The Day

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05user help me doing story like giving me some ideas. Thanks to her. Love you! Let's start shall we?

-Next Day-

I need to go to school like usual. I go to shower and my thought trail to Tae. I'm curious what's he gonna wear. Will he be fine? Will he make a mess? And the main thing...will he fall for me? Nah... we promised. If he fall for me...then that's his fault. I mean...I know I'm beautiful and humble *hair flips*. I finished showering as I wear my uniform. I mean of course after wiping myself off tho. I go down and eat breakfast with my family.

"Excited for this dinner!" Mom exclaimed

"Isn't Y/n who should be more excited than you?" Dad ask while smiling

"Shut up. I know you're excited too" Mom reply

"Eh? Aren't you excited Y/n?" Yoongi oppa ask teasing

"Yeay!" I said, tried to sound excited as I glare at him and he just stick his tounge out.

//Time Skip//
-Lunch time-

I stand up after hearing the bell rang. I have no appetite to eat so I just decide to chill at the student council room.

"Y/n wait!" Tae call me as I look at him with my eyes halfway to close. I'm sleepy.

"Where are you going?" He ask

"Student council room. Don't have appetite to eat" I said

"Can I follow?" He ask and I nod as he followed me.

When we arrive, I open the door and saw all of my friend eating there. I slump on a sofa as I watch them eat while Tae joining them.

"You don't want to eat?" Jin oppa ask

"I don't felt like eating" I said getting even sleepy.

"Hmm okay" he reply and soon, I drift to sleep.

Kim Taehyung POV

"So you're gonna come to my house tonight?" Yoongi hyung ask

"Yea" I said

"Why didn't you ask us to join?" Jimin hyung ask

"Oh...he come as a fake boyfriend of Y/n. Right Y/n?" Yoongi hyung ask as we didn't hear any reply. We all look at her and saw her fast asleep on the sofa.

"Wait...why is he being a fake boyfriend to Y/n?" Joon hyung ask

" arranged married with...Jimin. They both don't want to married each other so...y/n decide to make Tae to be her fake boyfriend to cancel the arranged married" Yoongi hyung reply

Park Jimin POV

I never said I don't want to married her. She's the one who made decision without telling me. My freaking heart drop that morning when mom told me Y/n already has boyfriend. But what can I do? She already made her decision. But I'm still jealous tho. I thought to myself.

Min Yoongi POV

"Aww... why didn't you want to married her Jimin-ssi?" Jungkook ask

"Hahaha...I have someone I love" Jimin said but he seems rather off these day. I don't know why. He smile and laughs seems fake. He didn't even join us when we're hanging out. Something's fishy.

"Ayy...but this is shocking tho. Suddenly Y/n need to married with Jimin" Hobi said

"Yeah it is...even for me" I said

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