupil -he didn't miss the way they looked at each other with that fond, loving look in their eyes.

and he also didn't miss the way jimin was glaring just a few minutes ago at some other boy who clearly had the hots for jimin's tall, dimpled, boy -hyunjin, he thinks. and, jimin clearly wasn't happy about the hand hyunjin had on namjoon-shi's thigh. but this game was important, and he needed jimin in the right headspace.

so he pulled him aside and gave him a piece of advise. it must have worked, since jimin was currently dribbling past five of the best defenders in the damn country -a fierce, competitive look on his face as he ran past, grinning. 

and the coach's smile grew even wider when he saw two things in the corner of his eye. one of the said scouts smiling and pointing at jimin as he watched the boy score yet another goal. and, when he saw namjoon jump up and down with a hop -that other boy's hand slipping off his thigh at the sudden movement, much to his dismay- and cheering jimin on loudly.

jimin snapped his head towards the sound, his grin turning into a beam as he smacked his hand to his mouth and blew a kiss at the older boy; who dramatically received it giggling. 


jimin's team won; but it wasn't easy. the game had twisted and turned for both teams, but with taehyung and kook's teamwork, they were able to finally grab the ball. and together, they passed it to jimin (who miraculously caught it and zig-zagged through the cluster of people who were assigned to blocking him) who finally passed the ball to yeonjun -who scored a stunning final goal. 

felix, hoseok and beomgyu were doing their little pompom dance, giggling to each other and cheering loudly when there was only the jocks and their whole, very big, group left -give or take a few others who lingered. and, that was when a magical thing happened. 

bang chan marched up to felix, in his hands a beautiful bouquet of flowers. felix turned to him, a smile already lighting his face before he realized what the older was holding. the small boy's jaw dropped, disbelieving it. but, chan finally told him.

"lee-yongbok, i have known you for three years. and in those three years, i have fallen more and more in love with you with each passing day. will you be my boyfriend? will you be my lover who i promise to catch and shower you with the love you deserve? will you take my hand, lix?"

felix was crying, a hand on his mouth to try and stop his sobs. the whole football field was so quiet you could hear a pin drop: everyone holding in their breaths to see what his answer would be. but there felix was, running right into chan's open arms and wrapping his legs around him. 

chan eye's widened, a smile breaking out as he discreetly tugged the smaller's skirt down so no one would see beneath it. "yes! oh my god, channie! a hundred times yes, forever yes..."

and then they were sealing their love with a searing kiss; and everyone was cheering and smiling at it. and, as if he was suddenly filled with a surging hope -no one other than jungkook marched over to hyuka (who was watching chanlix with a wide smile) and grabbed his face with those big hands, making hyuka blush and wide-eyed.

"i think i'm falling in love with you." and before hyuka could even respond, kook smashed his lips to hyuka's, their mouths moving in sync. hyuka quickly kissed back, his hands going to the older's hair and pulling it as his legs lifted around kook's waist.  

there was a minute of shocked silence before tae suddenly said, "i mean, we all knew." everyone, as if bought out of their trance, started chuckling. hyuka reluctantly leaned back from kook's eating kiss to smile at his friends -much to kook's clear dismay.

tae cleared his throat. "well, since everyone's confessing their love apparently, i have an announcement to make." no one tried to hide their glances at jin who had a faint pink blush over his cheeks.

"really, tae? you too?" yeonjun scoffed, despite his own arm which was slung over soobin's waist possessively. jimin scoffed at the sight, earning a glare from the younger to 'shut the fuck up'.

tae dramatically threw a hand to his forehead, saying in a very bad british accent "i'm in love with yeontan~ oh will thou ever return my love!?! yeontan? where art thou!?!" surprised chuckled sounded throughout the field; everyone shocked the boy didn't confess his obvious fascination to jin. jin, who just smiled at tae lovingly.

"oh, yeah also me and jin have been secretly dating for like a month now so i guess i can't marry yeontan; unless...?"  tae suddenly said, finger-gunning jin who had his jaw on the floor at the sudden revelation. 

silence again, until "pshhh" aaand that was vernon; who had beautifully spit out his milkshake. "wHAT??? AND YOU DIDN'T TELL US??? friendship? GONE!" kook shouted out, his hand now slung over hyuka's waist as he looked at tae with dismay and betrayal. 

as everyone else butted in with their two bits, jimin glanced to his side where namjoon was and frowned. apparently, he wasn't the only one staring at the fluffy, beautiful boy who he wished to have kids with one day which isn't even reLATED but yeah. 

hyunjin was also staring at joon, with a clear as day message on his face -a want to confess his own love to joon. but jimin was having none of that. he clenched his jaw, glaring at hyunjin whilst going behind the older and wrapping him in his strong arms.

joon gasped at the sudden feeling, blushing slightly when he realized who it was exactly before nestling into the younger's hold comfortably. jimin smirked, still glaring at hyunjin who was now glaring right back at the boy.

jimin lifted an eyebrow in challenge, making hyunjin scoff before turning back to their friends. the boy then looked at the beautiful, clumsy boy in his arms with a fond smile. jimin needed to tell joon what he was feeling, soon. because the idea of anyone else -especially dumb hyunjin (OMG IM SO SORRY HYUNJIN FOR WRITING THAT) having his baby. 

in fact, the idea itself had jimin tightening his hold on joon. 


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