Love will come

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Love will come towards you,
Feelings will erupt like a volcano,
Emotions will fly between you.
Hearts vibrating and recognizing,
Lots of holding and loosing yourselves,
A  heaven for lovers

For the fingers of love is passion.
He will touch and mark you sweetly,
Tease your body and make you melt.
Arouse beautiful desires in you,
Pour poetry into your ears all day
Until he runs out of it.

Where he can take you,
What he can do to you,
How he sounds while love drunk,
It will be for you to find out.
You will smell it,
It will radiate from him,
You will be slowly  drawn to it.

He will loose himself into you,
Just the way you like it.
Pen down his most secret thoughts ,
And they will write your name.
Bring peace to your inner struggles,
For he will be fucking committed,
To loving you recklessly.
To complete you.

Love will come towards you,
It will move to you,
Right there,
Where you are,
Towards you.

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