Annoying boy

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-7 a.m.-
-Min Y/n POV-

I wake up at the sound of my alarm ringing.  I slam the off button and groan. I hate school. I really hate school. And as a student council there's more works to do. I stand up and head to the bathroom.

After I finish showering, I grab my uniform. Black and blue box skirts that land on my knees atleast I didn't wear it above my thighs like those biatch at school(a/n: no offense if your uniform skirt is short.) A dark blue sleeveless knitted shirts with dark blue long sleeve vest and lastly the black bow that will choke me the whole day. I tied my hair in high ponytails, grab my backpacks and I head downstairs and saw Yoongi oppa eating breakfast with our parent.

"Come eat'll be late hun" Mom said

"Don't worry...Mr.Cha is a fast driver and a really careful driver at the same time" I wink at her and started to eat my cereal as Yoongi oppa finish his.

I finish my cereal and go to wear my shoes. I ran up to the car as I go in and saw Yoongi oppa again.

"Good morning Mr.Cha" I greet our driver.

"Morning y/n~" he flash a smile

"Wohooooo~" Yoongi oppa suddenly cheer while looking at his phone

"What happen?" I ask

"My old bestfriend is going to move at our school today!" He yell

"Yah! You don't need to yell!" I yell back

"Then why are you yelling back?!" He ask as Mr. Cha just chuckle at us

"Just because" I said as turn on my phone and check my student council group in Whatsapp.

Just to know who will tour that new boy around the school. Please don't be me...I look at the text and guess's me.

Joonie oppa:
Good morning to everyone... today one new transferred boy will move to our school.
Name: Kim Taehyung
Age: 17 years old
Behavior: Good
So I need Min Y/n to tour him around school. Please. If I'm not busy today I will definitely tour him around since he is my old bestfriend but I'm busy today. Can you do it y/n?

Jin oppa:
I miss himmmm


Hobi oppa:
He made a comeback for us!

Sure Joonie oppa...since he are you guys old bestfriend.

Jin oppa:
Trust me...he's a good boy

Alright...Pink princess.

Jin oppa:
Don't call me that! It's private information !

Are you kidding me?
Everyone knows you're a Pink princess.

I open another group that include Jin, Joonie, Hobi, Yoongi, Jimin oppa and Jungkook in it.

Joonie oppa:
Kim Taehyung will transfer to our school! Today!

Kim Taehyung? Taehyung?! TAE HYUNG?!

Jin oppa:
Yesh it's him Kook

Jiminie oppa:
Can't wait to meet him!

Why didn't I know this Taehyung guy? But you guys did said that he is your old bestfriend.

He didn't usually came to our we need to go to his. Remember everytime I told you I want to go to my weird friend house? That's him


I turn off my phone and close my eyes. Another work. This is what I meant by 'more works' when you are part of student council. I didn't even know why I chose to be a student council at the first place.

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