Epilogue: Happy Ever After

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"Wakey wakey princess" I heard someone mumble as I open my eyes

"Huh? What are you doing here?" I ask,  curious why did he came to my house this early

"I wanna take you out since I'm free today, same goes to you" He said

"Okay, let me get ready-" I was cut off when a fluffy thing jump into my embrace.

"Yeontan! You're here too! Aww I miss you so much and that's because of your daddy is so busy these day" I said while playfully glaring at Tae

"Geez, you only miss Yeontan, I see" He said while laying down on my bed

"I'm kidding, of course I miss you too" I said while playing with his hair

-Chill Coffee-

"I want a bluberry pancake and an iced americano please" I ordered my breakfast

"I would like a... French toast and ice chocolate drink" Tae said

"That's all?" The waiter ask and we nod as he leave

"Where are we going after this?" I ask

"You'll see" He replied

-Han River Park-

"We're paintings?" I ask Tae

"Exactly, just paint anything" He said

"Tae, you know I'm not good at painting" I replied

"No, I know you are good with it" He said

"Fine" I look around to find inspiration, then I decided to paint this view in front of me.

Han River. I paint and paint and paint until I didn't realize Tae had already finished his. The last thing I paint is Yeontan in it...playing on the grass.

"I'm done!" I said

"I told you, you're good at painting...that is so beautiful! Even Yeontan colours is perfect" He complement

"Thank you Tae. Let me see your's!" I exclaimed

He turn his canvas at me and there's words and a little decoration around it? What does it said?





Pretty please?

"Huhh? I-"


"I mean like...sureee but.. Is this real?" I ask, still not believing it.

"Of course, why would I be lying" He said

"Ohh wow..." I said and look at him.

"It's a yes?" he ask

"Yes!" I exclaimed and hug him

"Hehehe you're so cute when you're shook"


"Are you ready Y/n?" Jaemin unnie ask

"Yep" I answered

"Woah you look beautiful! I can't believe you're gonna get married already" she said

"Me too" I said while chuckling

"Let's go, your father is waiting at the aisle" She said and I nod

I go to my father and walk down the aisle with him. When I am in front of Tae, he form his box smile as I chuckled.

"You both may kiss" The priest said as Tae pull me towards him and kiss me for a good 4 sec.


rd person POV

"Minhyun, carefully or you'll fall" Y/n said to her 4 years old daughter who is playing with her father at the park

She look at them with adoration that no on can stop it. From her eyes, everyone could tell that she loves her family so much. Her husband, Taehyung approach her and sit beside her with the same box smile and they smile to each as Taehyung kiss Y/N's cheek... Who knows an internet friend could being your love of your life? It is indeed a happy ever after.

Yeet, I did the epilogue cause someone want it. QEZIXkith I did it, so don't hold your breath LMAO. Sorry if it's cringe? I've still done it lol. Enjoy your day. Thank you for everyone who read and vote for this story. I really appreciate it! Borahaeeee💜💜💜💜

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